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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

CheckDigit — 1.0.0

Calculate and Verify Check Digits

checkdown — 0.0.12

Check-Fields and Check-Boxes for 'rmarkdown'

checked — 0.2.0

Systematically Run R CMD Checks

checker — 0.1.3

Checks 'R' Configuration Set Up Correctly Before Class

checkglobals — 0.1.0

Static Analysis of R-Code Dependencies

checkhelper — 0.1.1

Deal with Check Outputs

checkLuhn — 1.1.0

Checks if a Number is Valid Using the Luhn Algorithm

checkmate — 2.3.2

Fast and Versatile Argument Checks

checkpoint — 1.0.2

Install Packages from Snapshots on the Checkpoint Server for Reproducibility

checkthat — 0.1.0

Intuitive Unit Testing Tools for Data Manipulation

cheddar — 0.1-639

Analysis and Visualisation of Ecological Communities

cheem —

Interactively Explore Local Explanations with the Radial Tour

cheese — 0.1.2

Tools for Working with Data During Statistical Analysis

chem.databases — 1.0.0

Collection of 3 Chemical Databases from Public Sources

chem16S — 1.1.0

Chemical Metrics for Microbial Communities

chemCal — 0.2.3

Calibration Functions for Analytical Chemistry

chemdeg — 0.1.4

Analysis of Chemical Degradation Kinetic Data

CHEMIST — 0.1.5

Causal Inference with High-Dimensional Error-Prone Covariates and Misclassified Treatments

chemodiv — 0.3.0

Analysing Chemodiversity of Phytochemical Data

chemometrics — 1.4.4

Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Chemometrics

ChemoSpec — 6.1.10

Exploratory Chemometrics for Spectroscopy

ChemoSpec2D — 0.5.0

Exploratory Chemometrics for 2D Spectroscopy

ChemoSpecUtils — 1.0.4

Functions Supporting Packages ChemoSpec and ChemoSpec2D

ChernoffDist — 0.1.0

Chernoff's Distribution

cherry — 0.6-14

Multiple Testing Methods for Exploratory Research

cherryblossom — 0.1.0

Cherry Blossom Run Race Results

chess — 1.0.1

Read, Write, Create and Explore Chess Games

chessboard — 0.1

Create Network Connections Based on Chess Moves

ChessGmooG — 0.1.0

FIDE Chess Players Ratings for 2015 and 2020

chest — 0.3.7

Change-in-Estimate Approach to Assess Confounding Effects

chevron — 0.2.6

Standard TLGs for Clinical Trials Reporting

CHFF — 0.1.0

Closest History Flow Field Forecasting for Bivariate Time Series

chi — 0.1

The Chi Distribution

chicane — 0.1.8

Capture Hi-C Analysis Engine

childdevdata — 1.1.0

Child Development Data

childesr — 0.2.3

Accessing the 'CHILDES' Database

childfree — 0.0.3

Access and Harmonize Childfree Demographic Data

childsds — 0.8.0

Data and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics

chilemapas — 0.3.0

Mapas de las Divisiones Politicas y Administrativas de Chile (Maps of the Political and Administrative Divisions of Chile)

ChillModels — 1.0.2

Processing Chill and Heat Models for Temperate Fruit Trees

chillR — 0.75

Statistical Methods for Phenology Analysis in Temperate Fruit Trees

chinese.misc — 0.2.3

Miscellaneous Tools for Chinese Text Mining and More

ChineseNames — 2023.8

Chinese Name Database 1930-2008

chipPCR — 1.0-2

Toolkit of Helper Functions to Pre-Process Amplification Data

chirps — 0.1.4

API Client for CHIRPS and CHIRTS

chisq.posthoc.test — 0.1.2

A Post Hoc Analysis for Pearson's Chi-Squared Test for Count Data

chisquare — 1.0

Chi-Square and G-Square Test of Independence, Power and Residual Analysis, Measures of Categorical Association

chk — 0.9.2

Check User-Supplied Function Arguments

chkptstanr — 0.1.1

Checkpoint MCMC Sampling with 'Stan'

chlorpromazineR — 0.2.0

Convert Antipsychotic Doses to Chlorpromazine Equivalents

CHMM — 0.1.1

Coupled Hidden Markov Models

CHNCapitalStock — 0.1.1

Compute Chinese Capital Stocks

chngpt — 2023.11-29

Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for Threshold Regression

CHNOSZ — 2.1.0

Thermodynamic Calculations and Diagrams for Geochemistry

choiceDes — 0.9-3

Design Functions for Choice Studies

ChoiceModelR — 1.3.0

Choice Modeling in R

CHOIRBM — 0.0.2

Plots the CHOIR Body Map

cholera — 0.8.0

Amend, Augment and Aid Analysis of John Snow's Cholera Map

CholWishart — 1.1.2

Cholesky Decomposition of the Wishart Distribution

choosepc — 1.0

Choose the Number of Principal Components via Recistruction Error

choplump — 1.1.2

Permutation Test for Some Positive and Many Zero Responses

chopthin — 0.2.2

The Chopthin Resampler

ChoR — 0.0-4

Chordalysis R Package

chords — 0.95.4

Estimation in Respondent Driven Samples

choroplethr — 3.7.3

Simplify the Creation of Choropleth Maps in R

choroplethrAdmin1 — 1.1.1

Contains an Administrative-Level-1 Map of the World

choroplethrMaps — 1.0.1

Contains Maps Used by the 'choroplethr' Package

chouca — 0.1.99

A Stochastic Cellular Automaton Engine

christmas — 1.3.0

Generation of Different Animated Christmas Cards

chromConverter — 0.2.1

Chromatographic File Converter

chromer — 0.8

Interface to Chromosome Counts Database API

chromoMap — 4.1.1

Interactive Genomic Visualization of Biological Data

chromote — 0.3.1

Headless Chrome Web Browser Interface

chromseq — 0.1.3

Split Chromosome 'Fasta' File

chron — 2.3-61

Chronological Objects which Can Handle Dates and Times

chronicle — 0.3

Grammar for Creating R Markdown Reports

chronicler — 0.2.2

Add Logging to Functions

chronochrt — 0.1.3

Creating Chronological Charts

chronosphere — 0.6.1

Evolving Earth System Variables

chunked — 0.6.0

Chunkwise Text-File Processing for 'dplyr'

chunkhooks — 0.0.1

Chunk Hooks for 'R Markdown'

chunkR — 1.1.1

Read Tables in Chunks

chyper — 0.3.1

Functions for Conditional Hypergeometric Distributions

CIAAWconsensus — 1.3

Isotope Ratio Meta-Analysis

CIARA — 0.1.0

Cluster Independent Algorithm for Rare Cell Types Identification

CICA — 1.1.1

Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis

ciCalibrate — 0.42.2

Calibration of Confidence Intervals to Support Intervals

ciccr — 0.3.0

Causal Inference in Case-Control and Case-Population Studies

cicerone — 1.0.4

Provide Tours of 'Shiny' Applications

CICI — 0.9.1

Causal Inference with Continuous (Multiple Time Point) Interventions

CIEE — 0.1.1

Estimating and Testing Direct Effects in Directed Acyclic Graphs using Estimating Equations

cif — 0.1.1

Cointegrated ICU Forecasting

CIfinder — 2.0.0

Estimate the Confidence Intervals for Predictive Values

cifti — 0.4.5

Toolbox for Connectivity Informatics Technology Initiative ('CIFTI') Files

ciftiTools — 0.16.1

Tools for Reading, Writing, Viewing and Manipulating CIFTI Files

CIM — 1.0.0

Compositional Impact of Migration

cimir — 0.4-1

Interface to the CIMIS Web API

CIMTx — 1.2.0

Causal Inference for Multiple Treatments with a Binary Outcome

cinaR — 0.2.3

A Computational Pipeline for Bulk 'ATAC-Seq' Profiles

cinaRgenesets — 0.1.1

Ready-to-Use Curated Gene Sets for 'cinaR'

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