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ethnobotanyR — 0.1.9

Calculate Quantitative Ethnobotany Indices

EthSEQ — 3.0.2

Ethnicity Annotation from Whole-Exome and Targeted Sequencing Data

etl — 0.4.1

Extract-Transform-Load Framework for Medium Data

ETLUtils — 1.5

Utility Functions to Execute Standard Extract/Transform/Load Operations (using Package 'ff') on Large Data

etm — 1.1.1

Empirical Transition Matrix

etrader — 0.1.5

'ETRADE' API Interface for R

etree — 0.1.0

Classification and Regression with Structured and Mixed-Type Data

etrm — 1.0.1

Energy Trading and Risk Management

etrunct — 0.1

Computes Moments of Univariate Truncated t Distribution

etwfe — 0.4.0

Extended Two-Way Fixed Effects

EuclideanSD — 0.1.0

An Euclidean View of Center and Spread

Euclimatch — 1.0.1

Euclidean Climatch Algorithm

eudract — 1.0.1

Creates Safety Results Summary in XML to Upload to EudraCT, or

eufmdis.adapt — 0.1.0

Analyse 'EuFMDiS' Output Files via a Shiny App

EUfootball — 0.0.1

Football Match Data of European Leagues

eulerian — 1.0

eulerian: A package to find eulerian paths from graphs

eulerr — 7.0.2

Area-Proportional Euler and Venn Diagrams with Ellipses

eummd — 0.1.9

Efficient Univariate Maximum Mean Discrepancy

eunis.habitats — 0.1.0

EUNIS Habitat Classification

Eunomia — 2.0.0

Standard Dataset Manager for Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership Common Data Model Sample Datasets

eurlex — 0.4.8

Retrieve Data on European Union Law

eurocordexr — 0.2.4

Makes it Easier to Work with Daily 'netCDF' from EURO-CORDEX RCMs

eurodata — 1.7.0

Fast and Easy Eurostat Data Import and Search

euroleaguer — 0.2.0

'Euroleague basketball API'

europeanaR — 0.1.0

Interact with Metadata Records and Media on the Europeana Repository

europepmc — 0.4.3

R Interface to the Europe PubMed Central RESTful Web Service

europop — 0.3.1

Historical Populations of European Cities, 1500-1800

EurosarcBayes — 1.1

Bayesian Single Arm Sample Size Calculation Software

eurostat — 4.0.0

Tools for Eurostat Open Data

eva — 0.2.6

Extreme Value Analysis with Goodness-of-Fit Testing

evabic — 0.1.1

Evaluation of Binary Classifiers

Evacluster — 0.1.0

Evaluation Clustering Methods for Disease Subtypes Diagnosis

evalITR — 1.0.0

Evaluating Individualized Treatment Rules

evalR — 0.0.1

Evaluation of Unverified Code

evaluate — 1.0.0

Parsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default

EvaluateCore — 0.1.3

Quality Evaluation of Core Collections

EvaluationMeasures — 1.1.0

Collection of Model Evaluation Measure Functions

EValue — 4.1.3

Sensitivity Analyses for Unmeasured Confounding and Other Biases in Observational Studies and Meta-Analyses

evapoRe — 1.0.0

Evapotranspiration R Recipes

Evapotranspiration — 1.16

Modelling Actual, Potential and Reference Crop Evapotranspiration

EVchargcost — 0.1.0

Computes and Plot the Optimal Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicles

evclass — 2.0.2

Evidential Distance-Based Classification

evclust — 2.0.3

Evidential Clustering

EvCombR — 0.1-4

Evidence Combination in R

evd — 2.3-7.1

Functions for Extreme Value Distributions

evdbayes — 1.1-3

Bayesian Analysis in Extreme Value Theory

event — 1.1.1

Event History Procedures and Models

eventdataR — 0.3.1

Event Data Repository

EventDetectGUI — 0.3.0

Graphical User Interface for the 'EventDetectR' Package

EventDetectR — 0.3.5

Event Detection Framework

eventglm — 1.2.2

Regression Models for Event History Outcomes

eventInterval — 1.3

Sequential Event Interval Analysis

eventPred — 0.2.6

Event Prediction

EventPredInCure — 1.0

Event Prediction Including Cured Population

eventstream — 0.1.1

Streaming Events and their Early Classification

eventstudyr — 1.1.3

Estimation and Visualization of Linear Panel Event Studies

eventTrack — 1.0.3

Event Prediction for Time-to-Event Endpoints

EventWinRatios — 1.0.0

Event-Specific Win Ratios for Terminal and Non-Terminal Events

evgam — 1.0.0

Generalised Additive Extreme Value Models

EVI — 0.2.0-0

Epidemic Volatility Index as an Early-Warning Tool

evian — 2.1.0

Evidential Analysis of Genetic Association Data

evidence — 0.8.10

Analysis of Scientific Evidence Using Bayesian and Likelihood Methods

evidenceFactors — 1.8

Reporting Tools for Sensitivity Analysis of Evidence Factors in Observational Studies

EvidenceSynthesis — 0.5.0

Synthesizing Causal Evidence in a Distributed Research Network

evident — 1.0.4

Evidence Factors in Observational Studies

EviewsR — 0.1.6

A Seamless Integration of 'EViews' and R

evilDice — 1.0

Test Dice Sets for Intransitive Properties

evinf — 0.8.10

Inference with Extreme Value Inflated Count Data

evir — 1.7-4

Extreme Values in R

evitaicossa — 0.0-1

Antiassociative Algebra

evmix — 2.12

Extreme Value Mixture Modelling, Threshold Estimation and Boundary Corrected Kernel Density Estimation

evobiR — 1.1

Comparative and Population Genetic Analyses

evola — 1.0.2

Evolutionary Algorithm

evolMap — 1.2.33

Dynamic and Interactive Maps

evolqg — 0.3-4

Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics

EvolutionaryGames — 0.1.2

Important Concepts of Evolutionary Game Theory

evolvability — 2.0.0

Calculation of Evolvability Parameters

Evomorph — 0.9

Evolutionary Morphometric Simulation

evoper — 0.5.0

Evolutionary Parameter Estimation for 'Repast Simphony' Models

EvoPhylo — 0.3.2

Pre- And Postprocessing of Morphological Data from Relaxed Clock Bayesian Phylogenetics

evoTS — 1.0.3

Analyses of Evolutionary Time-Series

evprof — 1.1.2

Electric Vehicle Charging Sessions Profiling and Modelling

evreg — 1.1.1

Evidential Regression

evsim — 1.5.0

Electric Vehicle Charging Sessions Simulation

evt0 — 1.1.5

Mean of Order P, Peaks over Random Threshold Hill and High Quantile Estimates

evtclass — 1.0

Extreme Value Theory for Open Set Classification - GPD and GEV Classifiers

evtree — 1.0-8

Evolutionary Learning of Globally Optimal Trees

EWGoF — 2.2.2

Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Exponential and Two-Parameter Weibull Distributions

ewoc — 0.3.0

Escalation with Overdose Control

EWOC.Comb — 1.0

Escalation with Overdose Control using 2 Drug Combinations

ewp — 0.1.1

An Empirical Model for Underdispersed Count Data

EwR — 1.4

Econometrics with R

EWS — 0.2.0

Early Warning System

EWSmethods — 1.3.1

Forecasting Tipping Points at the Community Level

Exact — 3.3

Unconditional Exact Test

exact.n — 1.1.1

Exact Samples Sizes and Inference for Clinical Trials with Binary Endpoint

exact2x2 — 1.6.9

Exact Tests and Confidence Intervals for 2x2 Tables

exactamente — 0.1.1

Explore the Exact Bootstrap Method

exactci — 1.4-4

Exact P-Values and Matching Confidence Intervals for Simple Discrete Parametric Cases

ExactCIdiff — 2.1

Inductive Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Proportions

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