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3.2.4 by Luca Scrucca, a year ago
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Authors: Luca Scrucca [aut, cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, cli, crayon, Rcpp
Depends on methods, foreach, iterators
Suggests parallel, doParallel, doRNG, knitr, rmarkdown
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Imported by ConsReg, DistributionOptimization, EZtune, GAGBLUP, LCAvarsel, LorenzRegression, MSTest, MaxMC, RMaCzek, TropFishR, UBayFS, calmr, datafsm, eicm, epinetr, fungible, graposas, gratis, gripp, hmsr, kernhaz, metacoder, ppgmmga, psychonetrics, rmoo, sphereML, tidychangepoint, triggerstrategy.
Depended on by EstimationTools, SPIGA, foreSIGHT, gawdis, mcga, recmap.
Suggested by IDSL.UFA, MSCMT, PopED, TaxicabCA, hpa, ldsr, netUtils, regsem, seriation, tdsc, ubiquity.
See at CRAN