Found 454 packages in 0.01 seconds
Kernel Smoothing
Kernel smoothers for univariate and multivariate data, with comprehensive visualisation and bandwidth selection capabilities, including for densities, density derivatives, cumulative distributions, clustering, classification, density ridges, significant modal regions, and two-sample hypothesis tests. Chacon & Duong (2018)
Novel Methods for Parallel Coordinates
New approaches to parallel coordinates plots for multivariate data visualization, including applications to clustering, outlier hunting and regression diagnostics. Includes general functions for multivariate nonparametric density and regression estimation, using parallel computation.
Indices of Effect Size
Provide utilities to work with indices of effect size for a wide
variety of models and hypothesis tests (see list of supported models using
the function 'insight::supported_models()'), allowing computation of and
conversion between indices such as Cohen's d, r, odds, etc.
References: Ben-Shachar et al. (2020)
Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich
Useful utilities ['goodies'] from Seminar fuer Statistik ETH Zurich, some of which were ported from S-plus in the 1990s. For graphics, have pretty (Log-scale) axes eaxis(), an enhanced Tukey-Anscombe plot, combining histogram and boxplot, 2d-residual plots, a 'tachoPlot()', pretty arrows, etc. For robustness, have a robust F test and robust range(). For system support, notably on Linux, provides 'Sys.*()' functions with more access to system and CPU information. Finally, miscellaneous utilities such as simple efficient prime numbers, integer codes, Duplicated(), toLatex.numeric() and is.whole().
Tour Methods for Multivariate Data Visualisation
Implements geodesic interpolation and basis generation functions that allow you to create new tour methods from R.
Nonlinear Regression for Agricultural Applications
Additional nonlinear regression functions using self-start (SS) algorithms. One of the functions is the Beta growth function proposed by Yin et al. (2003)
Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling
Animal abundance estimation via conventional, multiple covariate and mark-recapture distance sampling (CDS/MCDS/MRDS). Detection function fitting is performed via maximum likelihood. Also included are diagnostics and plotting for fitted detection functions. Abundance estimation is via a Horvitz-Thompson-like estimator.
Normalizing Transformation Functions
Estimate a suite of normalizing transformations, including a new adaptation of a technique based on ranks which can guarantee normally distributed transformed data if there are no ties: ordered quantile normalization (ORQ). ORQ normalization combines a rank-mapping approach with a shifted logit approximation that allows the transformation to work on data outside the original domain. It is also able to handle new data within the original domain via linear interpolation. The package is built to estimate the best normalizing transformation for a vector consistently and accurately. It implements the Box-Cox transformation, the Yeo-Johnson transformation, three types of Lambert WxF transformations, and the ordered quantile normalization transformation. It estimates the normalization efficacy of other commonly used transformations, and it allows users to specify custom transformations or normalization statistics. Finally, functionality can be integrated into a machine learning workflow via recipes.
Provides R-Language Code to Examine Quantitative Risk Management Concepts
Provides functions/methods to accompany the book Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools by Alexander J. McNeil, Ruediger Frey, and Paul Embrechts.
Fast Covariance Estimation for Sparse Functional Data
We implement the Fast Covariance Estimation for
Sparse Functional Data paper published in Statistics and Computing