Reference manual

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1.8.0 by Jean-Romain Roussel, 10 days ago

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Authors: Jean-Romain Roussel [aut, cre, cph] , Florian De Boissieu [aut, ctb] (Enable the support of .lax file and extra byte attributes) , Martin Isenburg [cph] (Is the author of the LASlib and LASzip libraries) , David Auty [ctb] (Reviewed the documentation) , Pierrick Marie [ctb] (Helped to compile LASlib code in R) , Tiago de Conto [ctb] (Implemented the -thin_with_voxel filter method)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports Rcpp, data.table, utils

Suggests tinytest

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by lidR.

See at CRAN