Reference manual

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1.3.2 by Peter Ruckdeschel, a month ago

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Authors: Nataliya Horbenko [aut, cph] , Bernhard Spangl [ctb] (contributed smoothed grid values of the Lagrange multipliers) , Sascha Desmettre [ctb] (contributed smoothed grid values of the Lagrange multipliers) , Eugen Massini [ctb] (contributed an interactive smoothing routine for smoothing the Lagrange multipliers and smoothed grid values of the Lagrange multipliers) , Daria Pupashenko [ctb] (contributed MDE-estimation for GEV distribution in the framework of her PhD thesis 2011--14) , Gerald Kroisandt [ctb] (contributed testing routines) , Matthias Kohl [aut, cph] , Peter Ruckdeschel [cre, aut, cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

LGPL-3 license

Imports RobAStRDA, distr, distrEx, RandVar, RobAStBase, startupmsg, actuar

Depends on methods, distrMod, ROptEst, robustbase, evd

Suggests RUnit, ismev

Enhances fitdistrplus

Enhanced by distrMod.

See at CRAN