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KONPsurv — 1.0.4

KONP Tests: Powerful K-Sample Tests for Right-Censored Data

KOR.addrlink — 1.0.1

Matching Address Data to Reference Index

koRpus — 0.13-8

Text Analysis with Emphasis on POS Tagging, Readability, and Lexical Diversity

koRpus.lang.en — 0.1-4

Language Support for 'koRpus' Package: English

kosel — 0.0.1

Variable Selection by Revisited Knockoffs Procedures

kosis — 0.0.1

Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS)

KoulMde — 3.2.1

Koul's Minimum Distance Estimation in Regression and Image Segmentation Problems

Kpart — 1.2.2

Cubic Spline Fitting with Knot Selection

KPC — 0.1.2

Kernel Partial Correlation Coefficient

kpcaIG — 1.0

Variables Interpretability with Kernel PCA

kpcalg — 1.0.1

Kernel PC Algorithm for Causal Structure Detection

kpeaks — 1.1.0

Determination of K Using Peak Counts of Features for Clustering

kpmt — 0.1.0

Known Population Median Test

kpodclustr — 1.1

Method for Clustering Partially Observed Data

KraljicMatrix — 0.2.1

A Quantified Implementation of the Kraljic Matrix

kriens — 0.1

Continuation Passing Style Development

krige — 0.6.2

Geospatial Kriging with Metropolis Sampling

kriging — 1.2

Ordinary Kriging

KrigInv — 1.4.2

Kriging-Based Inversion for Deterministic and Noisy Computer Experiments

krippendorffsalpha — 2.0

Measuring Agreement Using Krippendorff's Alpha Coefficient

KRIS — 1.1.6

Keen and Reliable Interface Subroutines for Bioinformatic Analysis

KRLS — 1.0-0

Kernel-Based Regularized Least Squares

krm — 2022.10-17

Kernel Based Regression Models

KRMM — 1.0

Kernel Ridge Mixed Model

kronos — 1.0.0

Microbiome Oriented Circadian Rhythm Analysis Toolkit

ks — 1.14.3

Kernel Smoothing

KSA — 0.1.0

Retained Component Criterion for Principal Component Analysis

kSamples — 1.2-10

K-Sample Rank Tests and their Combinations

KScorrect — 1.4.0

Lilliefors-Corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-Fit Tests

KSD — 1.0.1

Goodness-of-Fit Tests using Kernelized Stein Discrepancy

KSEAapp — 0.99.0

Kinase-Substrate Enrichment Analysis

kselection — 0.2.1

Selection of K in K-Means Clustering

KSgeneral — 2.0.2

Computing P-Values of the One-Sample K-S Test and the Two-Sample K-S and Kuiper Tests for (Dis)Continuous Null Distribution

ksharp —

Cluster Sharpening

ksNN — 0.1.2

K* Nearest Neighbors Algorithm

KSPM — 0.2.1

Kernel Semi-Parametric Models

ksrlive — 1.0

Identify Kinase Substrate Relationships Using Dynamic Data

kssa — 0.0.1

Known Sub-Sequence Algorithm

kst — 0.5-4

Knowledge Space Theory

kStatistics — 2.1.1

Unbiased Estimators for Cumulant Products and Faa Di Bruno's Formula

kstIO — 0.4-0

Knowledge Space Theory Input/Output

kstMatrix — 1.0-0

Basic Functions in Knowledge Space Theory Using Matrix Representation

ktaucenters — 1.0.0

Robust Clustering Procedures

KTensorGraphs — 1.1

Co-Tucker3 Analysis of Two Sequences of Matrices

ktsolve — 1.3.1

Configurable Function for Solving Families of Nonlinear Equations

ktweedie — 1.0.3

'Tweedie' Compound Poisson Model in the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space

kuiper.2samp — 1.0

Two-Sample Kuiper Test

Kurt — 1.1

Performs Kurtosis-Based Statistical Analyses

kutils — 1.73

Project Management Tools

kvh — 1.4.2

Read/Write Files in Key-Value-Hierarchy Format

kyotil — 2024.7-31

Utility Functions for Statistical Analysis Report Generation and Monte Carlo Studies

kza —

Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive Filters

kzs — 1.4

Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Spatial Smoothing and Applications

l0ara — 0.1.6

Sparse Generalized Linear Model with L0 Approximation for Feature Selection

L0Learn — 2.1.0

Fast Algorithms for Best Subset Selection

l1ball — 0.1.0

L1-Ball Prior for Sparse Regression

L1centrality — 0.2.1

Graph/Network Analysis Based on L1 Centrality

l1kdeconv — 1.2.0

Deconvolution for LINCS L1000 Data

L1pack — 0.50

Routines for L1 Estimation

l1spectral — 0.99.6

An L1-Version of the Spectral Clustering

l2boost — 1.0.3

Exploring Friedman's Boosting Algorithm for Regularized Linear Regression

L2DensityGoFtest — 0.6.0

Density Goodness-of-Fit Test

L2E — 2.0

Robust Structured Regression via the L2 Criterion

L2hdchange — 1.0

L2 Inference for Change Points in High-Dimensional Time Series

LA — 2.3

Lioness Algorithm (LA)

lab2clean — 1.0.0

Automation and Standardization of Cleaning Clinical Lab Data

LabApplStat — 1.4.4

Miscellaneous Scripts from the Data Science Laboratory (UCPH)

labdsv — 2.1-0

Ordination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecology

label.switching — 1.8

Relabelling MCMC Outputs of Mixture Models

labeleR — 0.1.2

Automate the Production of Custom Labels, Badges, Certificates, and Other Documents

labeling — 0.4.3

Axis Labeling

labelled — 2.13.0

Manipulating Labelled Data

labelmachine — 1.0.0

Make Labeling of R Data Sets Easy

labelr — 0.1.9

Label Data Frames, Variables, and Values

labelVector — 0.1.2

Label Attributes for Atomic Vectors

lablaster — 1.0.1

Laser Ablation Blast Through Endpoint Detection

labNorm — 1.0.1

Normalize Laboratory Measurements by Age and Sex

LabourMarketAreas — 3.4

Identification, Tuning, Visualisation and Analysis of Labour Market Areas

labourR — 1.0.0

Classify Multilingual Labour Market Free-Text to Standardized Hierarchical Occupations

LabRS — 0.1.0

Laboratorio di "Ricerca Sociale con R"

labsimplex — 0.1.2

Simplex Optimization Algorithms for Laboratory and Manufacturing Processes

labstatR — 1.0.13

Libreria Del Laboratorio Di Statistica Con R

labstats — 1.0.1

Data Sets for the Book "Experimental Design for Laboratory Biologists"

lacm — 0.1.1

Latent Autoregressive Count Models

lacrmr — 1.0.5

Connect to the 'Less Annoying CRM' API

lactater — 0.2.0

Tools for Analyzing Lactate Thresholds

lactcurves — 1.1.0

Lactation Curve Parameter Estimation

lacunaritycovariance — 1.1-7

Gliding Box Lacunarity and Other Metrics for 2D Random Closed Sets

lacunr — 1.0.1

Fast 3D Lacunarity for Voxel Data

LAD — 0.1.0

Derive Leaf Angle Distribution (LAD) from Measured Leaf Inclination Angles

LadderFuelsR — 0.0.6

Automated Tool for Vertical Fuel Continuity Analysis using Airborne Laser Scanning Data

laeken — 0.5.3

Estimation of Indicators on Social Exclusion and Poverty

LaF — 0.8.4

Fast Access to Large ASCII Files

lagged — 0.3.2

Classes and Methods for Lagged Objects

LAGOSNE — 2.0.3

Interface to the Lake Multi-Scaled Geospatial and Temporal Database

laGP — 1.5-9

Local Approximate Gaussian Process Regression

lagsarlmtree — 1.0-1

Spatial Lag Model Trees

LagSequential — 0.1.1

Lag-Sequential Categorical Data Analysis

Lahman — 11.0-0

Sean 'Lahman' Baseball Database

LAIr — 0.3.0

Converting NDVI to LAI of Field, Proximal and Satellite Data

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