Reference manual

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1.0-0 by Martin Maechler, 7 months ago

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Authors: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] , Christophe Dutang [aut] , Vincent Goulet [aut] , Douglas Bates [ctb] (cosmetic clean up , in svn r42) , David Firth [ctb] (expm(method= "PadeO" and "TaylorO")) , Marina Shapira [ctb] (expm(method= "PadeO" and "TaylorO")) , Michael Stadelmann [ctb] ("Higham08*" methods , see ?expm.Higham08...)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports methods

Depends on Matrix

Suggests RColorBrewer, sfsmisc, Rmpfr

Imported by ARpLMEC, BMTAR, BSSoverSpace, BinaryEPPM, CARME, CTxCC, CompareCausalNetworks, CountsEPPM, CovTools, DAMOCLES, DDD, DescTools, FMradio, Greymodels, HDNRA, IPCAPS, KEPTED, KSPM, Karen, KoulMde, MCL, MSGARCH, MultiGroupO, NetworkRiskMeasures, PCMBase, PerRegMod, PhaseTypeR, QUALYPSO, RAINBOWR, RRRR, Rage, ReMFPCA, SBmedian, SCGLR, SISIR, SoilR, Tlasso, TransGraph, TransTGGM, VIRF, VariableScreening, VecDep, WRI, affinitymatrix, autoMFA, biClassify, cSEM, carcass, complexplus, control, corHMM, cragg, ctmcd, ctmm, ctsem, dlbayes, evolqg, fMRIscrub, fPASS, fetwfe, logitFD, madness, marked, markovchain, msm, mstDIF, navigation, netcom, netcontrol, newIMVC, pfica, phytools, popdemo, rags2ridges, refitME, robflreg, semtree, sfcr, slm, spant, ssMRCD, subsampling, svars, sysAgNPs, tensorTS, upndown, varjmcm.

Depended on by Kurt, yuima.

Suggested by BigVAR, LAM, QAEnsemble, ape, brainGraph, cTMed, centiserve, dartR.base, dartR.popgen, diversitree, ecpc, fMRItools, momentuHMM, simStateSpace, skedastic, spatialreg, speedyBBT.

See at CRAN