All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

phylotools — 0.2.2

Phylogenetic Tools for Eco-Phylogenetics

phyloTop — 2.1.2

Calculating Topological Properties of Phylogenies

phylter — 0.9.11

Detect and Remove Outliers in Phylogenomics Datasets

phyr — 1.1.0

Model Based Phylogenetic Analysis

phyreg — 1.0.2

The Phylogenetic Regression of Grafen (1989)

PhysActBedRest — 1.1

Marks Periods of 'Bedrest' in Actigraph Accelerometer Data

PhysicalActivity — 0.2-4

Process Accelerometer Data for Physical Activity Measurement

physiology — 1.2.1

Calculate physiologic characteristics of awake and anesthetized adults, children and infants

PhySortR — 1.0.8

A Fast, Flexible Tool for Sorting Phylogenetic Trees

phytoclass — 1.2.0

Estimate Chla Concentrations of Phytoplankton Groups

phytools — 2.3-0

Phylogenetic Tools for Comparative Biology (and Other Things)

PhytosanitaryCalculator — 1.1.1

Phytosanitary Calculator for Inspection Plans Based on Risks

piar — 0.8.1

Price Index Aggregation

picante — 1.8.2

Integrating Phylogenies and Ecology

picasso — 1.3.1

Pathwise Calibrated Sparse Shooting Algorithm

PICBayes — 1.0

Bayesian Models for Partly Interval-Censored Data

picClip — 0.1.0

Paste Box Input for 'Shiny'

picker — 0.2.6

Pick Data Points from a Scatterplot

picR — 1.0.0

Predictive Information Criteria for Model Selection

pid — 0.50

Process Improvement using Data

PieceExpIntensity — 1.0.4

Bayesian Model to Find Changepoints Based on Rates and Count Data

piecemaker — 1.0.2

Tools for Preparing Text for Tokenizers

piecenorms — 1.1.0

Calculate a Piecewise Normalised Score Using Class Intervals

piecepackr — 1.13.11

Board Game Graphics

piecewiseSEM —

Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling

PieGlyph — 1.0.0

Axis Invariant Scatter Pie Plots

piggyback — 0.1.5

Managing Larger Data on a GitHub Repository

Pijavski — 1.0.3

Global Univariate Minimization

pillar — 1.9.0

Coloured Formatting for Columns

pim — 2.0.2

Fit Probabilistic Index Models

pimeta — 1.1.3

Prediction Intervals for Random-Effects Meta-Analysis

pinfsc50 — 1.3.0

Sequence ('FASTA'), Annotation ('GFF') and Variants ('VCF') for 17 Samples of 'P. Infestans" and 1 'P. Mirabilis'

pingers — 0.1.1

Identify, Ping, and Log Internet Provider Connection Data

pingr — 2.0.3

Check if a Remote Computer is Up

PINMA — 1.1-2

Improved Methods for Constructing Prediction Intervals for Network Meta-Analysis — 0.1.4

Market Odds Data from Pinnacle

pinochet — 0.1.0

Data About the Victims of the Pinochet Regime, 1973-1990

pinp — 0.0.10

'pinp' is not 'PNAS'

pins — 1.3.0

Pin, Discover and Share Resources

PINSPlus — 2.0.7

Clustering Algorithm for Data Integration and Disease Subtyping

PINstimation — 0.1.2

Estimation of the Probability of Informed Trading

pinterestadsR — 0.1.0

Access to Pinterest Ads via the '' API

pinyin — 1.1.6

Convert Chinese Characters into Pinyin, Sijiao, Wubi or Other Codes — 0.5.1

Dual-Agent Dose Escalation for Phase I Trials using the PIPE Design

pipebind — 0.1.2

Flexible Binding for Complex Function Evaluation with the Base R |> Pipe

pipefittr — 0.1.2

Convert Nested Functions to Pipes

pipeliner — 0.1.1

Machine Learning Pipelines for R

pipenostics — 0.2.0

Diagnostics, Reliability and Predictive Maintenance of Pipeline Systems

pipeR —

Multi-Paradigm Pipeline Implementation

piqp — 0.2.2

R Interface to Proximal Interior Point Quadratic Programming Solver

piratings — 0.1.9

Calculate Pi Ratings for Teams Competing in Sport Matches

pisaRT — 2.0.2

Small Example Response and Response Time Data from PISA 2018

piton — 1.0.0

Parsing Expression Grammars in Rcpp

pivmet — 0.6.0

Pivotal Methods for Bayesian Relabelling and k-Means Clustering

pivotaltrackR — 0.2.0

A Client for the 'Pivotal Tracker' API

pivotea — 1.0.2

Create Pivot Table Easily

pivottabler — 1.5.5

Create Pivot Tables

piwikproR — 0.4.0

Access 'Piwik Pro' Website Statistics

pixarfilms — 0.2.1

Pixar Films and Achievements

pixelclasser — 1.1.1

Classifies Image Pixels by Colour

pixelpuzzle — 1.0.1

Puzzle Game for the R Console

pixels — 0.1.1

Tools for Working with Image Pixels

pixiedust — 0.9.4

Tables so Beautifully Fine-Tuned You Will Believe It's Magic

pixmap — 0.4-13

Bitmap Images / Pixel Maps

PK — 1.3-6

Basic Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetics

pk4adi —

PK for Anesthetic Depth Indicators

PKbioanalysis — 0.1.0

Pharmacokinetic Bioanalysis Experiments Design and Exploration

PKconverter — 1.5

The Parameter Converter of the Pharmacokinetic Models

pkdata — 0.1.0

Creates Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) Data

pkgbuild — 1.4.4

Find Tools Needed to Build R Packages

pkgcache — 2.2.3

Cache 'CRAN'-Like Metadata and R Packages

pkgcond — 0.1.1

Classed Error and Warning Conditions

pkgconfig — 2.0.3

Private Configuration for 'R' Packages

pkgdepends — 0.8.0

Package Dependency Resolution and Downloads

pkgdepR — 1.0.0

Statically Determine Function Dependencies Between Packages

pkgdown — 2.1.1

Make Static HTML Documentation for a Package

pkgfilecache — 0.1.5

Download and Manage Optional Package Data

pkggraph — 0.2.3

A Consistent and Intuitive Platform to Explore the Dependencies of Packages on the Comprehensive R Archive Network Like Repositories

pkgGraphR — 0.2.0

Graph the Relationship Between Functions in an R Package

pkgKitten — 0.2.4

Create Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks

pkglite — 0.2.3

Compact Package Representations

pkgload — 1.4.0

Simulate Package Installation and Attach

pkgmaker — 0.32.10

Development Utilities for R Packages

pkgndep — 1.99.3

Analyze Dependency Heaviness of R Packages

pkgnet — 0.5.0

Get Network Representation of an R Package

pkgnews — 0.0.2

Retrieve R Package News Files

pkgsearch — 3.1.3

Search and Query CRAN R Packages

pkgverse — 0.0.1

Build a Meta-Package Universe

PKI — 0.1-14

Public Key Infrastucture for R Based on the X.509 Standard

PKLMtest — 1.0.1

Classification Based MCAR Test

pkmon — 1.1

Least-Squares Estimator under k-Monotony Constraint for Discrete Functions

PKNCA — 0.11.0

Perform Pharmacokinetic Non-Compartmental Analysis

PKPDsim — 1.4.0

Tools for Performing Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Simulations

pkr — 0.1.3

Pharmacokinetics in R

pks — 0.6-1

Probabilistic Knowledge Structures

pKSEA — 0.0.1

Prediction-Based Kinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis

pksensi — 1.2.3

Global Sensitivity Analysis in Physiologically Based Kinetic Modeling

PL94171 — 1.1.2

Tabulate P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary Files

plac — 0.1.3

A Pairwise Likelihood Augmented Cox Estimator for Left-Truncated Data

placer — 0.1.3

PLastic ACcumulation Estimate using R (PLACER)

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