Found 186 packages in 0.12 seconds
Sensory Data Analysis
Statistical Methods to Analyse Sensory Data. SensoMineR: A package for sensory data analysis. S. Le and F. Husson (2008).
Parallel Programming Tools for 'Rcpp'
High level functions for parallel programming with 'Rcpp'. For example, the 'parallelFor()' function can be used to convert the work of a standard serial "for" loop into a parallel one and the 'parallelReduce()' function can be used for accumulating aggregate or other values.
Visualize Data for Host and Viral Population from 'SMITIDstruct' using 'HTMLwidgets'
Visualisation tools for 'SMITIDstruct' package. Allow to visualize host timeline, transmission tree, index diversities and variant graph using 'HTMLwidgets'. It mainly using 'D3JS' javascript framework.
Add Even More Interactivity to Interactive Charts
Like package 'manipulate' does for static graphics, this package helps to easily add controls like sliders, pickers, checkboxes, etc. that can be used to modify the input data or the parameters of an interactive chart created with package 'htmlwidgets'.
Interface for Masked Autoregressive Flows
Interfaces the Python library 'zuko' implementing Masked Autoregressive Flows. See Rozet, Divo and Schnake (2023)
GPL Palettes Copied from 'Gimp' and 'Inkscape'
A set of palettes imported from 'Gimp' distributed under GPL3 (<>), and 'Inkscape' distributed under GPL2 (<>).
Population Genetic Data Analysis Using Genepop
Makes the Genepop software available in R. This software implements a mixture of traditional population genetic methods and some more focused developments: it computes exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, for population differentiation and for genotypic disequilibrium among pairs of loci; it computes estimates of F-statistics, null allele frequencies, allele size-based statistics for microsatellites, etc.; and it performs analyses of isolation by distance from pairwise comparisons of individuals or population samples.
Perform Factorial Analysis from 'FactoMineR' with a Shiny Application
Perform factorial analysis with a menu and draw graphs interactively thanks to 'FactoMineR' and a Shiny application.
Coalescent-Based Simulation of Ecological Communities
Coalescent-Based Simulation of Ecological Communities as proposed
by Munoz et al. (2017)
Examples using 'Rcpp' to Interface R and C++
Examples for Seamless R and C++ integration The 'Rcpp' package contains a C++ library that facilitates the integration of R and C++ in various ways. This package provides some usage examples. Note that the documentation in this package currently does not cover all the features in the package. The site <> regroups a large number of examples for 'Rcpp'.