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0.3.4 by Fabian Scheipl, 7 months ago,
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Authors: Fabian Scheipl [aut, cre] , Jeff Goldsmith [aut] , Julia Wrobel [ctb] , Maximilian Muecke [ctb] , Sebastian Fischer [ctb] , Trevor Hastie [ctb] (softImpute author) , Rahul Mazumder [ctb] (softImpute author) , Chen Meng [ctb] (mogsa author)
Documentation: PDF Manual
AGPL (>= 3) license
Imports checkmate, methods, mgcv, mvtnorm, pracma, purrr, rlang, stats, vctrs, zoo
Suggests covr, dplyr, knitr, refund, testthat
Imported by ehymet, mlr3fda.
See at CRAN