Reference manual

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2.9.3 by Peter Ruckdeschel, 6 months ago

Browse source code at

Authors: Florian Camphausen [ctb] (contributed as student in the initial phase --2005) , Matthias Kohl [aut, cph] , Peter Ruckdeschel [cre, cph] , Thomas Stabla [ctb] (contributed as student in the initial phase --2005) , R Core Team [ctb, cph] (for source file ks.c/ routines 'pKS2' and 'pKolmogorov2x')

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

LGPL-3 license

Imports stats, grDevices, utils, MASS

Depends on methods, graphics, startupmsg, sfsmisc

Suggests distrEx, svUnit, knitr, distrMod, ROptEst

Enhances RobAStBase

Imported by EDOIF, RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat, RobExtremes, RobLox, distrDoc, fastglmpca, funStatTest, genlogis, meteR, miCoPTCM, moderate.mediation.

Depended on by ROptEst, RandVar, RobAStBase, RobLoxBioC, distrEllipse, distrEx, distrMod, distrRmetrics, distrSim, distrTeach, mediationsens.

Suggested by qqconf.

See at CRAN