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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

statebins — 1.4.0

Create United States Uniform Cartogram Heatmaps

StateLevelForest — 0.1.0

Historical State-Level Forest Cover Data in the United States

states — 0.3.2

Create Panels of Independent States

statespacer — 0.5.0

State Space Modelling in 'R'

statgenGWAS — 1.0.9

Genome Wide Association Studies

statgenGxE — 1.0.9

Genotype by Environment (GxE) Analysis

statgenHTP —

High Throughput Phenotyping (HTP) Data Analysis

statgenIBD — 1.0.7

Calculation of IBD Probabilities

statgenMPP — 1.0.2

QTL Mapping for Multi Parent Populations

statgenQTLxT — 1.0.2

Multi-Trait and Multi-Trial Genome Wide Association Studies

statgenSTA — 1.0.13

Single Trial Analysis (STA) of Field Trials

statGraph — 1.0.6

Statistical Methods for Graphs

staticryptR — 0.1.0

Encrypt HTML Files Using 'staticrypt'

stationaRy — 0.5.1

Detailed Meteorological Data from Stations All Over the World

statip — 0.2.3

Statistical Functions for Probability Distributions and Regression

statisfactory — 1.0.4

Statistical and Geometrical Tools

StatMatch — 1.4.2

Statistical Matching or Data Fusion

statmod — 1.5.0

Statistical Modeling

statnet — 2019.6

Software Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Network Data

statnet.common — 4.9.0

Common R Scripts and Utilities Used by the Statnet Project Software

statnetWeb — 0.5.8

A Shiny App for Network Modeling with 'statnet'

statnipokladna — 0.7.4

Use Data from the Czech Public Finance Database

StatPerMeCo — 0.1.0

Statistical Performance Measures to Evaluate Covariance Matrix Estimates

statprograms — 0.2.0

Graduate Statistics Program Datasets

statpsych — 1.6.0

Statistical Methods for Psychologists

statquotes — 0.3.2

Quotes on Statistics, Data Visualization and Science

StatRank — 0.0.6

Statistical Rank Aggregation: Inference, Evaluation, and Visualization

stats19 — 3.1.0

Work with Open Road Traffic Casualty Data from Great Britain

stats4teaching — 0.1.0

Simulate Pedagogical Statistical Data

statsearchanalyticsr — 0.1.4

An Interface for the 'STAT Search Analytics' 'API'

statsExpressions — 1.6.0

Tidy Dataframes and Expressions with Statistical Details

Statsomat — 1.1.0

Shiny Apps for Automated Data Analysis and Automated Interpretation

statsr — 0.3.0

Companion Software for the Coursera Statistics with R Specialization

statswalesr — 0.2.0

Easily Extract Data from 'StatsWales'

statVisual — 1.2.1

Statistical Visualization Tools

STB — 0.6.5

Simultaneous Tolerance Bounds

stbl — 0.1.1

Stabilize Function Arguments

stcos — 0.3.1

Space-Time Change of Support

stcov — 0.1.0

Stein's Covariance Estimator

stcpR6 — 0.9.7

Sequential Test and Change-Point Detection Algorithms Based on E-Values / E-Detectors

stddiff — 3.1

Calculate the Standardized Difference for Numeric, Binary and Category Variables

stdmod — 0.2.11

Standardized Moderation Effect and Its Confidence Interval

stdReg — 3.4.1

Regression Standardization

stdReg2 — 1.0.1

Regression Standardization for Causal Inference

stdvectors — 0.0.5

C++ Standard Library Vectors in R

steadyICA — 1.0

ICA and Tests of Independence via Multivariate Distance Covariance

steepness — 0.3-0

Testing Steepness of Dominance Hierarchies

SteinIV — 0.1-1

Semi-Parametric Stein-Like Estimator with Instrumental Variables

stelfi — 1.0.1

Hawkes and Log-Gaussian Cox Point Processes Using Template Model Builder

stellaR — 0.3-4

Evolutionary Tracks and Isochrones from Pisa Stellar Evolution Database

StemAnalysis — 0.1.0

Reconstructing Tree Growth and Carbon Accumulation with Stem Analysis Data

stemmatology — 0.3.2

Stemmatological Analysis of Textual Traditions

StempCens — 1.1.0

Spatio-Temporal Estimation and Prediction for Censored/Missing Responses

stencilaschema — 1.0.0

Bindings for Stencila Schema

stenR — 0.6.9

Standardization of Raw Discrete Questionnaire Scores

StepBeta — 2.1.0

Stepwise Procedure for Beta, Beta-Binomial and Negative Binomial Regression Models


ABC-SMC Inference of STEPCAM

stepdownfdp — 1.0.0

A Step-Down Procedure to Control the False Discovery Proportion

stepgbm — 1.0.1

Stepwise Variable Selection for Generalized Boosted Regression Modeling

StepGWR — 0.1.0

A Hybrid Spatial Model for Prediction and Capturing Spatial Variation in the Data

stepjglm — 0.0.1

Variable Selection for Joint Modeling of Mean and Dispersion

stepmixr — 0.1.2

Interface to 'Python' Package 'StepMix'

stepp — 3.2.7

Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP)

SteppedPower — 0.3.5

Power Calculation for Stepped Wedge Designs

stepPenal — 0.2

Stepwise Forward Variable Selection in Penalized Regression

stepPlr — 0.93

L2 Penalized Logistic Regression with Stepwise Variable Selection

stepR — 2.1-9

Multiscale Change-Point Inference

StepReg — 1.5.3

Stepwise Regression Analysis

steprf — 1.0.2

Stepwise Predictive Variable Selection for Random Forest

steps — 1.3.0

Spatially- and Temporally-Explicit Population Simulator

StepSignalMargiLike — 2.6.0

Step-Wise Signal Extraction via Marginal Likelihood

stepSplitReg — 1.0.3

Stepwise Split Regularized Regression

StepwiseTest — 1.0

Multiple Testing Method to Control Generalized Family-Wise Error Rate and False Discovery Proportion

StereoMorph — 1.6.7

Stereo Camera Calibration and Reconstruction

stevedata — 1.3.0

Steve's Toy Data for Teaching About a Variety of Methodological, Social, and Political Topics

stevedore — 0.9.6

Docker Client

stevemisc — 1.8.0

Steve's Miscellaneous Functions

stevetemplates — 1.0.0

Steve's R Markdown Templates

stevethemes — 0.1.0

Steve's 'ggplot2' Themes and Related Theme Elements

stfit — 0.99.9

Spatio-Temporal Functional Imputation Tool

STFTS — 0.1.0

Statistical Tests for Functional Time Series

stgam —

Spatially and Temporally Varying Coefficient Models Using Generalized Additive Models

STGS — 0.1.0

Genomic Selection using Single Trait

sticky —

Persist Attributes Across Data Operations

stickyr — 0.1.2

Data Frames with Persistent Columns and Attributes

SticsRFiles — 1.4.0

Read and Modify 'STICS' Input/Output Files

stilt — 1.3.0

Separable Gaussian Process Interpolation (Emulation)

stim — 1.0.0

Incorporating Stability Information into Cross-Sectional Estimates

stima — 1.2.4

Simultaneous Threshold Interaction Modeling Algorithm

stinepack — 1.5

Stineman, a Consistently Well Behaved Method of Interpolation

stlARIMA — 0.1.0

STL Decomposition and ARIMA Hybrid Forecasting Model

stlELM — 0.1.1

Hybrid Forecasting Model Based on STL Decomposition and ELM

stlnpp — 0.4.0

Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Point Patterns on Linear Networks

stlplus — 0.5.1

Enhanced Seasonal Decomposition of Time Series by Loess

stlTDNN — 0.1.0

STL Decomposition and TDNN Hybrid Time Series Forecasting

stm — 1.3.7

Estimation of the Structural Topic Model

stmCorrViz — 1.3

A Tool for Structural Topic Model Visualizations

stmgp — 1.0.4

Rapid and Accurate Genetic Prediction Modeling for Genome-Wide Association or Whole-Genome Sequencing Study Data

stmgui — 0.1.6

Shiny Application for Creating STM Models

stminsights — 0.4.3

A 'Shiny' Application for Inspecting Structural Topic Models

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