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6.1-1 by Mikis Stasinopoulos, a year ago
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Authors: Mikis Stasinopoulos [aut, cre, cph] , Robert Rigby [aut] , Calliope Akantziliotou [ctb] , Vlasios Voudouris [ctb] , Gillian Heller [ctb] , Fernanda De Bastiani [ctb] , Raydonal Ospina [ctb] , Nicoletta Motpan [ctb] , Fiona McElduff [ctb] , Majid Djennad [ctb] , Marco Enea [ctb] , Alexios Ghalanos [ctb] , Christos Argyropoulos [ctb] , Almond Stöcker [ctb] , Jens Lichter [ctb] , Stanislaus Stadlmann [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports MASS, graphics, stats, methods, grDevices
Suggests distributions3
Imported by AGD, DiscreteDists, ExGaussEstim, GJRM, ImputeRobust, OutSeekR, PLreg, PReMiuM, QFASA, RelDists, SEI, SVEMnet, SimSST, ZINAR1, asymmetry.measures, childsds, distreg.vis, gamlss.foreach, gamlssx, hytest, list, mixpoissonreg, orders, powdist, rpql, scModels, sregsurvey, ugomquantreg, vasicekreg.
Depended on by acid, binequality, gamlss, gamlss.add, gamlss.cens, gamlss.countKinf, gamlss.demo, gamlss.ggplots, gamlss.inf,, gamlss.spatial,, gamlssbssn, pbox.
Suggested by EstimationTools, PerformanceAnalytics, bamlss, coveffectsplot, depmixS4, fitdistrplus, gamboostLSS, hnp, marginaleffects, mazeinda, profoc, scanstatistics, tramME.
See at CRAN