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bayesMeanScale — 0.1.4

Bayesian Post-Estimation on the Mean Scale

bayesmeta — 3.4

Bayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression

BayesMFSurv — 0.1.0

Bayesian Misclassified-Failure Survival Model

bayesMig — 0.4-6

Bayesian Projection of Migration

bayesmix — 0.7-6

Bayesian Mixture Models with JAGS

BayesMixSurv — 0.9.1

Bayesian Mixture Survival Models using Additive Mixture-of-Weibull Hazards, with Lasso Shrinkage and Stratification

bayesmlogit — 1.0.1

A Multistate Life Table (MSLT) Methodology Based on Bayesian Approach

BayesMortalityPlus — 0.2.4

Bayesian Mortality Modelling

bayesmove — 0.2.1

Non-Parametric Bayesian Analyses of Animal Movement

bayesMRM — 2.4.0

Bayesian Multivariate Receptor Modeling

BayesMultiMode — 0.7.1

Bayesian Mode Inference

BayesMultMeta — 0.1.1

Bayesian Multivariate Meta-Analysis

bayesnec —

A Bayesian No-Effect- Concentration (NEC) Algorithm

BayesNetBP — 1.6.1

Bayesian Network Belief Propagation

BayesNSGP — 0.1.2

Bayesian Analysis of Non-Stationary Gaussian Process Models

BayesOrdDesign — 0.1.2

Bayesian Group Sequential Design for Ordinal Data

BayesPieceHazSelect — 1.1.0

Variable Selection in a Hierarchical Bayesian Model for a Hazard Function

bayesplay — 0.9.3

The Bayes Factor Playground

bayesplot — 1.11.1

Plotting for Bayesian Models

bayespm — 0.2.0

Bayesian Statistical Process Monitoring

bayesPO — 0.5.0

Bayesian Inference for Presence-Only Data

bayesPop — 10.0-1

Probabilistic Population Projection

BayesPostEst — 0.3.2

Generate Postestimation Quantities for Bayesian MCMC Estimation

BayesPPD — 1.1.2

Bayesian Power Prior Design

BayesPPDSurv — 1.0.3

Bayesian Power Prior Design for Survival Data

BayesProject — 1.0

Fast Projection Direction for Multivariate Changepoint Detection

bayesQR — 2.4

Bayesian Quantile Regression

bayesRecon — 0.3.1

Probabilistic Reconciliation via Conditioning

bayesreg — 1.2

Bayesian Regression Models with Global-Local Shrinkage Priors

Bayesrel — 0.7.7

Bayesian Reliability Estimation

BayesRep — 0.42.2

Bayesian Analysis of Replication Studies

BayesRepDesign — 0.42

Bayesian Design of Replication Studies

BayesReversePLLH — 1.5

Fits the Bayesian Piecewise Linear Log-Hazard Model

BayesRGMM — 2.2

Bayesian Robust Generalized Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data

bayesROE — 0.2

Bayesian Regions of Evidence

BayesRS — 0.1.3

Bayes Factors for Hierarchical Linear Models with Continuous Predictors

bayesrules — 0.0.2

Datasets and Supplemental Functions from Bayes Rules! Book

bayess — 1.6

Bayesian Essentials with R

BayesS5 — 1.41

Bayesian Variable Selection Using Simplified Shotgun Stochastic Search with Screening (S5)

BayesSampling — 1.1.0

Bayes Linear Estimators for Finite Population

BayesSenMC — 0.1.5

Different Models of Posterior Distributions of Adjusted Odds Ratio

BayesSUR — 2.2-1

Bayesian Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models in High-Dimensional Settings

bayesSurv — 3.8

Bayesian Survival Regression with Flexible Error and Random Effects Distributions

BayesSurvival — 0.2.0

Bayesian Survival Analysis for Right Censored Data

BayesSurvive — 0.0.2

Bayesian Survival Models for High-Dimensional Data

bayest — 1.5

Effect Size Targeted Bayesian Two-Sample t-Tests via Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Gaussian Mixture Models

bayestestR — 0.14.0

Understand and Describe Bayesian Models and Posterior Distributions

bayesTFR — 7.4-2

Bayesian Fertility Projection

BayesTools — 0.2.17

Tools for Bayesian Analyses

BayesTree — 0.3-1.5

Bayesian Additive Regression Trees

BayesTreePrior — 1.0.1

Bayesian Tree Prior Simulation

BayesTwin — 1.0

Bayesian Analysis of Item-Level Twin Data

BayesVarSel — 2.2.5

Bayes Factors, Model Choice and Variable Selection in Linear Models

bayesvl — 0.8.5

Visually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with 'Stan'

bayesWatch — 0.1.3

Bayesian Change-Point Detection for Process Monitoring with Fault Detection

BayesX — 0.3-3

R Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX

BayesXsrc — 3.0-5

Distribution of the 'BayesX' C++ Sources

bayesZIB — 0.0.5

Bayesian Zero-Inflated Bernoulli Regression Model

bayfoxr — 0.0.1

Global Bayesian Foraminifera Core Top Calibration

baygel — 0.3.0

Bayesian Shrinkage Estimators for Precision Matrices in Gaussian Graphical Models

BayLum — 0.3.2

Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Dating

bayMDS — 2.0

Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling and Choice of Dimension

baymedr — 0.1.1

Computation of Bayes Factors for Common Biomedical Designs

baystability — 0.1.0

Bayesian Stability Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction (GEI)

BAYSTAR — 0.2-10

On Bayesian Analysis of Threshold Autoregressive Models

baytrends — 2.0.12

Long Term Water Quality Trend Analysis

bazar — 1.0.11

Miscellaneous Basic Functions

BB — 2019.10-1

Solving and Optimizing Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems

bbdetection — 1.0

Identification of Bull and Bear States of the Market

BBEST — 0.1-8

Bayesian Estimation of Incoherent Neutron Scattering Backgrounds

BBI — 0.3.0

Benthic Biotic Indices Calculation from Composition Data

bbk — 0.4.0

Client for the Deutsche Bundesbank and European Central Bank APIs

bbknnR — 1.1.1

Perform Batch Balanced KNN in R

bbl — 1.0.0

Boltzmann Bayes Learner

BBmisc — 1.13

Miscellaneous Helper Functions for B. Bischl

bbmix — 1.0.0

Bayesian Model for Genotyping using RNA-Seq

bbmle —

Tools for General Maximum Likelihood Estimation

bbnet — 1.0.1

Create Simple Predictive Models on Bayesian Belief Networks

bbotk — 1.1.0

Black-Box Optimization Toolkit

bbreg — 2.0.2

Bessel and Beta Regressions via Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Continuous Bounded Data

BBSSL — 0.1.0

Bayesian Bootstrap Spike-and-Slab LASSO

bbw — 0.2.0

Blocked Weighted Bootstrap

bc3net — 1.0.4

Gene Regulatory Network Inference with Bc3net

BCA1SG — 0.1.0

Block Coordinate Ascent with One-Step Generalized Rosen Algorithm

bcaboot — 0.2-3

Bias Corrected Bootstrap Confidence Intervals

BCBCSF — 1.0-1

Bias-Corrected Bayesian Classification with Selected Features

bcc — 1.5

Beta Control Charts

BCC1997 — 0.1.1

Calculation of Option Prices Based on a Universal Solution

BCClong — 1.0.3

Bayesian Consensus Clustering for Multiple Longitudinal Features

bccp — 0.5.0

Bias Correction under Censoring Plan

BCDAG — 1.1.1

Bayesian Structure and Causal Learning of Gaussian Directed Graphs

bcdata — 0.4.1

Search and Retrieve Data from the BC Data Catalogue

BCDating — 0.9.8

Business Cycle Dating and Plotting Tools

BcDiag — 1.0.10

Diagnostics Plots for Bicluster Data

BCEA — 2.4.6

Bayesian Cost Effectiveness Analysis

BCEE — 1.3.2

The Bayesian Causal Effect Estimation Algorithm

bcf — 2.0.2

Causal Inference using Bayesian Causal Forests

bcfrailph — 0.1.1

Semiparametric Bivariate Correlated Frailty Models Fit

bcfrailphdv — 0.1.1

Bivariate Correlated Frailty Models with Varied Variances

bcgam — 1.0

Bayesian Constrained Generalised Linear Models

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