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· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

protr — 1.7-4

Generating Various Numerical Representation Schemes for Protein Sequences

ProTrackR — 0.4.3

Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules

protti — 0.9.0

Bottom-Up Proteomics and LiP-MS Quality Control and Data Analysis Tools

protViz — 0.7.9

Visualizing and Analyzing Mass Spectrometry Related Data in Proteomics

proustr — 0.4.0

Tools for Natural Language Processing in French

provDebugR — 1.0.1

A Time-Travelling Debugger

provenance — 4.3

Statistical Toolbox for Sedimentary Provenance Analysis

proverbs — 0.4.0

Print a Daily Bible Proverb to Console

provExplainR — 1.1.1

Compare Provenance Collections to Explain Changed Script Outputs

provGraphR — 1.0.1

Creates Adjacency Matrices for Lineage Searches

provParseR — 1.0

Pulls Information from Prov.Json Files

provSummarizeR — 1.5.1

Summarizes Provenance Related to Inputs and Outputs of a Script or Console Commands

provTraceR — 1.0

Uses Provenance to Trace File Lineage for One or more R Scripts

provViz — 1.0.9

Provenance Visualizer

proxirr — 0.4

Alpha and Beta Proximity to Irreplaceability

proxy — 0.4-27

Distance and Similarity Measures

proxyC — 0.4.1

Computes Proximity in Large Sparse Matrices

prozor — 0.3.1

Minimal Protein Set Explaining Peptide Spectrum Matches

PRP — 0.1.1

Bayesian Prior and Posterior Predictive Replication Assessment

prqlr — 0.9.0

R Bindings for the 'prqlc' Rust Library

prrd — 0.0.6

Parallel Runs of Reverse Depends

PRROC — 1.3.1

Precision-Recall and ROC Curves for Weighted and Unweighted Data

PRSim — 1.5

Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow Time Series using Phase Randomization

PRSPGx — 0.3.0

Construct PGx PRS

pRSR — 3.1.1

Test of Periodicity using Response Surface Regression

prt — 0.2.0

Tabular Data Backed by Partitioned 'fst' Files

PRTree — 0.1.2

Probabilistic Regression Trees

prWarp — 1.0.1

Warping Landmark Configurations

pryr — 0.1.6

Tools for Computing on the Language

Przewodnik — 0.16.12

Datasets and Functions Used in the Book 'Przewodnik po Pakiecie R'

ps — 1.8.0

List, Query, Manipulate System Processes

PSAboot — 1.3.8

Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis

PSAgraphics — 2.1.3

Propensity Score Analysis Graphics

PSAWR — 0.1.0

'Pushshift' API Wrapper for 'Reddit' Submission and Comment Search

psBayesborrow — 1.1.0

Bayesian Information Borrowing with Propensity Score Matching

psbcGroup — 1.7

Penalized Parametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Survival Models with Shrinkage and Grouping Priors

psbcSpeedUp — 2.0.7

Penalized Semiparametric Bayesian Cox Models

psborrow — 0.2.1

Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing with Propensity Score

psborrow2 —

Bayesian Dynamic Borrowing Analysis and Simulation

PSCBS — 0.67.0

Analysis of Parent-Specific DNA Copy Numbers

pscl — 1.5.9

Political Science Computational Laboratory

pscore — 0.4.0

Standardizing Physiological Composite Risk Endpoints

PScr — 1.1

Estimation for the Power Series Cure Rate Model

psd — 2.1.1

Adaptive, Sine-Multitaper Power Spectral Density and Cross Spectrum Estimation

psData — 0.2.2

Download Regularly Maintained Political Science Data Sets

PSDistr — 0.0.1

Distributions Derived from Normal Distribution

psdr — 1.0.1

Use Time Series to Generate and Compare Power Spectral Density

pseudo — 1.4.3

Computes Pseudo-Observations for Modeling

pseudohouseholds — 0.1.1

Generate Pseudohouseholds on Road Networks in Regions

pseval — 1.3.1

Methods for Evaluating Principal Surrogates of Treatment Response

PSF — 0.5

Forecasting of Univariate Time Series Using the Pattern Sequence-Based Forecasting (PSF) Algorithm

psfmi — 1.4.0

Prediction Model Pooling, Selection and Performance Evaluation Across Multiply Imputed Datasets

PSGD — 1.0.3

Projected Subset Gradient Descent

PSGoft — 0.0.1

Modified Lilliefors Goodness-of-Fit Normality Test

psgp — 0.3-21

Projected Spatial Gaussian Process Methods

psica — 1.0.2

Decision Tree Analysis for Probabilistic Subgroup Identification with Multiple Treatments

psidread — 1.0.3

Streamline Building Panel Data from Panel Study of Income Dynamics ('PSID') Raw Files

PSIM — 0.1.0

Preference Selection Index Method (PSIM)

PSIndependenceTest — 0.0.1

Independence Tests for Two-Way, Three-Way and Four-Way Contingency Tables

PSinference — 0.2.1

Inference for Released Plug-in Sampling Single Synthetic Dataset

PSLM2015 — 0.2.0

Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement Survey 2014-15

psm3mkv — 0.3.2

Evaluate Partitioned Survival and State Transition Models

psmineR — 0.1.0

Performance Spectrum Miner for Event Data

pso — 1.0.4

Particle Swarm Optimization

psoptim — 1.0

Particle Swarm Optimization

psp — 1.0.2

Parameter Space Partitioning MCMC for Global Model Evaluation

pspatreg — 1.1.2

Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Semiparametric Regression Models with Spatial Lags

pspearman — 0.3-1

Spearman's Rank Correlation Test

pspline — 1.0-20

Penalized Smoothing Splines

PSPManalysis — 0.3.9

Analysis of Physiologically Structured Population Models

psqn — 0.3.2

Partially Separable Quasi-Newton

PSS.Health — 1.0.2

Power and Sample Size for Health Researchers via Shiny

PSSIM — 0.1.0

Test of Independence & Image Structural Similarity Measure PSSIM

PSSMCOOL — 0.2.4

Features Extracted from Position Specific Scoring Matrix (PSSM)

pssmooth — 1.0.3

Flexible and Efficient Evaluation of Principal Surrogates/Treatment Effect Modifiers

psSubpathway — 0.1.3

Flexible Identification of Phenotype-Specific Subpathways

PST — 0.94.1

Probabilistic Suffix Trees and Variable Length Markov Chains

Pstat — 1.2

Assessing Pst Statistics

pstest —

Specification Tests for Parametric Propensity Score Models

PStrata — 0.0.5

Principal Stratification Analysis in R

psvmSDR — 1.0.2

Unified Principal Sufficient Dimension Reduction Package

PSW — 1.1-3

Propensity Score Weighting Methods for Dichotomous Treatments

PSweight — 1.2.0

Propensity Score Weighting for Causal Inference with Observational Studies and Randomized Trials

psy — 1.2

Various Procedures Used in Psychometrics

psycCleaning — 0.1.1

Data Cleaning for Psychological Analyses

psych —

Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research

psychmeta — 2.7.0

Psychometric Meta-Analysis Toolkit

psycho — 0.6.1

Efficient and Publishing-Oriented Workflow for Psychological Science

psychometric — 2.4

Applied Psychometric Theory

psychomix — 1.1-9

Psychometric Mixture Models

psychonetrics — 0.13

Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Network Analysis

psychotools — 0.7-4

Psychometric Modeling Infrastructure

psychotree — 0.16-1

Recursive Partitioning Based on Psychometric Models

psychReport — 3.0.2

Reproducible Reports in Psychology

psychrolib — 2.5.2

Psychrometric Properties of Moist and Dry Air

psychTools — 2.4.3

Tools to Accompany the 'psych' Package for Psychological Research

PsychWordVec — 2023.9

Word Embedding Research Framework for Psychological Science

psycModel — 0.5.0

Integrated Toolkit for Psychological Analysis and Modeling in R

PsyControl —

CUSUM Person Fit Statistics

psymetadata — 1.0.1

Open Datasets from Meta-Analyses in Psychology Research

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