Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 1938 packages in 0.05 seconds

ez — by Michael A. Lawrence, 8 years ago

Easy Analysis and Visualization of Factorial Experiments

Facilitates easy analysis of factorial experiments, including purely within-Ss designs (a.k.a. "repeated measures"), purely between-Ss designs, and mixed within-and-between-Ss designs. The functions in this package aim to provide simple, intuitive and consistent specification of data analysis and visualization. Visualization functions also include design visualization for pre-analysis data auditing, and correlation matrix visualization. Finally, this package includes functions for non-parametric analysis, including permutation tests and bootstrap resampling. The bootstrap function obtains predictions either by cell means or by more advanced/powerful mixed effects models, yielding predictions and confidence intervals that may be easily visualized at any level of the experiment's design.

bipartite — by Carsten F. Dormann, 9 months ago

Visualising Bipartite Networks and Calculating Some (Ecological) Indices

Functions to visualise webs and calculate a series of indices commonly used to describe pattern in (ecological) webs. It focuses on webs consisting of only two levels (bipartite), e.g. pollination webs or predator-prey-webs. Visualisation is important to get an idea of what we are actually looking at, while the indices summarise different aspects of the web's topology.

tourr — by Dianne Cook, 9 months ago

Tour Methods for Multivariate Data Visualisation

Implements geodesic interpolation and basis generation functions that allow you to create new tour methods from R.

DendSer — by Catherine Hurley, 3 years ago

Dendrogram Seriation: Ordering for Visualisation

Re-arranges a dendrogram to optimize visualisation-based cost functions.

DataVisualizations — by Michael Thrun, 8 days ago

Visualizations of High-Dimensional Data

Gives access to data visualisation methods that are relevant from the data scientist's point of view. The flagship idea of 'DataVisualizations' is the mirrored density plot (MD-plot) for either classified or non-classified multivariate data published in Thrun, M.C. et al.: "Analyzing the Fine Structure of Distributions" (2020), PLoS ONE, . The MD-plot outperforms the box-and-whisker diagram (box plot), violin plot and bean plot and geom_violin plot of ggplot2. Furthermore, a collection of various visualization methods for univariate data is provided. In the case of exploratory data analysis, 'DataVisualizations' makes it possible to inspect the distribution of each feature of a dataset visually through a combination of four methods. One of these methods is the Pareto density estimation (PDE) of the probability density function (pdf). Additionally, visualizations of the distribution of distances using PDE, the scatter-density plot using PDE for two variables as well as the Shepard density plot and the Bland-Altman plot are presented here. Pertaining to classified high-dimensional data, a number of visualizations are described, such as f.ex. the heat map and silhouette plot. A political map of the world or Germany can be visualized with the additional information defined by a classification of countries or regions. By extending the political map further, an uncomplicated function for a Choropleth map can be used which is useful for measurements across a geographic area. For categorical features, the Pie charts, slope charts and fan plots, improved by the ABC analysis, become usable. More detailed explanations are found in the book by Thrun, M.C.: "Projection-Based Clustering through Self-Organization and Swarm Intelligence" (2018) .

ggparty — by Martin Borkovec, 6 years ago

'ggplot' Visualizations for the 'partykit' Package

Extends 'ggplot2' functionality to the 'partykit' package. 'ggparty' provides the necessary tools to create clearly structured and highly customizable visualizations for tree-objects of the class 'party'.

plot.matrix — by Sigbert Klinke, 3 years ago

Visualizes a Matrix as Heatmap

Visualizes a matrix object plainly as heatmap. It provides S3 functions to plot simple matrices and loading matrices.

move — by Bart Kranstauber, 2 months ago

Visualizing and Analyzing Animal Track Data

Contains functions to access movement data stored in 'movebank.org' as well as tools to visualize and statistically analyze animal movement data, among others functions to calculate dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models. Move helps addressing movement ecology questions.

UpSetR — by Jake Conway, 6 years ago

A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets

Creates visualizations of intersecting sets using a novel matrix design, along with visualizations of several common set, element and attribute related tasks (Conway 2017) .

mlr3viz — by Marc Becker, 18 days ago

Visualizations for 'mlr3'

Visualization package of the 'mlr3' ecosystem. It features plots for mlr3 objects such as tasks, learners, predictions, benchmark results, tuning instances and filters via the 'autoplot()' generic of 'ggplot2'. The package draws plots with the 'viridis' color palette and applies the minimal theme. Visualizations include barplots, boxplots, histograms, ROC curves, and Precision-Recall curves.