All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

attention — 0.4.0

Self-Attention Algorithm

attenuation — 1.0.0

Correcting for Attenuation Due to Measurement Error

attrib — 2021.1.2

Attributable Burden of Disease

AUC — 0.3.2

Threshold Independent Performance Measures for Probabilistic Classifiers

auctestr — 1.0.0

Statistical Testing for AUC Data

auctionr — 0.1.0

Estimate First-Price Auction Model

audio — 0.1-11

Audio Interface for R

audiometry — 0.3.0

Standard Conform Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Plots

audit — 0.1-2

Bounds for Accounting Populations

auditor — 1.3.5

Model Audit - Verification, Validation, and Error Analysis

audrex — 2.0.1

Automatic Dynamic Regression using Extreme Gradient Boosting

audubon — 0.5.2

Japanese Text Processing Tools

augmentedRCBD — 0.1.7

Analysis of Augmented Randomised Complete Block Designs

augSIMEX — 3.7.4

Analysis of Data with Mixed Measurement Error and Misclassification in Covariates

auk — 0.7.0

eBird Data Extraction and Processing in R

aum — 2024.6.19

Area Under Minimum of False Positives and Negatives

AurieLSHGaussian — 0.2.0

Creates a Neighbourhood Using Locality Sensitive Hashing for Gaussian Projections

auRoc — 0.2-1

Various Methods to Estimate the AUC

ausplotsR — 2.0.5

TERN AusPlots Australian Ecosystem Monitoring Data

AustralianPoliticians — 0.1.0

Provides Datasets About Australian Politicians

AUtests — 0.99

Approximate Unconditional and Permutation Tests

auth0 — 0.2.3

Authentication in Shiny with Auth0

auto.pca — 0.3

Automatic Variable Reduction Using Principal Component Analysis

AutoAds — 0.1.0

Advertisement Metrics Calculation

autoBagging — 0.1.0

Learning to Rank Bagging Workflows with Metalearning

autocogs — 0.1.4

Automatic Cognostic Summaries

autoCovariateSelection — 1.0.0

Automated Covariate Selection Using HDPS Algorithm

AutoDeskR — 0.1.5

An Interface to the 'AutoDesk' 'API' Platform

autoEnsemble — 0.2

Automated Stacked Ensemble Classifier for Severe Class Imbalance

autoFC —

Automatic Construction of Forced-Choice Tests

autoFRK — 1.4.3

Automatic Fixed Rank Kriging

autoGO — 0.9.1

Auto-GO: Reproducible, Robust and High Quality Ontology Enrichment Visualizations

autoharp — 0.0.10

Semi-Automatic Grading of R and Rmd Scripts

autohrf — 1.1.3

Automated Generation of Data-Informed GLM Models in Task-Based fMRI Data Analysis

autoimage — 2.2.3

Multiple Heat Maps for Projected Coordinates

autokeras — 1.0.12

R Interface to 'AutoKeras'

automagic — 0.5.1

Automagically Document and Install Packages Necessary to Run R Code

automap — 1.1-12

Automatic Interpolation Package

autoMFA — 1.0.0

Algorithms for Automatically Fitting MFA Models

automl — 1.3.2

Deep Learning with Metaheuristic

autoMrP — 1.0.6

Improving MrP with Ensemble Learning

autonewsmd — 0.0.8

Auto-Generate Changelog using Conventional Commits

AutoPipe — 0.1.6

Automated Transcriptome Classifier Pipeline: Comprehensive Transcriptome Analysis

autoplotly — 0.1.4

Automatic Generation of Interactive Visualizations for Statistical Results

Autoplotprotein — 1.1

Development of Visualization Tools for Protein Sequence

AutoPlots — 1.0.0

Creating Echarts Visualizations as Easy as Possible

autoRasch — 0.2.2

Semi-Automated Rasch Analysis

autoReg — 0.3.3

Automatic Linear and Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis

AutoregressionMDE — 1.0

Minimum Distance Estimation in Autoregressive Model

AutoScore — 1.0.0

An Interpretable Machine Learning-Based Automatic Clinical Score Generator

autoScorecard — 0.3.0

Fully Automatic Generation of Scorecards

Autoseed — 0.1.0

Retrieve Disease-Related Genes from Public Sources

autoshiny — 0.0.3

Automatic Transformation of an 'R' Function into a 'shiny' App

autostats — 0.4.1

Auto Stats

AutoStepwiseGLM — 0.2.0

Builds Stepwise GLMs via Train and Test Approach

autostsm — 3.1.5

Automatic Structural Time Series Models

autothresholdr — 1.4.2

An R Port of the 'ImageJ' Plugin 'Auto Threshold'

AutoTransQF — 0.1.3

A Novel Automatic Shifted Log Transformation

autoTS — 0.9.11

Automatic Model Selection and Prediction for Univariate Time Series

autovi — 0.4.0

Auto Visual Inference with Computer Vision Models

AutoWeatherIndices — 0.1.0

Calculating Weather Indices

av — 0.9.1

Working with Audio and Video in R

available — 1.1.0

Check if the Title of a Package is Available, Appropriate and Interesting

avar — 0.1.3

Allan Variance

averisk — 1.0.3

Calculation of Average Population Attributable Fractions and Confidence Intervals

avesperu — 0.0.2

Access to the List of Birds Species of Peru

AVGAS — 0.1.0

A Variable Selection using Genetic Algorithms

avidaR — 1.2.1

A Computational Biologist’s Toolkit To Get Data From 'avidaDB'

AvInertia — 0.0.2

Calculate the Inertial Properties of a Flying Bird

aVirtualTwins — 1.0.1

Adaptation of Virtual Twins Method from Jared Foster

avocado — 0.1.0

Weekly Hass Avocado Sales Summary

avotrex — 1.3.0

A Global Dataset of Anthropogenic Extinct Birds and their Traits: Phylogeny Builder

aweek — 1.0.3

Convert Dates to Arbitrary Week Definitions

aweSOM — 1.3

Interactive Self-Organizing Maps

awinR — 0.1.0

Get Data from 'Awin' via the '' API

AWR — 1.11.189-1

'AWS' Java 'SDK' for R

AWR.Kinesis — 1.7.6

Amazon 'Kinesis' Consumer Application for Stream Processing

aws — 2.5-5

Adaptive Weights Smoothing

aws.alexa — 0.1.8

Client for the Amazon Alexa Web Information Services API

aws.comprehend — 0.2.1

Client for 'AWS Comprehend'

aws.ec2metadata — 0.2.0

Get EC2 Instance Metadata

aws.ecx — 1.0.5

Communicating with AWS EC2 and ECS using AWS REST APIs

aws.iam — 0.1.8

AWS IAM Client Package

aws.kms — 0.1.4

'AWS Key Management Service' Client Package

aws.lambda — 0.2.0

AWS Lambda Client Package

aws.polly — 0.1.5

Client for AWS Polly

aws.s3 — 0.3.21

'AWS S3' Client Package

aws.signature — 0.6.0

Amazon Web Services Request Signatures

aws.transcribe — 0.1.3

Client for 'AWS Transcribe'

aws.translate — 0.1.4

Client for 'AWS Translate'

aws.wrfsmn — 0.0.3

Data Processing of SMN Hi-Res Weather Forecast from 'AWS'

awsMethods — 1.1-1

Class and Methods Definitions for Packages 'aws', 'adimpro', 'fmri', 'dwi'

axisandallies — 0.1.0

Axis and Allies Spring

AZIAD — 0.0.3

Analyzing Zero-Inflated and Zero-Altered Data

azlogr — 0.0.6

Logging in 'R' and Post to 'Azure Log Analytics' Workspace

AzureAppInsights — 0.3.1

Include Azure Application Insights in Shiny Apps

AzureAuth — 1.3.3

Authentication Services for Azure Active Directory

AzureCognitive — 1.0.1

Interface to Azure Cognitive Services

AzureContainers — 1.3.2

Interface to 'Container Instances', 'Docker Registry' and 'Kubernetes' in 'Azure'

AzureCosmosR — 1.0.0

Interface to the 'Azure Cosmos DB' 'NoSQL' Database Service

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