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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

robustbetareg — 0.3.0

Robust Beta Regression

RobustBF — 0.2.0

Robust Solution to the Behrens-Fisher Problem

robustBLME — 0.1.3

Robust Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models using ABC

RobustCalibration — 0.5.5

Robust Calibration of Imperfect Mathematical Models

robustcov — 0.1

Collection of Robust Covariance and (Sparse) Precision Matrix Estimators

robustDA — 1.2

Robust Mixture Discriminant Analysis

robusTest — 1.1.0

Calibrated Correlation and Two-Sample Tests

robustETM — 1.0

Robust Methods using Exponential Tilt Model

robustfa — 1.1-0

Object Oriented Solution for Robust Factor Analysis

RobustGaSP — 0.6.6

Robust Gaussian Stochastic Process Emulation

robustHD — 0.8.1

Robust Methods for High-Dimensional Data

RobustIV — 0.2.5

Robust Instrumental Variable Methods in Linear Models

RobustLinearReg — 1.2.0

Robust Linear Regressions

robustlm — 0.1.0

Robust Variable Selection with Exponential Squared Loss

robustlmm — 3.3-1

Robust Linear Mixed Effects Models

robustmatrix — 0.1.2

Robust Matrix-Variate Parameter Estimation

robustmeta — 1.2-1

Robust Inference for Meta-Analysis with Influential Outlying Studies

robustrank — 2024.1-28

Robust Rank-Based Tests

RobustRankAggreg — 1.2.1

Methods for Robust Rank Aggregation

robustrao — 1.0-5

An Extended Rao-Stirling Diversity Index to Handle Missing Data

robustreg — 0.1-11

Robust Regression Functions

robustsae — 0.1.0

Robust Bayesian Small Area Estimation

robustsur — 0.0-7

Robust Estimation for Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models

robustvarComp — 0.1-7

Robust Estimation of Variance Component Models

robustX — 1.2-7

'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics

robvis — 0.3.0

Visualize the Results of Risk-of-Bias (ROB) Assessments

Robyn — 3.11.1

Semi-Automated Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) from Meta Marketing Science

ROCaggregator — 1.0.1

Aggregate Multiple ROC Curves into One Global ROC

rocbc — 3.1.0

Statistical Inference for Box-Cox Based Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves

rocc — 1.3

ROC Based Classification

roccv — 1.2

ROC for Cross Validation Results

ROCFTP.MMS — 1.0.0

Perfect Sampling

ROCit — 2.1.2

Performance Assessment of Binary Classifier with Visualization

rock — 0.8.1

Reproducible Open Coding Kit

rockchalk — 1.8.157

Regression Estimation and Presentation

rocker — 0.3.1

Database Interface Class

ROCket — 1.0.1

Simple and Fast ROC Curves

RockFab — 1.2.1

Rock Fabric and Strain Analysis Tools

rockr — 1.0.0

'Rock' R Server Client

roclang — 0.2.2

Functions for Diffusing Function Documentations into 'Roxygen' Comments

rocNIT — 1.0

Non-Inferiority Test for Paired ROC Curves

rocnp — 0.1.0

Work with Romanian Personal Numeric Codes PNC / CNP

ROCnReg — 1.0-9

ROC Curve Inference with and without Covariates

rococo — 1.1.9

Robust Rank Correlation Coefficient and Test

ROCpsych — 1.3

Compute and Compare Diagnostic Test Statistics Across Groups

ROCR — 1.0-11

Visualizing the Performance of Scoring Classifiers

ROCSI — 0.1.0

Receiver Operating Characteristic Based Signature Identification

ROCsurf — 0.1.1

ROC Surface Analysis Under the Three-Class Problems

rocsvm.path — 0.1.0

The Entire Solution Paths for ROC-SVM

rocTree — 1.1.1

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)-Guided Classification and Survival Tree

RODBC — 1.3-23

ODBC Database Access

RODBCDBI — 0.1.1

Provides Access to Databases Through the ODBC Interface

rodd — 0.2-1

Optimal Discriminating Designs

rODE — 0.99.6

Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) Solvers Written in R Using S4 Classes

rodeo — 0.8.2

A Code Generator for ODE-Based Models

rofanova — 1.0.0

Robust Functional Analysis of Variance

roger — 1.5-1

Automated Grading of R Scripts

Rogue — 2.1.6

Identify Rogue Taxa in Sets of Phylogenetic Trees

ROI — 1.0-1

R Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.models.globalOptTests — 1.1-1

'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'globalOptTests'

ROI.models.miplib — 1.0-0

'ROI' Access to 'MIPLIB' 2010 Benchmark Instances

ROI.models.netlib — 1.1-2

'ROI' Optimization Problems Based on 'NETLIB-LP'

ROI.plugin.alabama — 1.0-2

'alabama' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.clarabel — 0.3

'clarabel' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.cplex — 0.3-0


ROI.plugin.deoptim — 1.0-2

'DEoptim' and 'DEoptimR' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Interface

ROI.plugin.ecos — 1.0-2

'ECOS' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.glpk — 1.0-0

'ROI' Plug-in 'GLPK'

ROI.plugin.highs — 1.0-3

'HiGHS' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.ipop — 1.0-0

'ipop' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface

ROI.plugin.lpsolve — 1.0-2

'lp_solve' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.msbinlp — 1.0-1

'Multi-Solution' Binary Linear Problem Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface

ROI.plugin.neos — 1.0-2

'NEOS' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface

ROI.plugin.nloptr — 1.0-1

'nloptr' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.optimx — 1.0-1

'optimx' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.osqp — 1.0-2

'osqp' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.qpoases — 1.0-3

'qpOASES' Plugin for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.quadprog — 1.0-1

'quadprog' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.scs — 1.1-2

'SCS' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Infrastructure

ROI.plugin.symphony — 1.0-0

'SYMPHONY' Plug-in for the 'R' Optimization Interface

rolap — 2.5.1

Obtaining Star Databases from Flat Tables

roll — 1.1.7

Rolling and Expanding Statistics

rollama — 0.1.0

Communicate with 'Ollama'

rollbar — 0.1.0

Error Tracking and Logging

rolldown — 0.1

R Markdown Output Formats for Storytelling

rollinglda — 0.1.3

Construct Consistent Time Series from Textual Data

rollmatch — 2.0.3

Rolling Entry Matching

rollup — 0.1.0

A Tidy Grouping Set Aggregation

roloc — 0.1-2

Convert Colour Specification to Colour Name

rolocISCCNBS — 0.1

A Colour List and Colour Metric Based on the ISCC-NBS System of Color Designation

rolog — 0.9.18

Query 'SWI'-'Prolog' from R

ROlogit — 0.1.2

Fit Rank-Ordered Logit (RO-Logit) Model

rolr — 1.0.0

Finding Optimal Three-Group Splits Based on a Survival Outcome

RolWinMulCor — 1.2.0

Subroutines to Estimate Rolling Window Multiple Correlation

RolWinWavCor — 0.4.0

Estimate Rolling Window Wavelet Correlation Between Two Time Series

ROMDB — 0.1.0

Get 'OMDB' API Multiple Information

romic — 1.1.3

R for High-Dimensional Omic Data

RonFHIR — 0.4.0

Read and Search Interface to the 'HL7 FHIR' REST API

Rook — 1.2

HTTP Web Server for R

ROOPSD — 0.3.9

R Object Oriented Programming for Statistical Distribution

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