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ECOSolveR — 0.5.5

Embedded Conic Solver in R

ecospace — 1.4.2

Simulating Community Assembly and Ecological Diversification Using Ecospace Frameworks

ecospat — 4.1.1

Spatial Ecology Miscellaneous Methods

ecostats — 1.2.1

Code and Data Accompanying the Eco-Stats Text (Warton 2022)

ecostatscale — 1.1

Statistical Scaling Functions for Ecological Systems

EcotoneFinder — 0.2.3

Characterising and Locating Ecotones and Communities

ecotox — 1.4.4

Analysis of Ecotoxicology

ecotoxicology — 1.0.1

Methods for Ecotoxicology

ECOTOXr — 1.1.1

Download and Extract Data from US EPA's ECOTOX Database

ecotraj — 0.1.1

Ecological Trajectory Analysis

EcoTroph — 1.6.1

An Implementation of the EcoTroph Ecosystem Modelling Approach

ecoval — 1.2.9

Procedures for Ecological Assessment of Surface Waters

EcoVirtual — 1.1

Simulation of Ecological Models

ecp — 3.1.6

Non-Parametric Multiple Change-Point Analysis of Multivariate Data

ecpc — 3.1.1

Flexible Co-Data Learning for High-Dimensional Prediction

ecpdist — 0.2.1

Extended Chen-Poisson Lifetime Distribution

ecr — 2.1.1

Evolutionary Computation in R

ectotemp — 0.2.0

Quantitative Estimates of Small Ectotherm Temperature Regulation Effectiveness

ECTSVR — 0.1.0

Cointegration Based Support Vector Regression Model

ECTTDNN — 0.1.0

Cointegration Based Timedelay Neural Network Model

Ecume — 0.9.2

Equality of 2 (or k) Continuous Univariate and Multivariate Distributions

eCV — 0.0.2

Enhanced Coefficient of Variation and IDR Extensions for Reproducibility Assessment

ed50 — 0.1.1

Estimate ED50 and Its Confidence Interval

ed50simulation — 0.1.1

Estimate ED50 and Its Confidence Interval

eda4treeR — 1.1.0

Experimental Design and Analysis for Tree Improvement

EDCimport — 0.4.1

Import Data from EDC Software

edcpR — 1.0.1

Ecological Data Collection and Processing Package

eddington — 4.2.0

Compute a Cyclist's Eddington Number

edeaR — 0.9.4

Exploratory and Descriptive Event-Based Data Analysis

edecob — 1.2.2

Event Detection Using Confidence Bounds

edf — 1.0.0

Read Data from European Data Format (EDF and EDF+) Files

edfReader — 1.2.1

Reading EDF(+) and BDF(+) Files

EDFtest — 0.1.0

Goodness of Fit Based on Empirical Distribution Function

edfun — 0.2.0

Creating Empirical Distribution Functions

edgar — 2.0.7

Tool for the U.S. SEC EDGAR Retrieval and Parsing of Corporate Filings

edgarWebR — 1.1.0

SEC Filings Access

edgebundle — 0.4.2

Algorithms for Bundling Edges in Networks and Visualizing Flow and Metro Maps

edgebundleR — 0.1.4

Circle Plot with Bundled Edges

edgeCorr — 1.0

Spatial Edge Correction

edgedata — 0.2.0

Datasets that Support the EDGE Server DIY Logic

edibble — 1.1.1

Encapsulating Elements of Experimental Design

ediblecity — 0.2.1

Modeling Urban Agriculture at City Scale

edina — 0.1.1

Bayesian Estimation of an Exploratory Deterministic Input, Noisy and Gate Model

EDISON — 1.1.1

Network Reconstruction and Changepoint Detection

editbl — 1.0.5

'DT' Extension for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Applications in 'shiny'

editData — 0.1.8

'RStudio' Addin for Editing a 'data.frame'

eDITH — 1.0.0

Model Transport of Environmental DNA in River Networks

editrules — 2.9.5

Parsing, Applying, and Manipulating Data Cleaning Rules

EDIutils — 1.0.3

An API Client for the Environmental Data Initiative Repository

edl — 1.1

Toolbox for Error-Driven Learning Simulations with Two-Layer Networks

edlibR — 1.0.2

R Integration for Edlib, the C/C++ Library for Exact Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Edit (Levenshtein) Distance

eDMA — 1.5-3

Dynamic Model Averaging with Grid Search

edmcr — 0.2.0

Euclidean Distance Matrix Completion Tools

edmdata — 1.2.0

Data Sets for Psychometric Modeling

EDMeasure — 1.2.0

Energy-Based Dependence Measures

EDNE.EQ — 1.0

Implements the EDNE-Test for Equivalence

EDOIF — 0.1.3

Empirical Distribution Ordering Inference Framework (EDOIF)

EDOtrans — 0.2.5

Euclidean Distance-Optimized Data Transformation

edstan — 1.0.6

Stan Models for Item Response Theory

EdSurvey — 4.0.7

Analysis of NCES Education Survey and Assessment Data

educationdata — 0.1.3

Retrieve Records from the Urban Institute's Education Data Portal API

educineq — 0.1.0

Compute and Decompose Inequality in Education

edwards97 — 0.1.1

Langmuir Semi-Empirical Coagulation Model

eefAnalytics — 1.1.1

Robust Analytical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions using Randomised Controlled Trials Designs

eegkit — 1.0-4

Toolkit for Electroencephalography Data

eegkitdata — 1.1

Electroencephalography Toolkit Datasets

EEM — 1.1.1

Read and Preprocess Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Data

eemdARIMA — 0.1.0

EEMD Based Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average Model

EEMDelm — 0.1.1

Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Variant Based ELM Model

EEMDlstm — 0.1.0

EEMD Based LSTM Model for Time Series Forecasting

EEMDSVR — 0.1.0

Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Variant Based Support Vector Regression Model

eemdTDNN — 0.1.0

EEMD and Its Variant Based Time Delay Neural Network Model

EEML — 0.1.1

Ensemble Explainable Machine Learning Models

eemR — 1.0.1

Tools for Pre-Processing Emission-Excitation-Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Data

eeptools — 1.2.5

Convenience Functions for Education Data

eesim — 0.1.0

Simulate and Evaluate Time Series for Environmental Epidemiology

EESPCA — 0.7.0

Eigenvectors from Eigenvalues Sparse Principal Component Analysis (EESPCA)

ef — 1.2.0

Modelling Framework for the Estimation of Salmonid Abundance

EFA.dimensions —

Exploratory Factor Analysis Functions for Assessing Dimensionality

EFA.MRFA — 1.1.2

Dimensionality Assessment Using Minimum Rank Factor Analysis

EFAfactors — 1.0.0

Determining the Number of Factors in Exploratory Factor Analysis

EFAtools — 0.4.4

Fast and Flexible Implementations of Exploratory Factor Analysis Tools

EFAutilities — 2.1.3

Utility Functions for Exploratory Factor Analysis

efdm — 0.2.1

Simulate Forest Resources with the European Forestry Dynamics Model

EFDR — 1.3

Wavelet-Based Enhanced FDR for Detecting Signals from Complete or Incomplete Spatially Aggregated Data

eff2 — 1.0.2

Efficient Least Squares for Total Causal Effects

effClust — 0.8.0

Calculate Effective Number of Clusters for a Linear Model

EffectLiteR — 0.5-1

Average and Conditional Effects

effectR — 1.0.2

Predicts Oomycete Effectors

effects — 4.2-2

Effect Displays for Linear, Generalized Linear, and Other Models

effectsize — 0.8.9

Indices of Effect Size

effectsizescr — 0.1.0

Indices for Single-Case Research

EffectStars — 1.9-1

Visualization of Categorical Response Models

EffectStars2 — 0.1-3

Effect Stars

EffectTreat — 1.1

Prediction of Therapeutic Success

EfficientMaxEigenpair — 0.1.4

Efficient Initials for Computing the Maximal Eigenpair

efflog — 1.0

The Causal Effects for a Causal Loglinear Model

effsize — 0.8.1

Efficient Effect Size Computation

eFRED — 0.1.0

Fetch Data from the Federal Reserve Economic Database

EFS — 1.0.3

Tool for Ensemble Feature Selection

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