Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 5754 packages in 0.01 seconds

tibble — by Kirill Müller, a year ago

Simple Data Frames

Provides a 'tbl_df' class (the 'tibble') with stricter checking and better formatting than the traditional data frame.

ggmosaic — by Haley Jeppson, 4 years ago

Mosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework

Mosaic plots in the 'ggplot2' framework. Mosaic plot functionality is provided in a single 'ggplot2' layer by calling the geom 'mosaic'.

treemapify — by David Wilkins, a year ago

Draw Treemaps in 'ggplot2'

Provides 'ggplot2' geoms for drawing treemaps.

ggpattern — by Trevor L. Davis, 3 months ago

'ggplot2' Pattern Geoms

Provides 'ggplot2' geoms filled with various patterns. Includes a patterned version of every 'ggplot2' geom that has a region that can be filled with a pattern. Provides a suite of 'ggplot2' aesthetics and scales for controlling pattern appearances. Supports over a dozen builtin patterns (every pattern implemented by 'gridpattern') as well as allowing custom user-defined patterns.

stoRy — by Paul Sheridan, a year ago

Download, Explore, and Analyze Literary Theme Ontology Data

Download, explore, and analyze Literary Theme Ontology themes and thematically annotated story data. To learn more about the project visit < https://github.com/theme-ontology/theming> and < https://www.themeontology.org>.

lemon — by Stefan McKinnon Edwards, 7 months ago

Freshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots

Functions for working with legends and axis lines of 'ggplot2', facets that repeat axis lines on all panels, and some 'knitr' extensions.

ggvenn — by Linlin Yan, a year ago

Draw Venn Diagram by 'ggplot2'

An easy-to-use way to draw pretty venn diagram by 'ggplot2'.

ggalluvial — by Jason Cory Brunson, 2 years ago

Alluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'

Alluvial plots use variable-width ribbons and stacked bar plots to represent multi-dimensional or repeated-measures data with categorical or ordinal variables; see Riehmann, Hanfler, and Froehlich (2005) and Rosvall and Bergstrom (2010) . Alluvial plots are statistical graphics in the sense of Wilkinson (2006) ; they share elements with Sankey diagrams and parallel sets plots but are uniquely determined from the data and a small set of parameters. This package extends Wickham's (2010) layered grammar of graphics to generate alluvial plots from tidy data.

zoo — by Achim Zeileis, a year ago

S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations)

An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It is particularly aimed at irregular time series of numeric vectors/matrices and factors. zoo's key design goals are independence of a particular index/date/time class and consistency with ts and base R by providing methods to extend standard generics.

ggplotify — by Guangchuang Yu, a year ago

Convert Plot to 'grob' or 'ggplot' Object

Convert plot function call (using expression or formula) to 'grob' or 'ggplot' object that compatible to the 'grid' and 'ggplot2' ecosystem. With this package, we are able to e.g. using 'cowplot' to align plots produced by 'base' graphics, 'ComplexHeatmap', 'eulerr', 'grid', 'lattice', 'magick', 'pheatmap', 'vcd' etc. by converting them to 'ggplot' objects.