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2.1.1 by Adelchi Azzalini, 2 years ago
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Authors: Adelchi Azzalini [aut, cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports mnormt, numDeriv, utils, quantreg
Depends on methods, stats4
Suggests R.rsp
Imported by ALDqr, BayesMultiMode, Compositional, ExtremalDep, GeoModels, ICAOD, LaMa, MAINT.Data, MNARclust, PerRegMod, PopulateR, QuadratiK, RFlocalfdr, Rgbp, Rlgt, SBMTrees, SFM, SGP, SHELF, SMARTp, SPreg, TFisher, TSMSN, ThermalSampleR, VarReg, abtest, asymmetry.measures, atRisk, blapsr, bssn, distdichoR, expertsurv, fAssets, fMultivar, facmodCS, facmodTS, fmx, holi, lancor, latent2likert, mateable, matrisk, mvdalab, npboottprm, ordgam, parTimeROC, parfm, pema, proteus, rSHAPE, robmed, sampsizeval, scdtb, ssmn, ssmodels, stochvolTMB.
Depended on by MCMCtreeR, enveomics.R, goft.
Suggested by BLCOP, COMIX, DepthProc, EvidenceSynthesis, MetricGraph, PointedSDMs, SUMMER, Surrogate, extras, fCopulae, fic, fitteR, inlabru, mi, mlpwr, modnets, param2moment, qrmtools, rSPDE, skewMLRM, snem, ssym, stuart, symmetry, tclust.
See at CRAN