All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

repoRter.nih — 0.1.4

R Interface to the 'NIH RePORTER Project' API

ReporterScore — 0.1.8

Generalized Reporter Score-Based Enrichment Analysis for Omics Data

reportfactory — 0.4.0

Lightweight Infrastructure for Handling Multiple R Markdown Documents

reportr — 1.3.0

A General Message and Error Reporting System

reportReg — 0.3.0

An Easy Way to Report Regression Analysis

reportRmd — 0.1.0

Tidy Presentation of Clinical Reporting

reportROC — 3.6

An Easy Way to Report ROC Analysis

reporttools — 1.1.3

Generate "LaTeX"" Tables of Descriptive Statistics

REPPlab — 0.9.6

R Interface to 'EPP-Lab', a Java Program for Exploratory Projection Pursuit

REPPlabShiny — 0.4.2

'REPPlab' via a Shiny Application

repr — 1.1.7

Serializable Representations

represent — 1.0.1

Determine How Representative Two Multidimensional Data Sets are

representr — 0.1.5

Create Representative Records After Entity Resolution

represtools — 0.1.3

Reproducible Research Tools

reprex — 2.1.1

Prepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard

reproducer — 0.5.3

Reproduce Statistical Analyses and Meta-Analyses

reproducible — 2.1.0

Enhance Reproducibility of R Code

reproj — 0.7.0

Coordinate System Transformations for Generic Map Data

repsd — 1.0.1

Root Expected Proportion Squared Difference for Detecting DIF


Regulatory DNA Element Prediction

repurrrsive — 1.1.0

Examples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames

reqres — 0.2.5

Powerful Classes for HTTP Requests and Responses

REQS — 0.8-13

R/EQS Interface

request — 0.1.0

High Level 'HTTP' Client

Require — 1.0.1

Installing and Loading R Packages for Reproducible Workflows

requiRements — 0.0.3

Helper Package to Install Packages for R

requireR —

R Source Code Modularizer

rerandPower — 0.0.1

Power and Sample Size Calculations for Completely Randomized and Rerandomized Experiments

rerddap — 1.1.0

General Purpose Client for 'ERDDAP' Servers

rerddapXtracto — 1.2.1

Extracts Environmental Data from 'ERDDAP™' Web Services

reReg — 1.4.7

Recurrent Event Regression

resample — 0.6

Resampling Functions

resampledata — 0.3.1

Data Sets for Mathematical Statistics with Resampling in R

resampledata3 — 1.0

Data Sets for "Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R" (3rd Ed)

resde — 1.1

Estimation in Reducible Stochastic Differential Equations

ResearchAssociate — 1.0.1

Retrieving Publications from PubMed Database Based on User Query

resemble — 2.2.3

Memory-Based Learning in Spectral Chemometrics

reservoir — 1.1.5

Tools for Analysis, Design, and Operation of Water Supply Storages

reservoirnet — 0.2.0

Reservoir Computing and Echo State Networks

reservr — 0.0.3

Fit Distributions and Neural Networks to Censored and Truncated Data

RESET — 1.0.0

Reconstruction Set Test

resevol —

Simulate Agricultural Production and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance

reshape — 0.8.9

Flexibly Reshape Data

reshape2 — 1.4.4

Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package

RESI — 1.2.4

Robust Effect Size Index (RESI) Estimation

ResidentialEnergyConsumption — 1.1.0

Residential Energy Consumption Data

resilience — 2024.1.2

Predictors of Resilience to a Stressor in a Single-Arm Study

ResIN — 2.0.0

Response Item Networks

ResistorArray — 1.0-32

Electrical Properties of Resistor Networks

reslife — 0.2.1

Calculate Mean Residual Life (MRL) and Related Values for Different Distributions

reslr — 0.1.1

Modelling Relative Sea Level Data

resmush — 0.2.0

Optimize and Compress Image Files with ''

resourcer — 1.4.0

Resource Resolver

ResourceSelection — 0.3-6

Resource Selection (Probability) Functions for Use-Availability Data

ResPBIBD — 0.1.0

"Resolvable Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (PBIBDs)"

RespirAnalyzer — 1.0.2

Analysis Functions of Respiratory Data

respirometry — 2.0.0

Tools for Conducting and Analyzing Respirometry Experiments

responsePatterns — 0.1.1

Screening for Careless Responding Patterns

respR — 2.3.3

Import, Process, Analyse, and Calculate Rates from Respirometry Data

resquin — 0.0.2

Response Quality Indicators for Survey Research

RESS — 1.3

Integrates R and Essentia

restatapi — 0.23.2

Search and Retrieve Data from Eurostat Database

restatis — 0.2.0

R Wrapper to Access a Wide Range of Germany's Federal Statistical System Databases Based on the GENESIS Web Service RESTful API of the German Federal Statistical Office (Statistisches Bundesamt/Destatis)

restaurant — 0.1.0

Restaurant Data for Entity Resolution

restez — 2.1.4

Create and Query a Local Copy of 'GenBank' in R

restfulr — 0.0.15

R Interface to RESTful Web Services

restimizeapi — 1.0.0

Functions for Working with the '' Web Services

RESTK — 1.0.0

An Implementation of the RESTK Algorithm

restoptr — 1.0.6

Ecological Restoration Planning

RestoreNet — 1.0.1

Random-Effects Stochastic Reaction Networks

restriktor — 0.5-90

Restricted Statistical Estimation and Inference for Linear Models

RestRserve — 1.2.3

A Framework for Building HTTP API

result — 0.1.0

Result Type for Safely Handling Operations that can Succeed or Fail

resultant — 1.0.0

Utilities for Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients

ResultModelManager — 0.5.11

Result Model Manager

resumer — 0.0.5

Build Resumes with R

retel — 0.1.0

Regularized Exponentially Tilted Empirical Likelihood

rethinker — 1.1.0

RethinkDB Client

rethnicity — 0.2.5

Predicting Ethnic Group from Names

reticulate — 1.39.0

Interface to 'Python'

retriever — 0.2.1

Generate Disease-Specific Response Signatures from the LINCS-L1000 Data

retrodesign — 0.2.2

Tools for Type S (Sign) and Type M (Magnitude) Errors

retroharmonize — 0.2.0

Ex Post Survey Data Harmonization

retrosheet — 1.1.6

Import Professional Baseball Data from 'Retrosheet'

retry — 0.1.1

Repeated Evaluation

ReturnCurves — 1.0

Estimation of Return Curves

reutils — 0.2.3

Talk to the NCBI EUtils

reval — 3.1-0

Argument Table Generation for Sensitivity Analysis

revdbayes — 1.5.5

Ratio-of-Uniforms Sampling for Bayesian Extreme Value Analysis

revealedPrefs — 0.4.1

Revealed Preferences and Microeconomic Rationality

revealjs — 0.9

R Markdown Format for 'reveal.js' Presentations

RevEcoR — 0.99.3

Reverse Ecology Analysis on Microbiome

reveneraR — 0.1.2

Connect to Your 'Revenera' (Formerly 'Revulytics') Data

revengc — 1.0.4

Reverse Engineering Summarized Data

reverseR — 0.2

Linear Regression Stability to Significance Reversal

revert — 0.0.1

Reversion Mutation Identifier for Sequencing Data

RevGadgets — 1.2.1

Visualization and Post-Processing of 'RevBayes' Analyses

revgeo — 0.15

Reverse Geocoding with the Photon Geocoder for OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, and Bing

ReviewR — 2.3.10

A Light-Weight, Portable Tool for Reviewing Individual Patient Records

revpref — 0.1.0

Tools for Computational Revealed Preference Analysis

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