All packages

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R2wd — 1.5

Write MS-Word documents from R

R2WinBUGS — 2.1-22.1

Running 'WinBUGS' and 'OpenBUGS' from 'R' / 'S-PLUS'

r311 — 0.3.7

Interface to the 'open311' Standard

r3dmol — 0.1.2

Create Interactive 3D Visualizations of Molecular Data

r3js — 0.0.2

'WebGL'-Based 3D Plotting using the 'three.js' Library

r3PG — 0.1.6

Simulating Forest Growth using the 3-PG Model

R3port — 0.2.5

Report Functions to Create HTML and PDF Files

R4CouchDB — 0.7.5

A R Convenience Layer for CouchDB 2.0

r4ds.tutorials — 0.3.0

Tutorials for "R for Data Science"

r4googleads — 0.1.1

'Google Ads API' Interface

R4HCR — 0.1

R for Health Care Research

r4lineups — 0.1.1

Statistical Inference on Lineup Fairness

r4ss — 1.44.0

R Code for Stock Synthesis

r5r — 2.0

Rapid Realistic Routing with 'R5'

R6 — 2.5.1

Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics

R62S3 — 1.4.1

Automatic Method Generation from R6

R6causal — 0.8.3

R6 Class for Structural Causal Models

R6DS — 1.2.0

R6 Reference Class Based Data Structures

r6extended — 0.1.2

Extension for 'R6' Base Class

r6methods — 0.1.0

Make Methods for R6 Classes

R6P — 0.3.0

Design Patterns in R

r6qualitytools — 1.0.1

R6-Based Statistical Methods for Quality Science

ra4bayesmeta — 1.0-8

Reference Analysis for Bayesian Meta-Analysis

rabi — 1.0.2

Generate Codes to Uniquely and Robustly Identify Individuals for Animal Behavior Studies

RABR — 0.1.1

Simulations for Response Adaptive Block Randomization Design

RAC — 1.5.5

R Package for Aqua Culture

racademyocean — 0.3.3

Client for 'AcademyOcean API'

RaceID — 0.3.5

Identification of Cell Types, Inference of Lineage Trees, and Prediction of Noise Dynamics from Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data

raceland — 1.2.1

Pattern-Based Zoneless Method for Analysis and Visualization of Racial Topography

racir — 2.0.0

Rapid A/Ci Response (RACiR) Data Analysis

Racmacs — 1.2.9

Antigenic Cartography Macros

ractivecampaign — 0.2.0

Loading Data from 'ActiveCampaign API v3'

rADA — 1.1.9

Statistical Analysis and Cut-Point Determination of Immunoassays

radar — 1.0.0

Fundamental Formulas for Radar

radarBoxplot — 1.0.5

Implementation of the Radar-Boxplot

radarchart — 0.3.1

Radar Chart from 'Chart.js'

RadData — 1.0.2

Nuclear Decay Data for Dosimetric Calculations - ICRP 107

RadialVisGadgets — 0.2.0

Interactive Gadgets for Radial Visualization Approaches

radiant — 1.6.6

Business Analytics using R and Shiny

radiant.basics — 1.6.6

Basics Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny — 1.6.6

Data Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny — 1.6.6

Design Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny

radiant.model — 1.6.6

Model Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny

radiant.multivariate — 1.6.6

Multivariate Menu for Radiant: Business Analytics using R and Shiny

RadioSonde — 4.2

Tools for Plotting Skew-T Diagrams and Wind Profiles

radir — 1.0.4

Inverse-Regression Estimation of Radioactive Doses

radlibs — 0.2.0

Build Your Own Madlibs!

RadOnc — 1.1.8

Analytical Tools for Radiation Oncology

radous — 0.1.3

Query Random User Data from the Random User Generator API

radsafer — 2.3.0

Radiation Safety

RADstackshelpR — 0.1.0

Optimize the De Novo Stacks Pipeline via R

Radviz — 0.9.3

Project Multidimensional Data in 2D Space

RAdwords — 0.1.18

Loading Google Adwords Data into R

raem — 0.1.0

Analytic Element Modeling of Steady Single-Layer Groundwater Flow

rafalib — 1.0.0

Convenience Functions for Routine Data Exploration

RAFS — 0.2.4

Robust Aggregative Feature Selection

rafsi — 0.0.2

Ranking of Alternatives with the RAFSI Method

Rage — 1.6.0

Life History Metrics from Matrix Population Models

ragg — 1.3.3

Graphic Devices Based on AGG

RagGrid — 0.2.0

A Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'agGrid'

rags2ridges — 2.2.7

Ridge Estimation of Precision Matrices from High-Dimensional Data

ragtop — 1.1.1

Pricing Equity Derivatives with Extensions of Black-Scholes

rai — 1.0.0

Revisiting-Alpha-Investing for Polynomial Regression

rainbow — 3.8

Bagplots, Boxplots and Rainbow Plots for Functional Data

RAINBOWR — 0.1.35

Genome-Wide Association Study with SNP-Set Methods

raincin — 1.0.3

Ranking with Incomplete Information

rainette —

The Reinert Method for Textual Data Clustering

RainfallErosivityFactor — 1.0.0

The Rainfall-Runoff Erosivity Factor

rainfarmr — 0.1

Stochastic Precipitation Downscaling with the RainFARM Method

rairtable — 0.1.2

Efficient Wrapper for the 'Airtable' API

RaJIVE — 1.0

Robust Angle Based Joint and Individual Variation Explained

rakeR — 0.2.1

Easy Spatial Microsimulation (Raking) in R

ralger — 2.2.4

Easy Web Scraping

RALSA — 1.5.0

R Analyzer for Large-Scale Assessments

RamanMP — 1.0

Analysis and Identification of Raman Spectra of Microplastics

Ramble — 0.1.1

Parser Combinator for R

rAmCharts — 2.1.15

JavaScript Charts Tool

rAmCharts4 — 1.6.0

Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4'

ramchoice — 2.2

Revealed Preference and Attention Analysis in Random Limited Attention Models

RAMClustR — 1.3.1

Mass Spectrometry Metabolomics Feature Clustering and Interpretation

ramcmc — 0.1.2

Robust Adaptive Metropolis Algorithm

rameritrade — 0.1.5

'TD Ameritrade' API Interface for R

ramify — 0.3.3

Additional Matrix Functionality

ramlegacy — 0.2.0

Download and Read RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database

RAMP — 2.0.2

Regularized Generalized Linear Models with Interaction Effects

RAMpath — 0.5.1

Structural Equation Modeling Using the Reticular Action Model (RAM) Notation

ramps — 0.6.18

Bayesian Geostatistical Modeling with RAMPS

RaMS — 1.4.3

R Access to Mass-Spec Data

ramsvm — 2.3

Reinforced Angle-Based Multicategory Support Vector Machines

randChecks — 0.2.1

Covariate Balance Checks: Randomization Tests and Graphical Diagnostics

randcorr — 1.0

Generate a Random p x p Correlation Matrix

randgeo — 0.3.0

Generate Random 'WKT' or 'GeoJSON'

RandMeta — 0.1.0

Efficient Numerical Algorithm for Exact Inference in Meta Analysis

randnet — 0.7

Random Network Model Estimation, Selection and Parameter Tuning

rando — 0.2.0

Context Aware Random Numbers

random — 0.2.6

True Random Numbers using RANDOM.ORG — 0.3.15

Create Random ADaM Datasets — 1.1.4-5

A Parallel Analysis with Polychoric Correlation Matrices

randomcoloR —

Generate Attractive Random Colors

randomForest — 4.7-1.2

Breiman and Cutlers Random Forests for Classification and Regression

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