Reference manual

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3.0.0 by Cristiane Taniguti, 2 years ago

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Authors: Gabriel Margarido [aut] , Marcelo Mollinari [aut] , Cristiane Taniguti [ctb, cre] , Getulio Ferreira [ctb] , Rodrigo Amadeu [ctb] , Karl Broman [ctb] , Katharine Preedy [ctb, cph] (MDS ordering algorithm) , Bastian Schiffthaler [ctb, cph] (HMM parallelization) , Augusto Garcia [aut, ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports ggplot2, plotly, reshape2, Rcpp, graphics, methods, stats, utils, grDevices, smacof, princurve, parallel, dplyr, tidyr, htmlwidgets, ggpubr, RColorBrewer, dendextend, rebus, vcfR

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, stringr

Linking to Rcpp

See at CRAN