All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

strs — 0.1.0

'Python' Style String Functions

strucchange — 1.5-4

Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes

strucchangeRcpp — 1.5-3-1.0.4

Testing, Monitoring, and Dating Structural Changes: C++ Version

structree — 1.1.7

Tree-Structured Clustering

StructuralDecompose — 0.1.1

Decomposes a Level Shifted Time Series

StructureMC — 1.0

Structured Matrix Completion

strvalidator — 2.4.1

Process Control and Validation of Forensic STR Kits

sts — 1.0

Estimation of the Structural Topic and Sentiment-Discourse Model for Text Analysis

stuart — 0.10.2

Subtests Using Algorithmic Rummaging Techniques

studentlife — 1.1.0

Tidy Handling and Navigation of the Student-Life Dataset

studyStrap — 1.0.0

Study Strap and Multi-Study Learning Algorithms

StuteTest — 1.0.2

Stute (1997) Linearity Test

STV — 1.0.2

Single Transferable Vote Counting

stxplore — 0.1.0

Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Data

styler — 1.10.3

Non-Invasive Pretty Printing of R Code

stylest2 — 0.1

Estimating Speakers of Texts

stylo — 0.7.5

Stylometric Multivariate Analyses

subcopem2D — 1.3

Bivariate Empirical Subcopula

subdetect — 1.2

Detect Subgroup with an Enhanced Treatment Effect

subformula — 0.1.0

Create Subformulas of a Formula

subgroup — 1.1

Methods for exploring treatment effect heterogeneity in subgroup analysis of clinical trials

SubgrpID — 0.12

Patient Subgroup Identification for Clinical Drug Development

subgxe — 0.9.0

Combine Multiple GWAS by Using Gene-Environment Interactions

submax — 1.1.1

Effect Modification in Observational Studies Using the Submax Method

SubpathwayLNCE — 1.0

Identify Signal Subpathways Competitively Regulated by LncRNAs Based on ceRNA Theory

subplex — 1.9

Unconstrained Optimization using the Subplex Algorithm

subrank —

Computes Copula using Ranks and Subsampling

subscore — 3.3

Computing Subscores in Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory

subscreen — 3.0.7

Systematic Screening of Study Data for Subgroup Effects

subsemble — 0.1.0

An Ensemble Method for Combining Subset-Specific Algorithm Fits

subspace — 1.0.4

Interface to OpenSubspace

SubTite — 4.0.5

Subgroup Specific Optimal Dose Assignment

SubTS — 1.0

Positive Tempered Stable Distributions and Related Subordinators

SubtypeDrug — 0.1.9

Prioritization of Candidate Cancer Subtype Specific Drugs

SubVis — 2.0.2

Visual Exploration of Protein Alignments Resulting from Multiple Substitution Matrices

success — 1.1.0

Survival Control Charts Estimation Software

sudachir — 0.1.0

R Interface to 'Sudachi'

suddengains — 0.7.2

Identify Sudden Gains in Longitudinal Data

sudoku — 2.8

Sudoku Puzzle Generator and Solver

sudokuAlt — 0.2-1

Tools for Making and Spoiling Sudoku Games

SuessR — 0.1.5

Suess and Laws Corrections for Marine Stable Carbon Isotope Data

sufficientForecasting — 0.1.0

Sufficient Forecasting using Factor Models

sugarbag — 0.1.6

Create Tessellated Hexagon Maps

suggests — 0.1.0

Declare when Suggested Packages are Needed

sugrrants — 0.2.9

Supporting Graphs for Analysing Time Series

SumcaVer1 — 0.1.0

Mean Square Prediction Error Estimation in Small Area Estimation

sumFREGAT — 1.2.5

Fast Region-Based Association Tests on Summary Statistics

summariser — 2.3.0

Easy Calculation and Visualisation of Confidence Intervals

SummaryLasso — 1.2.1

Building Polygenic Risk Score Using GWAS Summary Statistics

summarytools — 1.0.1

Tools to Quickly and Neatly Summarize Data

summclust — 0.7.2

Module to Compute Influence and Leverage Statistics for Regression Models with Clustered Errors

SUMMER — 1.4.0

Small-Area-Estimation Unit/Area Models and Methods for Estimation in R

sumR — 0.4.15

Approximate Summation of Series

sumSome — 1.1.0

Permutation True Discovery Guarantee by Sum-Based Tests

sunburstR — 2.1.8

Sunburst 'Htmlwidget'

suncalc — 0.5.1

Compute Sun Position, Sunlight Phases, Moon Position and Lunar Phase

Sunclarco — 1.0.0

Survival Analysis using Copulas

sundialr —

An Interface to 'SUNDIALS' Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers

SUNGEO — 1.3.0

Sub-National Geospatial Data Archive: Geoprocessing Toolkit

SunsVoc — 0.1.2

Constructing Suns-Voc from Outdoor Time-Series I-V Curves

suntools — 1.0.0

Calculate Sun Position, Sunrise, Sunset, Solar Noon and Twilight

supclust — 1.1-1

Supervised Clustering of Predictor Variables Such as Genes

superb — 0.95.15

Summary Plots with Adjusted Error Bars

superbiclust — 1.2

Generating Robust Biclusters from a Bicluster Set (Ensemble Biclustering)

SuperCell — 1.0

Simplification of scRNA-Seq Data by Merging Together Similar Cells

supercells — 1.0.0

Superpixels of Spatial Data

supercompress — 1.1

Supervised Compression of Big Data

superdiag — 2.0

A Comprehensive Test Suite for Testing Markov Chain Nonconvergence

SuperExactTest — 1.1.0

Exact Test and Visualization of Multi-Set Intersections

SuperGauss — 2.0.3

Superfast Likelihood Inference for Stationary Gaussian Time Series

superheat — 0.1.0

A Graphical Tool for Exploring Complex Datasets Using Heatmaps

SuperLearner — 2.0-29

Super Learner Prediction

superMICE — 1.1.1

SuperLearner Method for MICE

superml — 0.5.7

Build Machine Learning Models Like Using Python's Scikit-Learn Library in R

supernova — 3.0.0

Judd, McClelland, & Ryan Formatting for ANOVA Output

superpc — 1.12

Supervised Principal Components

SuperpixelImageSegmentation — 1.0.5

Superpixel Image Segmentation

Superpower — 0.2.0

Simulation-Based Power Analysis for Factorial Designs

SuperRanker — 1.2.1

Sequential Rank Agreement

supervisedPRIM — 2.0.0

Supervised Classification Learning and Prediction using Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM)

SupMZ — 0.2.0

Detecting Structural Change with Heteroskedasticity

suppdata — 1.1-9

Downloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts

SuppDists — 1.1-9.8

Supplementary Distributions

support.BWS — 0.4-6

Tools for Case 1 Best-Worst Scaling

support.BWS2 — 0.4-0

Tools for Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling

support.BWS3 — 0.2-1

Tools for Case 3 Best-Worst Scaling

support.CEs — 0.7-0

Basic Functions for Supporting an Implementation of Choice Experiments

supportR — 1.4.0

Support Functions for Wrangling and Visualization

sur — 1.0.4

Companion to "Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach"

surbayes — 0.1.2

Bayesian Analysis of Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models

sure — 0.2.0

Surrogate Residuals for Ordinal and General Regression Models

sureLDA — 0.1.0-1

A Novel Multi-Disease Automated Phenotyping Method for the EHR

SuRF.vs —

Subsampling Ranking Forward Selection (SuRF)

surface — 0.6

Fitting Hansen Models to Investigate Convergent Evolution

SurfaceTortoise — 2.0.1

Find Optimal Sampling Locations Based on Spatial Covariate(s)

SurfRough —

Calculate Surface/Image Texture Indexes

surreal — 0.0.1

Create Datasets with Hidden Images in Residual Plots

Surrogate — 3.3.0

Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials

SurrogateBMA — 1.0

Flexible Evaluation of Surrogate Markers with Bayesian Model Averaging

SurrogateOutcome — 1.1

Estimation of the Proportion of Treatment Effect Explained by Surrogate Outcome Information

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