Found 279 packages in 0.01 seconds
Downloads and Organizes Financial Data from Yahoo Finance
Facilitates download of financial data from Yahoo Finance <>, a vast repository of stock price data across multiple financial exchanges. The package offers a local caching system and support for parallel computation.
R Client Package for Circle CI
Tools for interacting with the 'Circle CI' API (<>). Besides executing common tasks such as querying build logs and restarting builds, this package also helps setting up permissions to deploy from builds.
Interface to the Greek National Data Bank for Hydrometeorological Information
R interface to the Greek National Data Bank for Hydrological and Meteorological Information. It covers Hydroscope's data sources and provides functions to transliterate, translate and download them into tidy dataframes.
Download Data from the European Social Survey on the Fly
Download data from the European Social Survey directly from their website <>. There are two families of functions that allow you to download and interactively check all countries and rounds available.
Interface to Species Occurrence Data Sources
A programmatic interface to many species occurrence data sources, including Global Biodiversity Information Facility ('GBIF'), 'iNaturalist', 'eBird', Integrated Digitized 'Biocollections' ('iDigBio'), 'VertNet', Ocean 'Biogeographic' Information System ('OBIS'), and Atlas of Living Australia ('ALA'). Includes functionality for retrieving species occurrence data, and combining those data.
Manage Data from Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing
Import, process, summarize and visualize raw data from
metabolic carts. See Robergs, Dwyer, and Astorino (2010)
A Unifying API for Calling the 'Unity' '3D' Video Game Engine
Functions for the creation and manipulation of scenes and objects within the 'Unity' '3D' video game engine (<>). Specific focuses include the creation and import of terrain data and 'GameObjects' as well as scene management.
Landscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'
Functions for the retrieval, manipulation, and visualization of 'geospatial' data, with an aim towards producing '3D' landscape visualizations in the 'Unity' '3D' rendering engine. Functions are also provided for retrieving elevation data and base map tiles from the 'USGS' National Map <>.
Interface with the United Nations Comtrade API
Interface with and extract data from the United Nations 'Comtrade' API <>. 'Comtrade' provides country level shipping data for a variety of commodities, these functions allow for easy API query and data returned as a tidy data frame.
Print Maps, Draw on Them, Scan Them Back in
Enables preparation of maps to be printed and drawn on. Modified maps can then be scanned back in, and hand-drawn marks converted to spatial objects.