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0.35.0 by Stefan Widgren, 4 months ago,
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Authors: Stefan Widgren [aut, cre] , Gabor Csardi [ctb] , Gregory Jefferis [ctb] , Jennifer Bryan [ctb] , Jeroen Ooms [ctb] , Jim Hester [ctb] , John Blischak [ctb] , Karthik Ram [ctb] , Peter Carbonetto [ctb] , Scott Chamberlain [ctb] , Thomas Rosendal [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports graphics, utils
Suggests getPass
System requirements: libgit2 (>= 1.0): libgit2-devel (rpm) or libgit2-dev (deb)
Imported by DramaAnalysis, PaRe, RepoGenerator, archivist.github, atime, cabinets, changer, cheatsheet, fgitR, git2rdata, git4r, gitdown, kirby21.base, mlflow, rDataPipeline, ropenblas,, sketchy, workflowr.
Suggested by Rcereal, SQLFormatteR, adaptalint, autonewsmd, cometr, drat, envDocument, gistr, groundhog, icesTAF, ixplorer, lvmisc, nat.templatebrains, precommit, remotes, sinew.
See at CRAN