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0.9-30 by Vincent Dorie, 3 months ago
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Authors: Vincent Dorie [aut, cre] , Hugh Chipman [aut] , Robert McCulloch [aut] , Armon Dadgar [ctb] (adaptive radix tree) , R Core Team [ctb] (basis of RNG) , Guido U Draheim [ctb] (ax_check_compile_flag.m4) , Maarten Bosmans [ctb] (ax_check_compile_flag.m4) , Christophe Tournayre [ctb] (ax_compiler_ext.m4 , ax_ext.m4) , Michael Petch [ctb] (ax_compiler_ext.m4 , ax_ext.m4 , ax_gcc_x86_avx_xgetbv.m4 , ax_gcc_x86_cpuid.m4) , Rafael de Lucena Valle [ctb] (ax_compiler_ext.m4 , ax_ext.m4) , Steven G. Johnson [ctb] (ax_compiler_vendor.m4 , ax_gcc_x86_cpuid.m4 , ax_pthread.m4 , , Matteo Frigo [ctb] (ax_compiler_vendor.m4 , ax_gcc_x86_cpuid.m4) , John Zaitseff [ctb] (ax_compiler_vendor.m4) , Todd Veldhuizen [ctb] (ax_cxx_namespace_std.m4) , Luc Maisonobe [ctb] (ax_cxx_namespace_std.m4) , Scott Pakin [ctb] (ax_func_posix_memalign.m4 , , Daniel Richard G. [ctb] (ax_pthread.m4)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports stats, methods, graphics, parallel
Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown
Imported by EBcoBART, bartCause, bartMan, countSTAR, glossa, riAFTBART, tidytreatment, voi.
Depended on by stan4bart.
Suggested by MatchIt, WeightIt, bundle, butcher, marginaleffects, mcmcsae, tidyAML, tmle, twoStageDesignTMLE.
See at CRAN