Reference manual

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1.66 by Karl W Broman, 8 months ago,

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Authors: Karl W Broman <[email protected]> and Hao Wu , with ideas from Gary Churchill and Saunak Sen and contributions from Danny Arends , Robert Corty , Timothee Flutre , Ritsert Jansen , Pjotr Prins , Lars Ronnegard , Rohan Shah , Laura Shannon , Quoc Tran , Aaron Wolen , Brian Yandell , and R Core Team

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports parallel, graphics, stats, utils, grDevices

Suggests testthat

Imported by LinkageMapView, PopVar, QTL.gCIMapping, cape, dQTG.seq, fssemR, lineup, mppR, netgwas, qtl2convert, qtlcharts, rNeighborQTL, statgenSTA.

Depended on by ASMap, QTL.gCIMapping.GUI, ctl, qtlhot, qtlnet, wgaim, xoi.

Suggested by BayesNetBP, MDSMap, QTLRel, agridat, qtl2, qtlDesign, qtlbook, simcross, varbvs.

See at CRAN