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1.1.0 by Denise Welsch, 3 years ago
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Authors: Denise Welsch [aut, cre] , Berit Hunsdieck [ctb] , Omar Alhelal [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
AGPL license
Imports shiny, rmarkdown, data.table, readr, shinydisconnect, knitr, kableExtra, car, DDoutlier, energy, corrplot, ggplot2, gridExtra, reshape2
Suggests MASS, boot, nortest, lmtest, DescTools, psych, Hmisc, PerformanceAnalytics, reticulate, fastDummies, semTools, semPlot, FactoMineR, FactoInvestigate, factoextra, rrcov, methods, parallel, graphics, imputeMissings, onewaytests
System requirements: For all functions resp. apps: pandoc, LaTeX. For the edapy() function resp. Statsomat/EDAPY app: Python (>=3).
See at CRAN