All packages

· A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z ·

HealthCal — 0.1.1

Health Calculator

healthcare.antitrust — 0.1.4

Healthcare Antitrust Analysis

healthdb — 0.3.1

Working with Healthcare Databases

healthequal — 1.0.0

Compute Summary Measures of Health Inequality

healthfinance — 0.1.0

Financial Projections and Planning for Health Care Practices

healthyAddress — 0.4.3

Convert Addresses to Standard Inputs

healthyR — 0.2.2

Hospital Data Analysis Workflow Tools — 0.1.0

The Machine Learning and AI Modeling Companion to 'healthyR' — 1.1.1

Data Only Package to 'healthyR'

healthyR.ts — 0.3.0

The Time Series Modeling Companion to 'healthyR'

healthyverse — 1.1.0

Easily Install and Load the 'healthyverse'

heapsofpapers — 0.1.0

Easily Download Heaps of PDF and CSV Files

heatex — 1.0

Heat exchange calculations during physical activity.

heatmap3 — 1.1.9

An Improved Heatmap Package

heatmapFit — 2.0.4

Fit Statistic for Binary Dependent Variable Models

heatmapFlex — 0.1.2

Tools to Generate Flexible Heatmaps

heatmaply — 1.5.0

Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'

heatwaveR — 0.4.6

Detect Heatwaves and Cold-Spells

heck — 0.1.3

Highly Performant String Case Converter

HeckmanEM — 0.2-1

Fit Normal, Student-t or Contaminated Normal Heckman Selection Models

HEDA — 0.1.5

'Hydropeaking Events Detection Algorithm'

heddlr — 0.6.0

Dynamic R Markdown Document Generation

hedgedrf — 0.0.1

An Implementation of the Hedged Random Forest Algorithm

hedgehog — 0.1

Property-Based Testing

heemod — 1.0.2

Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations

heimdall — 1.0.717

Drift Adaptable Models

heims — 0.4.0

Decode and Validate HEIMS Data from Department of Education, Australia

heiscore — 0.1.3

Score and Plot the Healthy Eating Index from NHANES Data

helixvis — 1.0.1

Visualize Alpha-Helical Peptide Sequences

HellCor — 1.3

The Hellinger Correlation

hellno — 0.0.1

Providing 'stringsAsFactors=FALSE' Variants of 'data.frame()' and ''

helloJavaWorld — 0.0-9

Hello Java World

hellorust — 1.2.2

Minimal Examples of Using Rust Code in R

helminthR — 1.0.10

Access London Natural History Museum Host-Helminth Record Database

HelpersMG — 6.2

Tools for Environmental Analyses, Ecotoxicology and Various R Functions

helsinki — 1.0.6

R Tools for Helsinki Open Data

HEMDAG — 2.7.4

Hierarchical Ensemble Methods for Directed Acyclic Graphs

hemispheR — 1.1.4

Processing Hemispherical Canopy Images

heplots — 1.7.0

Visualizing Hypothesis Tests in Multivariate Linear Models

here — 1.0.1

A Simpler Way to Find Your Files

hereR — 1.0.0

'sf'-Based Interface to the 'HERE' REST APIs

heritability — 1.4

Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data

HeritSeq — 1.0.2

Heritability of Gene Expression for Next-Generation Sequencing

hermite — 1.1.2

Generalized Hermite Distribution

hermiter — 2.3.1

Efficient Sequential and Batch Estimation of Univariate and Bivariate Probability Density Functions and Cumulative Distribution Functions along with Quantiles (Univariate) and Nonparametric Correlation (Bivariate)

hero — 0.6

Spatio-Temporal (Hero) Sandwich Smoother

hesim — 0.5.5

Health Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis

HeterFunctionalData — 0.1.0

Test of No Main and/or Interaction Effects in Functional Data

heterogen — 1.2.33

Spatial Functions for Heterogeneity and Climate Variability

HeteroGGM — 1.0.1

Gaussian Graphical Model-Based Heterogeneity Analysis

heterometa — 0.3

Convert Various Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity Measures

heteromixgm — 2.0.2

Copula Graphical Models for Heterogeneous Mixed Data

hetGP — 1.1.7

Heteroskedastic Gaussian Process Modeling and Design under Replication

HEtools — 1.0.0

Homomorphic Encryption Polynomials

HETOP — 0.2-6

MLE and Bayesian Estimation of Heteroskedastic Ordered Probit (HETOP) Model

hetsurr — 1.0

Assessing Heterogeneity in the Utility of a Surrogate Marker

hetsurrSurv — 1.0

Assessing Heterogeneity in Surrogacy Using Censored Data

hett — 0.3-3

Heteroscedastic t-Regression

hettest — 1.0

Testing for a Treatment Effect Using a Heterogeneous Surrogate Marker

hettreatreg — 0.1.0

Heterogeneous Treatment Effects in Regression Analysis

hettx — 0.1.3

Fisherian and Neymanian Methods for Detecting and Measuring Treatment Effect Variation

hetu — 1.0.7

Structural Handling of Finnish Personal Identity Codes

heumilkr — 0.2.0

Heuristic Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Solver

heuristica — 1.0.3

Heuristics Including Take the Best and Unit-Weight Linear

heuristicsmineR — 0.3.0

Discovery of Process Models with the Heuristics Miner

hexbin — 1.28.4

Hexagonal Binning Routines

hexDensity — 1.4.4

Fast Kernel Density Estimation with Hexagonal Grid

hexfont — 0.4.0

'GNU Unifont' Hex Fonts

hexSticker — 0.4.9

Create Hexagon Sticker in R

HextractoR — 1.4

Integrated Tool for Hairping Extraction of RNA Sequences

hextri — 0.9.17

Hexbin Plots with Triangles

hexView — 0.3-4

Viewing Binary Files

hfhub — 0.1.1

Hugging Face Hub Interface

hflights — 0.1

Flights that departed Houston in 2011

hfr — 0.7.1

Estimate Hierarchical Feature Regression Models

hglasso — 1.3

Learning Graphical Models with Hubs

hglm — 2.2-1

Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models — 1.0-1

Data for the 'hglm' Package

hgm — 1.23

Holonomic Gradient Method and Gradient Descent

HGMND — 0.1.0

Heterogeneous Graphical Model for Non-Negative Data

hgnc — 0.1.4

Download and Import the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee ('HGNC') Data Set into R

HGNChelper — 0.8.14

Identify and Correct Invalid HGNC Human Gene Symbols and MGI Mouse Gene Symbols

HGraph — 0.1.0

Use Graph Structure to Travel

HGSL — 1.0.0

Heterogeneous Group Square-Root Lasso

hgutils — 0.2.11

Collection of Utility Functions

hgwrr — 0.5-0

Hierarchical and Geographically Weighted Regression

HH — 3.1-52

Statistical Analysis and Data Display: Heiberger and Holland

hhh4contacts — 0.13.3

Age-Structured Spatio-Temporal Models for Infectious Disease Counts

hhi — 1.2.0

Calculate and Visualize the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index

HhP — 1.0.0

Hierarchical Heterogeneity Analysis via Penalization

hhsmm — 0.4.2

Hidden Hybrid Markov/Semi-Markov Model Fitting

hht — 2.1.6

The Hilbert-Huang Transform: Tools and Methods

hibayes — 3.0.3

Individual-Level, Summary-Level and Single-Step Bayesian Regression Model

HiClimR — 2.2.1

Hierarchical Climate Regionalization

hicp — 0.6.1

Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices

hiddenf — 2.0

The All-Configurations, Maximum-Interaction F-Test for Hidden Additivity

HiddenMarkov — 1.8-13

Hidden Markov Models

hidecan — 1.1.0

Create HIDECAN Plots for Visualising Genome-Wide Association Studies and Differential Expression Results

HiDimDA — 0.2-6

High Dimensional Discriminant Analysis

hidradenitis — 1.0.0

Calculate Clinical Scores for Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), a Dermatologic Disease

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