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1.9.16 by Kasper Kristensen, a month ago
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Authors: Kasper Kristensen [aut, cre, cph] , Brad Bell [cph] , Hans Skaug [ctb] , Arni Magnusson [ctb] , Casper Berg [ctb] , Anders Nielsen [ctb] , Martin Maechler [ctb] , Theo Michelot [ctb] , Mollie Brooks [ctb] , Alex Forrence [ctb] , Christoffer Moesgaard Albertsen [ctb] , Cole Monnahan [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports graphics, methods, stats, utils, Matrix
Suggests numDeriv, parallel
Linking to Matrix, RcppEigen
Imported by ASMbook, BayesGP, DLMtool, FRK, GeoAdjust, LocalCop, MLZ, QFASA, RTMB, SAMtool, SPAS, SpatialGEV, bage, clustTMB, disaggregation, dsem, ecostate, epigrowthfit, fishmethods, gadget3, glmmTMB, marked, mmrm, sdmTMB, ssdtools, stelfi, stochvolTMB, tmbstan, tramME, tsdistributions, tsgarch, unmarked.
Depended on by ef, gllvm, hmmTMB, phylosem.
Suggested by MSEtool, adnuts, broom.mixed, covafillr, insight, parameters, sjPlot.
See at CRAN