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1.14-4 by Yu-Sung Su, 9 months ago
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Authors: Andrew Gelman [aut] , Yu-Sung Su [aut, cre] , Masanao Yajima [ctb] , Jennifer Hill [ctb] , Maria Grazia Pittau [ctb] , Jouni Kerman [ctb] , Tian Zheng [ctb] , Vincent Dorie [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (> 2) license
Imports abind, coda, graphics, grDevices, methods, nlme, utils
Depends on MASS, Matrix, stats, lme4
Imported by CIMTx, SBMTrees, SEIRfansy, SelectionBias, SynDI, attrib, blmeco, carcass, ciTools, dnr, eeptools, footBayes, geomod, list, mi, midoc, migui, mlVAR, qgcomp, qgcompint, rr, rwicc, squid, stevemisc, wfe.
Depended on by FindIt, interplot, merTools.
Suggested by BayesFactor, SuperLearner, brms, flowml, fscaret, ltmle, medflex, modnets, optmatch, plotBart, simITS, sqlscore, subsemble, superMICE, tidyfit.
See at CRAN