All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

ahw — 0.1.0

Calculates Continuous Time Likelihood Ratio Weights Assuming Multiplicative Intensity Models and Additive Hazard Models

aIc — 1.0

Testing for Compositional Pathologies in Datasets

AICcmodavg — 2.3-3

Model Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c)

AICcPermanova — 0.0.2

Model Selection of PERMANOVA Models Using AICc

AID — 2.9

Box-Cox Power Transformation

aidar — 1.0.5

Tools for Reading AIDA Files

aides — 1.3.3

Additive Information & Details of Evidence Synthesis

aifeducation — 0.3.3

Artificial Intelligence for Education

AIFFtools — 1.0

Read AIFF Files and Convert to WAVE Format

aihuman — 0.1.0

Experimental Evaluation of Algorithm-Assisted Human Decision-Making

aimPlot — 1.0.0

Create Pie Like Plot for Completeness

aimsir17 — 0.0.2

Irish Weather Observing Stations Hourly Records for 2017

aion — 1.0.4

Archaeological Time Series


Augmented Inverse Probability Weighting

air — 0.2.2

AI Assistant to Write and Understand R Code

aire.zmvm — 1.0.0

Download Mexico City Pollution, Wind, and Temperature Data

AirExposure — 1.0

Exposure Model to Air Pollutants Based on Mobility and Daily Activities

airGR — 1.7.6

Suite of GR Hydrological Models for Precipitation-Runoff Modelling

airGRdatasets — 0.2.1

Hydro-Meteorological Catchments Datasets for the 'airGR' Packages

airGRdatassim — 0.1.3

Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation with GR Hydrological Models

airGRiwrm — 0.6.2

'airGR' Integrated Water Resource Management

airGRteaching — 0.3.3

Teaching Hydrological Modelling with the GR Rainfall-Runoff Models ('Shiny' Interface Included)

aiRly — 0.1.0

R Wrapper for 'Airly' API

AirMonitor — 0.4.0

Air Quality Data Analysis

airnow — 0.1.0

Retrieve 'AirNow' Air Quality Observations and Forecasts

airportr — 0.1.3

Convenience Tools for Working with Airport Data

airports — 0.1.0

Data on Airports

airqualityES — 1.0.0

Air Quality Measurements in Spain from 2011 to 2018

airr — 1.5.0

AIRR Data Representation Reference Library

airt — 0.2.2

Evaluation of Algorithm Collections Using Item Response Theory

aiRthermo — 1.2.1

Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Visualization

aisoph — 0.4

Additive Isotonic Proportional Hazards Model

AIUQ — 0.5.3

Ab Initio Uncertainty Quantification

ajv — 1.0.0

Another JSON Schema Validator

aka — 0.1.0

Define Aliases for R Expressions

akc — 0.9.9

Automatic Knowledge Classification

Ake — 1.0.1

Associated Kernel Estimations

akiFlagger — 0.3.0

Flags Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)

akima — 0.6-3.4

Interpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data

akmbiclust — 0.1.0

Alternating K-Means Biclustering

alabama — 2023.1.0

Constrained Nonlinear Optimization

alakazam — 1.3.0

Immunoglobulin Clonal Lineage and Diversity Analysis

alarmdata — 0.2.1

Download, Merge, and Process Redistricting Data

ALassoSurvIC — 0.1.1

Adaptive Lasso for the Cox Regression with Interval Censored and Possibly Left Truncated Data

albatross — 0.3-8

PARAFAC Analysis of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices

aLBI — 0.1.5

Estimating Length-Based Indicators for Fish Stock

albopictus — 0.5

Age-Structured Population Dynamics Model

alcyon — 0.5.0

Spatial Network Analysis

ald — 1.3.1

The Asymmetric Laplace Distribution

ALDqr — 1.0

Quantile Regression Using Asymmetric Laplace Distribution

aldvmm — 0.8.8

Adjusted Limited Dependent Variable Mixture Models

ale — 0.3.0

Interpretable Machine Learning and Statistical Inference with Accumulated Local Effects (ALE)

ALEPlot — 1.1

Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) Plots and Partial Dependence (PD) Plots

ALFAM2 — 4.1.3

Dynamic Model of Ammonia Emission from Field-Applied Manure

aLFQ — 1.3.6

Estimating Absolute Protein Quantities from Label-Free LC-MS/MS Proteomics Data

alfr — 1.2.1

Connectivity to 'Alfresco' Content Management Repositories

alfred — 0.2.1

Downloading Time Series from ALFRED Database for Various Vintages

algaeClassify — 2.0.2

Tools to Standardize Phytoplankton Taxonomic Data and Perform Functional Group Classifications

AlgDesign — 1.2.1

Algorithmic Experimental Design

AlgebraicHaploPackage — 1.2

Haplotype Two Snips Out of a Paired Group of Patients

algo — 0.1.0

Implement an Address Search Auto Completion Menu on 'Shiny' Text Inputs Using the 'Algolia Places' 'Javascript' Library

algorithmia — 0.3.0

Allows you to Easily Interact with the Algorithmia Platform

aliases2entrez — 0.1.2

Converts Human gene symbols to entrez IDs

alien — 1.0.2

Estimate Invasive and Alien Species (IAS) Introduction Rates

align — 0.1.0

A Modified DTW Algorithm for Stratigraphic Time Series Alignment

alkahest — 1.2.0

Pre-Processing XY Data from Experimental Methods

allcontributors — 0.2.0

Acknowledge all Contributors to a Project

alleHap — 0.9.9

Allele Imputation and Haplotype Reconstruction from Pedigree Databases

allelematch — 2.5.4

Identifying Unique Multilocus Genotypes where Genotyping Error and Missing Data may be Present

AlleleRetain — 2.0.2

Allele Retention, Inbreeding, and Demography

AlleleShift — 1.1-2

Predict and Visualize Population-Level Changes in Allele Frequencies in Response to Climate Change

AllelicSeries —

Allelic Series Test

allestimates — 0.2.3

Effect Estimates from All Models

AllMetrics — 0.2.1

Calculating Multiple Performance Metrics of a Prediction Model

allMT — 0.1.0

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Maintenance Therapy Analysis

allofus — 1.1.0

Interface for 'All of Us' Researcher Workbench

allomr — 0.3.0

Removing Allometric Effects of Body Size in Morphological Analysis

Allspice — 1.0.7

RNA-Seq Profile Classifier

alluvial — 0.1-2

Alluvial Diagrams

almanac — 1.0.0

Tools for Working with Recurrence Rules

alone — 0.5

Datasets from the Survival TV Series Alone

alookr — 0.3.9

Model Classifier for Binary Classification

aloom — 0.1.1

All Leave-One-Out Models

alpaca — 0.3.4

Fit GLM's with High-Dimensional k-Way Fixed Effects — 0.0.1

Benjamini-Hochberg Alpha Correction

alphabetr — 0.2.2

Algorithms for High-Throughput Sequencing of Antigen-Specific T Cells

alphaci — 1.0.1

Confidence Intervals for Coefficient Alpha and Standardized Alpha

alphahull — 2.5

Generalization of the Convex Hull of a Sample of Points in the Plane

alphaN — 0.1.0

Set Alpha Based on Sample Size Using Bayes Factors

alphaOutlier — 1.2.0

Obtain Alpha-Outlier Regions for Well-Known Probability Distributions

AlphaPart — 0.9.8

Partition/Decomposition of Breeding Values by Paths of Information

alphashape3d — 1.3.2

Implementation of the 3D Alpha-Shape for the Reconstruction of 3D Sets from a Point Cloud

AlphaSimR — 1.6.0

Breeding Program Simulations

alphastable — 0.2.1

Inference for Stable Distribution

alphavantager — 0.1.3

Lightweight Interface to the Alpha Vantage API

alqrfe — 1.1

Adaptive Lasso Quantile Regression with Fixed Effects

alr4 — 1.0.6

Data to Accompany Applied Linear Regression 4th Edition

ALS — 0.0.7

Multivariate Curve Resolution Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS)

ALSCPC — 1.0

Accelerated line search algorithm for simultaneous orthogonal transformation of several positive definite symmetric matrices to nearly diagonal form.

altadata — 0.1.1

API Wrapper for

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