Found 89 packages in 0.04 seconds
Penn World Table (Versions 5.6, 6.x, 7.x)
The Penn World Table provides purchasing power parity and national income accounts converted to international prices for 189 countries for some or all of the years 1950-2010.
Instrumental-Variables Regression by '2SLS', '2SM', or '2SMM', with Diagnostics
Instrumental variable estimation for linear models by two-stage least-squares (2SLS) regression or by robust-regression via M-estimation (2SM) or MM-estimation (2SMM). The main ivreg() model-fitting function is designed to provide a workflow as similar as possible to standard lm() regression. A wide range of methods is provided for fitted ivreg model objects, including extensive functionality for computing and graphing regression diagnostics in addition to other standard model tools.
'vcd' Extensions and Additions
Provides additional data sets, methods and documentation to complement the 'vcd' package for Visualizing Categorical Data and the 'gnm' package for Generalized Nonlinear Models. In particular, 'vcdExtra' extends mosaic, assoc and sieve plots from 'vcd' to handle 'glm()' and 'gnm()' models and adds a 3D version in 'mosaic3d'. Additionally, methods are provided for comparing and visualizing lists of 'glm' and 'loglm' objects. This package is now a support package for the book, "Discrete Data Analysis with R" by Michael Friendly and David Meyer.
CRAN Task Views
Infrastructure for task views to CRAN-style repositories: Querying task views and installing the associated packages (client-side tools), generating HTML pages and storing task view information in the repository (server-side tools).
Generalized Linear Models Extended
Extended techniques for generalized linear models (GLMs), especially for binary responses, including parametric links and heteroscedastic latent variables.
Nested Dichotomy Logistic Regression Models
Provides functions for specifying and fitting nested dichotomy logistic regression models for a multi-category response and methods for summarising and plotting those models. Nested dichotomies are statistically independent, and hence provide an additive decomposition of tests for the overall 'polytomous' response. When the dichotomies make sense substantively, this method can be a simpler alternative to the standard 'multinomial' logistic model which compares response categories to a reference level. See: J. Fox (2016), "Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models", 3rd Ed., ISBN 1452205663.
TeX-to-HTML/MathML Translators TtH/TtM
C source code and R wrappers for the tth/ttm TeX-to-HTML/MathML translators.
Stability Assessment of Statistical Learning Methods
Graphical and computational methods that can be used to assess the stability of results from supervised statistical learning.
Stratified and Personalised Models Based on Model-Based Trees and Forests
Model-based trees for subgroup analyses in clinical trials and
model-based forests for the estimation and prediction of personalised
treatment effects (personalised models). Currently partitioning of linear
models, lm(), generalised linear models, glm(), and Weibull models,
survreg(), is supported. Advanced plotting functionality is supported for
the trees and a test for parameter heterogeneity is provided for the
personalised models. For details on model-based trees for subgroup analyses
see Seibold, Zeileis and Hothorn (2016)
Censored Regression with Conditional Heteroscedasticity
Different approaches to censored or truncated regression with conditional heteroscedasticity are provided. First, continuous distributions can be used for the (right and/or left censored or truncated) response with separate linear predictors for the mean and variance. Second, cumulative link models for ordinal data (obtained by interval-censoring continuous data) can be employed for heteroscedastic extended logistic regression (HXLR). In the latter type of models, the intercepts depend on the thresholds that define the intervals. Infrastructure for working with censored or truncated normal, logistic, and Student-t distributions, i.e., d/p/q/r functions and distributions3 objects.