All packages

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ggthemeUL — 0.1.3

A 'ggplot' Theme for University of Ljubljana

ggtibble — 1.0.1

Create Tibbles and Lists of 'ggplot' Figures for Reporting

ggtikz — 0.1.3

Post-Process 'ggplot2' Plots with 'TikZ' Code Using Plot Coordinates

ggTimeSeries — 1.0.2

Time Series Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics

ggtrace — 0.2.0

Trace and Highlight Groups of Data Points

ggtrendline — 1.0.3

Add Trendline and Confidence Interval to 'ggplot'

ggtricks — 0.1.0

Create Sector and Other Charts Easily Using Grammar of Graphics

GGUM — 0.5

Generalized Graded Unfolding Model

ggupset — 0.4.0

Combination Matrix Axis for 'ggplot2' to Create 'UpSet' Plots

ggvenn — 0.1.10

Draw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2'

ggVennDiagram — 1.5.2

A 'ggplot2' Implement of Venn Diagram

ggversa — 0.0.1

Graficas Versatiles Con 'ggplot2'

ggvis — 0.4.9

Interactive Grammar of Graphics

ggvolcano — 0.1.3

Publication-Ready Volcano Plots

ggwordcloud — 0.6.2

A Word Cloud Geom for 'ggplot2'

ggx — 0.1.1

A Natural Language Interface to 'ggplot2'

gh — 1.4.1

'GitHub' 'API'

GHap — 3.0.0

Genome-Wide Haplotyping

ghapps — 1.1.0

Authenticate as a 'GitHub' App

Ghat — 0.2.0

Quantifying Evolution and Selection on Complex Traits

ghclass — 0.3.0

Tools for Managing Classes on GitHub

ghcm — 3.0.1

Functional Conditional Independence Testing with the GHCM

ghibli — 0.3.4

Studio Ghibli Colour Palettes

Ghost — 0.1.0

Missing Data Segments Imputation in Multivariate Streams

GhostKnockoff — 0.1.0

The Knockoff Inference Using Summary Statistics

ghql — 0.1.0

General Purpose 'GraphQL' Client

GHS — 0.1

Graphical Horseshoe MCMC Sampler Using Data Augmented Block Gibbs Sampler

ghyp — 1.6.5

Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution and Its Special Cases

ghypernet — 1.1.0

Fit and Simulate Generalised Hypergeometric Ensembles of Graphs

giacR — 1.0.1

Interface to the Computer Algebra System 'Giac'

GiANT — 1.3.4

Gene Set Uncertainty in Enrichment Analysis

gibasa — 1.1.1

An Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'

gibble — 0.4.0

Geometry Decomposition

GIC — 1.0.0

A General Iterative Clustering Algorithm

gie — 0.1.2

API Wrapper for the Natural Gas Transparency Platforms of Gas Infrastructure Europe

gif — 0.1.1

Graphical Independence Filtering

Gifi — 0.4-0

Multivariate Analysis with Optimal Scaling

gifski — 1.12.0-2

Highest Quality GIF Encoder

GIFT — 1.3.2

Access to the Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)

gifti — 0.8.0

Reads in 'Neuroimaging' 'GIFTI' Files with Geometry Information

GIFTr — 0.1.0

GIFT Questions Format Generator from Dataframes

gigg — 0.2.1

Group Inverse-Gamma Gamma Shrinkage for Sparse Regression with Grouping Structure

GIGrvg — 0.8

Random Variate Generator for the GIG Distribution

GillespieSSA — 0.6.2

Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA)

GillespieSSA2 — 0.3.0

Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for Impatient People

gim — 0.33.1

Generalized Integration Model

gimme — 0.7-18

Group Iterative Multiple Model Estimation

GIMMEgVAR — 0.1.0

Group Iterative Multiple Model Estimation with 'graphicalVAR'

GimmeMyPlot — 0.1.0

Graphical Utilities for Visualizing and Exploring Data

gimmeTools — 0.1

Supplemental Tools for the 'gimme' R Package

gimms — 1.2.2

Download and Process GIMMS NDVI3g Data

GiNA — 1.0.1

High Throughput Phenotyping

Gini — 0.1.0

Gini Coefficient

GiniDecompLY — 1.0.0

Gini Decomposition by Income Sources

GiniDistance — 0.1.1

A New Gini Correlation Between Quantitative and Qualitative Variables

giniVarCI — 0.0.1-3

Gini Indices, Variances and Confidence Intervals for Finite and Infinite Populations

ginormal — 0.0.2

Generalized Inverse Normal Distribution Density and Generation

GInSARCorW — 1.15.8

GACOS InSAR Correction Workflow

gIPFrm — 3.1

Generalized Iterative Proportional Fitting for Relational Models

GIplot — 0.1.0

Gaussian Interval Plot (GIplot)

gips — 1.2.1

Gaussian Model Invariant by Permutation Symmetry

GiRaF — 1.0.1

Gibbs Random Fields Analysis

giscoR — 0.6.0

Download Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat


GIS Integration

GISSB — 1.1

Network Analysis on the Norwegian Road Network

GISTools — 1.0-1

Further Capabilities in Geographic Information Science

gistr — 0.9.0

Work with 'GitHub' 'Gists'

git2r — 0.33.0

Provides Access to Git Repositories

git2rdata — 0.4.1

Store and Retrieve Data.frames in a Git Repository

git4r — 0.1.2

Interactive Git for R

gitcreds — 0.1.2

Query 'git' Credentials from 'R'

gitdown — 0.1.6

Turn Your Git Commit Messages into a HTML Book

gitear — 1.0.0

Client to the 'gitea' API

gitgadget — 0.8.1

'Rstudio' Addin for Version Control and Assignment Management using Git

gitGPT — 0.1.3

Automated Git Commit Messages using the 'OpenAI' 'GPT' Model

githubinstall — 0.2.2

A Helpful Way to Install R Packages Hosted on GitHub

githubr — 0.9.1

Easier to Use API Wrapper for 'GitHub'

gitignore — 0.1.7

Create Useful .gitignore Files for your Project

gitlabr — 2.1.0

Access to the 'GitLab' API

gitlink — 0.1.3

Add 'Git' Links to Your Web Based Assets

gitr — 0.0.1

A Lightweight API for 'Git'

gittargets — 0.0.7

Data Version Control for the Targets Package

givitiR — 1.3

The GiViTI Calibration Test and Belt

gjam — 2.6.2

Generalized Joint Attribute Modeling

gJLS2 — 0.2.0

A Generalized Joint Location and Scale Framework for Association Testing

GJRM — 0.2-6.5

Generalised Joint Regression Modelling

gk — 0.6.0

g-and-k and g-and-h Distribution Functions

GK2011 — 0.1.3

Gaines and Kuklinski (2011) Estimators for Hybrid Experiments

gkgraphR — 1.0.2

Accessing the Official 'Google Knowledge Graph' API

gkmSVM — 0.83.0

Gapped-Kmer Support Vector Machine

gKRLS — 1.0.3

Generalized Kernel Regularized Least Squares

glam — 1.0.2

Generalized Additive and Linear Models (GLAM)

glamlasso — 3.0.1

Penalization in Large Scale Generalized Linear Array Models

glarma — 1.6-0

Generalized Linear Autoregressive Moving Average Models

Glarmadillo — 1.1.1

Solve the Graphical Lasso Problem with 'Armadillo'

GlarmaVarSel — 1.0

Variable Selection in Sparse GLARMA Models

glassdoor — 0.8.1

Interface to 'Glassdoor' API

glasso — 1.11

Graphical Lasso: Estimation of Gaussian Graphical Models

glassoFast — 1.0.1

Fast Graphical LASSO

glba — 0.2.1

General Linear Ballistic Accumulator Models

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