All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

crov — 0.3.0

Constrained Regression Model for an Ordinal Response and Ordinal Predictors

crplyr — 0.4.0

A 'dplyr' Interface for Crunch

crqa — 2.0.6

Unidimensional and Multidimensional Methods for Recurrence Quantification Analysis

crrcbcv — 1.0

Bias-Corrected Variance for Competing Risks Regression with Clustered Data

crrSC — 1.1.2

Competing Risks Regression for Stratified and Clustered Data

crrstep — 2023.1.1

Stepwise Covariate Selection for the Fine & Gray Competing Risks Regression Model

crs — 0.15-37

Categorical Regression Splines

crseEventStudy — 1.2.2

A Robust and Powerful Test of Abnormal Stock Returns in Long-Horizon Event Studies

crsmeta — 0.3.0

Extract Coordinate System Metadata

crsnls — 0.2

Nonlinear Regression Parameters Estimation by 'CRS4HC' and 'CRS4HCe'

crso — 0.1.1

Cancer Rule Set Optimization ('crso')

crsra — 0.2.3

Tidying and Analyzing 'Coursera' Research Export Data

crsuggest — 0.4

Obtain Suggested Coordinate Reference System Information for Spatial Data

crt2power — 1.0.0

Designing Cluster-Randomized Trials with Two Co-Primary Outcomes

CRTConjoint — 0.1.0

Conditional Randomization Testing (CRT) Approach for Conjoint Analysis

CRTgeeDR — 2.0.1

Doubly Robust Inverse Probability Weighted Augmented GEE Estimator

CRTSize — 1.2

Sample Size Estimation Functions for Cluster Randomized Trials

CRTspat — 1.3.0

Workflow for Cluster Randomised Trials with Spillover

crul — 1.5.0

HTTP Client

crumble — 0.1.0

Flexible and General Mediation Analysis Using Riesz Representers

crunch — 1.30.4 Data Tools

crunchy — 0.3.3

Shiny Apps on Crunch

cruts — 1.1

Interface to Climatic Research Unit Time-Series Version 3.21 Data

CruzPlot — 1.4.9

Plot Shipboard DAS Data

crwbmetareg — 1.0

Cluster Robust Wild Bootstrap Meta Regression

CRWRM — 0.0.1

Changing the Reference Group without Re-Running the Model

cry — 0.5.1

Statistics for Structural Crystallography

crypto2 — 2.0.2

Download Crypto Currency Data from 'CoinMarketCap' without 'API'

cryptography — 1.0.0

Encrypts and Decrypts Text Ciphers

cryptoQuotes — 1.3.1

A Streamlined Access to Cryptocurrency OHLC-V Market Data and Sentiment Indicators

cryptorng — 0.1.4

Access System Cryptographic Pseudorandom Number Generators

cryptotrackr — 1.3.3

An Interface to Crypto Data Sources

cryptoverse — 0.1.0

Visualization and Analytics for the Cryptoverse

cryptowatchR — 0.2.0

An API Wrapper for 'Cryptowatch'

CryptRndTest — 1.2.7

Statistical Tests for Cryptographic Randomness

cryst — 0.1.0

Calculate the Relative Crystallinity of Starch by XRD and FTIR

csa — 0.7.1

A Cross-Scale Analysis Tool for Model-Observation Visualization and Integration

csalert — 2024.6.24

Alerts from Public Health Surveillance Data

csampling — 1.2-2.1

Functions for Conditional Simulation in Regression-Scale Models

CsChange — 0.1.7

Testing for Change in C-Statistic

csci — 0.9.3

Current Status Confidence Intervals

CSclone — 1.0

Bayesian Nonparametric Modeling in R

CSCNet — 0.1.2

Fitting and Tuning Regularized Cause-Specific Cox Models with Elastic-Net Penalty

csdata — 2024.4.26

Structural Data for Norway

cSEM — 0.5.0

Composite-Based Structural Equation Modeling

CSeqpat — 0.1.2

Frequent Contiguous Sequential Pattern Mining of Text

CSESA — 1.2.0

CRISPR-Based Salmonella Enterica Serotype Analyzer

CSGo — 0.6.7

Collecting Counter Strike Global Offensive Data

cshapes — 2.0

The CShapes 2.0 Dataset and Utilities

CSHShydRology — 1.4.2

Canadian Hydrological Analyses

CSIndicators — 1.1.1

Climate Services' Indicators Based on Sub-Seasonal to Decadal Predictions

csmaps — 2023.5.22

Preformatted Maps of Norway that Don't Need Geolibraries

CSMES — 1.0.1

Cost-Sensitive Multi-Criteria Ensemble Selection for Uncertain Cost Conditions

csmpv — 1.0.3

Biomarker Confirmation, Selection, Modelling, Prediction, and Validation

csn — 1.1.3

Closed Skew-Normal Distribution

csodata — 1.5.0

Download Data from the CSO 'PxStat' API

cspec — 0.1.2

Complete Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Periodogram

cspp — 0.3.3

A Tool for the Correlates of State Policy Project Data

csppData — 0.2.61

Data Only: The Correlates of State Policy Project Dataset

csquares — 0.1.0

Concise Spatial Query and Representation System (c-Squares)

csranks — 1.2.3

Statistical Tools for Ranks

cssTools — 1.0

Cognitive Social Structure Tools

cstab — 0.2-2

Selection of Number of Clusters via Normalized Clustering Instability

cstidy — 2023.5.24

Helpful Functions for Cleaning Surveillance Data

cstime — 2023.5.3

Date and Time Functions for Public Health Purposes

CSTools — 5.2.0

Assessing Skill of Climate Forecasts on Seasonal-to-Decadal Timescales

csurvey — 1.9

Constrained Regression for Survey Data

csutil — 2023.4.25

Common Base-R Problems Relating to Lists

csv — 0.6.2

Read and Write CSV Files with Selected Conventions

csvread — 1.2.2

Fast Specialized CSV File Loader

csvwr — 0.1.7

Read and Write CSV on the Web (CSVW) Tables and Metadata

csvy — 0.3.0

Import and Export CSV Data with a YAML Metadata Header

cta — 1.3.0

Contingency Table Analysis Based on ML Fitting of MPH Models

CTAShiny — 0.1.0

Interactive Application for Working with Contingency Tables

ctbi — 2.0.5

A Procedure to Clean, Decompose and Aggregate Timeseries

CTD — 1.3

A Method for 'Connecting The Dots' in Weighted Graphs

ctf — 0.1.0

Read and Write Column Text Format (CTF)

ctgdist — 0.1.0

Likert Category Distance Calculator

ctgt — 2.0.1

Closed Testing with Globaltest for Pathway Analysis

cthist — 2.1.11

Clinical Trial Registry History

cthreshER — 1.1.0

Continuous Threshold Expectile Regression

ctl — 1.0.0-10

Correlated Trait Locus Mapping

CTM — 0.2

A Text Mining Toolkit for Chinese Document

ctmcd — 1.4.4

Estimating the Parameters of a Continuous-Time Markov Chain from Discrete-Time Data

ctmcmove — 1.2.9

Modeling Animal Movement with Continuous-Time Discrete-Space Markov Chains

ctmle — 0.1.2

Collaborative Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation

ctmm — 1.2.0

Continuous-Time Movement Modeling

ctmva — 1.4.0

Continuous-Time Multivariate Analysis

CTNote — 0.1.0

CTN Outcomes, Treatments, and Endpoints

cTOST — 1.0.0

Finite Sample Correction of the Two One-Sided Tests in the Univariate Framework

ctpm — 1.0.1

Continuous-Time Phylogenetic Modeling

ctqr — 2.1

Censored and Truncated Quantile Regression

ctrdata — 1.19.3

Retrieve and Analyze Clinical Trials in Public Registers

ctrialsgov — 0.2.5

Query Data from U.S. National Library of Medicine's Clinical Trials Database

CTRing — 0.1.0

Density Profiles of Wood from CT Scan Images

ctrlGene — 1.0.1

Assess the Stability of Candidate Housekeeping Genes

ctsem — 3.10.1

Continuous Time Structural Equation Modelling

ctsemOMX — 1.0.6

Continuous Time SEM - 'OpenMx' Based Functions

ctsfeatures — 1.2.2

Analyzing Categorical Time Series

CTShiny — 0.1.0

Interactive Document for Working with Classification Tree Analysis

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