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1.0.5 by Irucka Embry, 4 months ago
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Authors: Irucka Embry [aut, cre] , Felix Andrews [aut, ctb] (zoo code) , Hans Werner Borchers [aut, ctb] (pracma code) , Samit Basu [aut, ctb] (FreeMat code) , David Bateman [aut, ctb] (GNU Octave code) , Rik Wehbring [aut, ctb] (GNU Octave code) , Didier Clamond [aut, ctb] (MATLAB code) , Berry Boessenkool [aut, ctb] (checkLL and degree functions from OSMscale) , Tyler Rinker [aut, ctb] (lookup and lookup_helper functions from qdapTools) , Colin Caprani [aut, ctb] (secprop MATLAB function) , Teodor Ciuraru [aut, ctb] (stackoverflow R code) , Dylan Russell [aut, ctb] (stackoverflow R code) , John Wallace [aut, ctb] (stackoverflow R code) , kaijagahm [aut, ctb] (R bloggers R code) , Colin B. Macdonald [aut, ctb] (OctSymPy code) , John D Page [aut, ctb] (JavaScript code) , Josh O'Brien [aut, ctb] (stackoverflow R code) , R. van Twisk [aut, ctb] (LibreCAD code)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) | file LICENSE license
Imports zoo, pracma, iemiscdata, gsubfn, fpCompare, units, stringi, assertthat, rivr, checkmate, chem.databases, methods, ramify, foreach, stats, data.table, measurements, roperators, berryFunctions, round, USA.state.boundaries, sf, ggplot2, ggpubr, matlab, sjmisc, lubridate, anytime, mgsub, geosphere, matlab2r, signal, utils, qdapRegex
Suggests install.load, knitr, import, fractional, fracture, MASS, rmarkdown, tinytest, maps, spelling, sampler, callr, rando, geometry, linguisticsdown, aiRthermo, hydraulics, ie2misc, formatR, pander, printr, tibble, lintr, opencpu
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