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interactionTest — 1.2

Calculates Critical Test Statistics to Control False Discovery Rates in Marginal Effects Plots

Interatrix — 1.1.4

Compute Chi-Square Measures with Corrections

interca — 0.1.2

Multiple Correspondence Analysis Based on Interpretive Coordinates

InteRD — 0.1.1

The Integrated and Robust Deconvolution

interep — 0.4.1

Interaction Analysis of Repeated Measure Data

interface — 0.1.2

Runtime Type System

InterfaceqPCR — 1.0.1

GUI to Analyse qPCR Results after PMA Treatment or not

interfacer — 0.2.3

Define and Enforce Contracts for Dataframes as Function Parameters

interflex — 1.2.6

Multiplicative Interaction Models Diagnostics and Visualization

interfr — 0.1.0

Interference Color Charts for Polarized Light Microscopy

intergraph — 2.0-4

Coercion Routines for Network Data Objects

interim — 0.8.0

Scheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials

interimApp — 0.0.1

App for Scheduling Interim Analyses in Clinical Trials

interleave — 0.1.2

Converts Tabular Data to Interleaved Vectors

interlineaR — 1.0

Importing Interlinearized Corpora and Dictionaries as Produced by Descriptive Linguistics Software

InterNL — 0.1.0

Time Series Intervention Model Using Non-Linear Function

interp — 1.1-6

Interpolation Methods

interplex — 0.1.2

Coercion Methods for Simplicial Complex Data Structures

interplot — 0.2.3

Plot the Effects of Variables in Interaction Terms

interpolation — 0.1.1

Interpolation of Bivariate Functions

interpolators — 1.0.1

Some Interpolation Methods

interpret — 0.1.33

Fit Interpretable Machine Learning Models

interpretCI — 0.1.1

Estimate the Confidence Interval and Interpret Step by Step

InterpretMSSpectrum — 1.4.5

Interpreting High Resolution Mass Spectra

interpretR — 0.2.5

Binary Classifier and Regression Model Interpretation Functions

inters — 0.2.0

Flexible Tools for Estimating Interactions

InterSIM — 2.2.0

Simulation of Inter-Related Genomic Datasets

InterVA4 — 1.7.6

Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA4'

InterVA5 — 1.1.3

Replicate and Analyse 'InterVA5'

interval — 1.1-1.0

Weighted Logrank Tests and NPMLE for Interval Censored Data

intervalaverage — 0.8.0

Time-Weighted Averaging for Interval Data

IntervalQuestionStat — 0.2.0

Tools to Deal with Interval-Valued Responses in Questionnaires

intervals — 0.15.5

Tools for Working with Points and Intervals

IntervalSurgeon — 1.3

Operating on Integer-Bounded Intervals

intervcomp — 0.1.2

Hypothesis Testing Using the Overlapping Interval Estimates

inTextSummaryTable — 3.3.3

Creation of in-Text Summary Table

inti — 0.6.6

Tools and Statistical Procedures in Plant Science

intkrige — 1.0.1

A Numerical Implementation of Interval-Valued Kriging

intmap — 1.0.0

Ordered Containers with Integer Keys

intmed — 0.1.2

Mediation Analysis using Interventional Effects

IntNMF — 1.2.0

Integrative Clustering of Multiple Genomic Dataset

intradayModel — 0.0.1

Modeling and Forecasting Financial Intraday Signals

inTrees — 1.4

Interpret Tree Ensembles

intRegGOF — 0.85-5

Integrated Regression Goodness of Fit

INTRIGUE — 0.1.0

Quantify and Control Reproducibility in High-Throughput Experiments

intRinsic — 1.1.0

Likelihood-Based Intrinsic Dimension Estimators

intrinsicDimension — 1.2.0

Intrinsic Dimension Estimation

intrinsicFRP — 2.1.0

An R Package for Factor Model Asset Pricing

intrinsicKappa — 0.1

Sample Size Planning Based on Intrinsic Kappa Value

intrval — 0.1-3

Relational Operators for Intervals

intRvals — 1.0.1

Analysis of Time-Ordered Event Data with Missed Observations

intSDM — 2.1.0

Reproducible Integrated Species Distribution Models Across Norway using 'INLA'

intsurv — 0.2.2

Integrative Survival Modeling

intsvy — 2.9

International Assessment Data Manager

inum — 1.0-5

Interval and Enum-Type Representation of Vectors

invacost — 1.1-6

Analyse Biological Invasion Costs with the 'InvaCost' Database

InvariantCausalPrediction — 0.8

Invariant Causal Prediction

InvasionCorrection — 0.1

Invasion Correction

invctr — 0.2.0

Infix Functions For Vector Operations

inventorize — 1.1.1

Inventory Analytics, Pricing and Markdowns

Inventorymodel —

Inventory Models

inverseRegex — 0.1.1

Reverse Engineers Regular Expression Patterns for R Objects

invertiforms — 0.1.1

Invertible Transforms for Matrices

investr — 1.4.2

Inverse Estimation/Calibration Functions

invgamma — 1.1

The Inverse Gamma Distribution

invgamstochvol — 1.0.0

Obtains the Log Likelihood for an Inverse Gamma Stochastic Volatility Model

invGauss — 1.2

Threshold Regression that Fits the (Randomized Drift) Inverse Gaussian Distribution to Survival Data

InvStablePrior — 0.1.1

Inverse Stable Prior for Widely-Used Exponential Models

iNZightMR — 2.3.0

Tools for Exploring Multiple Response Data

iNZightPlots — 2.15.3

Graphical Tools for Exploring Data with 'iNZight'

iNZightRegression — 1.3.4

Tools for Exploring Regression Models with 'iNZight'

iNZightTools — 2.0.1

Tools for 'iNZight'

iNZightTS — 2.0.0

Time Series for 'iNZight'

io — 0.3.2

A Unified Framework for Input-Output Operations in R

ioanalysis — 0.3.4

Input Output Analysis

IOHanalyzer —

Data Analysis Part of 'IOHprofiler'

IOHexperimenter — 0.1.4

Benchmarking Part of the 'IOHprofiler'

IOLS — 0.1.4

Iterated Ordinary Least Squares Regression

ioncopy — 2.2.2

Calling Copy Number Alterations in Amplicon Sequencing Data

ionet — 0.2.2

Network Analysis for Input-Output Tables

ionr — 0.3.0

Test for Indifference of Indicator

iopsych — 0.90.1

Methods for Industrial/Organizational Psychology

iosmooth — 0.94

Functions for Smoothing with Infinite Order Flat-Top Kernels

iotables — 0.9.3

Reproducible Input-Output Economics Analysis, Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment with Empirical Data

iotarelr — 0.1.5

Iota Inter Coder Reliability for Content Analysis

iotools — 0.3-5

I/O Tools for Streaming

IP — 0.1.3

Classes and Methods for 'IP' Addresses

ip2location — 8.1.3

Lookup for IP Address Information

ip2proxy — 1.2.0

Lookup for IP Address Proxy Information

ipa — 0.1.0

Convert Between Phonetic Alphabets

ipaddress — 1.0.2

Data Analysis for IP Addresses and Networks

ipADMIXTURE — 0.1.0

Iterative Pruning Population Admixture Inference Framework

ipanema — 1.1.0

Read Data from 'LimeSurvey'

ipbase — 0.1.1

Client for the '' IP Geolocation API

ipc — 0.1.4

Tools for Message Passing Between Processes

IPCAPS — 1.1.8

Iterative Pruning to Capture Population Structure

IPCWK — 1.0

Kendall's Tau Partial Corr. for Survival Trait and Biomarkers

ipcwswitch — 1.0.4

Inverse Probability of Censoring Weights to Deal with Treatment Switch in Randomized Clinical Trials

IPDfromKM — 0.1.10

Map Digitized Survival Curves Back to Individual Patient Data

ipdw — 2.0-0

Spatial Interpolation by Inverse Path Distance Weighting

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