Reference manual

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1.8-1 by Uwe Ligges, 7 months ago

Browse source code at

Authors: Uwe Ligges [aut, cre] (new maintainer) , Tom Short [aut] (port to R) , Paul Kienzle [aut] (majority of the original sources) , Sarah Schnackenberg [ctb] (various test cases and bug fixes) , David Billinghurst [ctb] , Hans-Werner Borchers [ctb] , Andre Carezia [ctb] , Pascal Dupuis [ctb] , John W. Eaton [ctb] , E. Farhi [ctb] , Kai Habel [ctb] , Kurt Hornik [ctb] , Sebastian Krey [ctb] , Bill Lash [ctb] , Friedrich Leisch [ctb] , Olaf Mersmann [ctb] , Paulo Neis [ctb] , Jaakko Ruohio [ctb] , Julius O. Smith III [ctb] , Doug Stewart [ctb] , Andreas Weingessel [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports MASS, graphics, grDevices, stats, utils

Suggests pracma

Enhances matlab

Imported by AEDForecasting, ARGOS, E4tools, GGIR, IRISMustangMetrics, IRISSeismic, KneeArrower, L2E, MIMSunit, NMRphasing, OpenSpecy, PAMmisc, PAMpal, PupilPre, PupillometryR, RespirAnalyzer, Rnmr1D, andurinha, biosignalEMG, breathtestcore, callsync, chipPCR, clinmon, clintools, communication, control, detectR, dplR, duet, erah, erp.easy, eseis, forceplate, garma, imagefx, impactr, ir, locaR, mousetRajectory, movementsync, msdrought, musclesyneRgies, oceanwaves, pawscore, perARMA, phase, rchemo, realTimeloads, retimer, rwavelet, sgolay, soundClass, soundgen, spant, spectacles, spectralAnalysis, spiro, sysid, tagtools, trajr, tswge, tuneR, wearables, workloopR.

Depended on by GENEAclassify, MALDIrppa, ProTrackR, Rivivc, TBEST, eegkit, matrixProfile, saccadr.

Suggested by ChemoSpec, DataVisualizations, FCPS, GPoM, kitagawa, psd, seewave, swdft, triact.

See at CRAN