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3.0.1 by Arni Magnusson, 2 months ago
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Authors: Gregory R. Warnes [aut] , Gregor Gorjanc [aut] , Arni Magnusson [aut, cre] , Liviu Andronic [aut] , Jim Rogers [aut] , Don MacQueen [aut] , Ales Korosec [aut] , Ben Bolker [ctb] , Michael Chirico [ctb] , Gabor Grothendieck [ctb] , Thomas Lumley [ctb] , Brian Ripley [ctb] , inoui llc [fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports gtools, methods, stats, utils
Suggests RUnit
Imported by EGRNi, GCPBayes, GSelection, INQC, LOST, LadderFuelsR, NetworkComparr, Plasmidprofiler, QTLRel, RKEEL, RavenR, SEMgraph, ccid, comato, gmodels, metamicrobiomeR, polySegratio, powerbydesign, rtematres, svyweight, vannstats, weights.
Depended on by ImportExport, genetics.
Suggested by ProjectTemplate, RCPA3, bst, datana, ipdw, oncoPredict, plotMCMC, poliscidata, popReconstruct, primer, rattle, readroper, rfigshare, scape.
See at CRAN