Reference manual

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2.3-2 by Binbin Lu, 6 months ago

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Authors: Binbin Lu[aut] , Paul Harris[aut] , Martin Charlton[aut] , Chris Brunsdon[aut] , Tomoki Nakaya[aut] , Daisuke Murakami[aut] , Isabella Gollini[ctb] , Yigong Hu[ctb] , Fiona H Evans[ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports methods, sf, grDevices, spacetime, spdep, spatialreg, FNN

Depends on robustbase, sp, Rcpp

Suggests mvoutlier, RColorBrewer, gstat, spData

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

System requirements: GNU make

Imported by Compind, GeoWeightedModel.

Depended on by SpatialRegimes.

See at CRAN