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loon.ggplot — 1.3.4

A Grammar of Interactive Graphics

loon.shiny — 1.0.3

Automatically Create a 'Shiny' App Based on Interactive 'Loon' Widgets

loon.tourr — 0.1.4

Tour in 'Loon'

LoopAnalyst — 1.2-7

A Collection of Tools to Conduct Levins' Loop Analysis

LoopDetectR — 0.1.2

Comprehensive Feedback Loop Detection in ODE Models

LoopRig — 0.1.1

Integration and Analysis of Chromatin Loop Data

LOPART — 2024.6.19

Labeled Optimal Partitioning

lorad —

Lowest Radial Distance Method of Marginal Likelihood Estimation

lordif — 0.3-3

Logistic Ordinal Regression Differential Item Functioning using IRT

lorec — 0.6.1

LOw Rand and sparsE Covariance matrix estimation

lorem — 1.0.0

Generate Lorem Ipsum Text

lorentz — 1.1-1

The Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics

lorenz — 0.1.0

Tools for Deriving Income Inequality Estimates from Grouped Income Data

LorenzRegression — 2.0.0

Lorenz and Penalized Lorenz Regressions

lori — 2.2.2

Imputation of High-Dimensional Count Data using Side Information

LorMe — 1.1.0

Lightening One-Code Resolving Microbial Ecology Solution

LOST — 2.1.1

Missing Morphometric Data Simulation and Estimation

lotri — 1.0.0

A Simple Way to Specify Symmetric, Block Diagonal Matrices

lotterybr — 0.2.0

Lottery Datasets from Caixa Economica Federal

lowmemtkmeans — 0.1.2

Low Memory Use Trimmed K-Means

lowpassFilter — 1.0-2

Lowpass Filtering

LowRankQP — 1.0.6

Low Rank Quadratic Programming

LowWAFOMNX — 1.1.1

Low WAFOM Niederreiter-Xing Sequence

LowWAFOMSobol — 1.1.1

Low WAFOM Sobol Sequence

lpacf — 1.0.1

Local Partial Autocorrelation Function Estimation for Locally Stationary Wavelet Processes

LPBkg — 1.2

Detecting New Signals under Background Mismodelling

lpc —

Lassoed Principal Components for Testing Significance of Features

lpcde — 0.1.4

Boundary Adaptive Local Polynomial Conditional Density Estimator

LPCM — 0.47-6

Local Principal Curve Methods

lpda — 1.0.1

Linear Programming Discriminant Analysis

lpdensity — 2.4

Local Polynomial Density Estimation and Inference

LPDynR — 1.0.5

Land Productivity Dynamics Indicator

LPGraph — 2.1

Nonparametric Smoothing of Laplacian Graph Spectra

lphom — 0.3.5-5

Ecological Inference by Linear Programming under Homogeneity

lpint — 2.1

Local Polynomial Estimators of the Intensity Function and Its Derivatives

lpirfs — 0.2.3

Local Projections Impulse Response Functions

LPKsample — 2.1

LP Nonparametric High Dimensional K-Sample Comparison

lpl — 0.11

Local Partial Likelihood Estimation and Simultaneous Confidence Band

LPM — 3.2

Linear Parametric Models Applied to Hydrological Series

LPmerge — 1.7

Merging Linkage Maps by Linear Programming

LPower — 0.1.1

Calculates Power, Sample Size, or Detectable Effect for Longitudinal Analyses

LPRelevance — 3.3

Relevance-Integrated Statistical Inference Engine

lpridge — 1.1-0

Local Polynomial (Ridge) Regression

LPS — 1.0.16

Linear Predictor Score, for Binary Inference from Multiple Continuous Variables

LPsmooth — 0.1.3

LP Smoothed Inference and Graphics

lpSolve — 5.6.21

Interface to 'Lp_solve' v. 5.5 to Solve Linear/Integer Programs

lpSolveAPI —

R Interface to 'lp_solve' Version

LPWC — 1.0.0

Lag Penalized Weighted Correlation for Time Series Clustering

LqG — 0.1.0

Robust Group Variable Screening Based on Maximum Lq-Likelihood Estimation

lqmix — 1.0

Linear Quantile Mixture Models

lqmm — 1.5.8

Linear Quantile Mixed Models

lqr — 5.2

Robust Linear Quantile Regression

LRcontrast — 1.0

Dose Response Signal Detection under Model Uncertainty

lrd — 0.1.0

A Package for Processing Lexical Response Data

LREP — 0.1.1

Estimate and Test Exponential vs. Pareto Distributions

lrequire — 0.1.3

Sources an R "Module" with Caching & Encapsulation, Returning Exported Vars

lrgs — 0.5.4

Linear Regression by Gibbs Sampling

lrmest — 3.0

Different Types of Estimators to Deal with Multicollinearity

LRMF3 — 0.1.0

Low Rank Matrix Factorization S3 Objects

lrstat — 0.2.9

Power and Sample Size Calculation for Non-Proportional Hazards and Beyond

LRTesteR — 1.2.1

Likelihood Ratio Tests and Confidence Intervals

LS2W — 1.3.6

Locally Stationary Two-Dimensional Wavelet Process Estimation Scheme

LS2Wstat — 2.1-5

A Multiscale Test of Spatial Stationarity for LS2W Processes

lsa — 0.73.3

Latent Semantic Analysis

LSAfun — 0.7.1

Applied Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) Functions

LSAmitR — 1.0-3

Daten, Beispiele und Funktionen zu 'Large-Scale Assessment mit R'

lsasim — 2.1.5

Functions to Facilitate the Simulation of Large Scale Assessment Data

lsbclust — 1.1

Least-Squares Bilinear Clustering for Three-Way Data

lsbs — 0.1

Bandwidth Selection for Level Sets and HDR Estimation

LSD — 4.1-0

Lots of Superior Depictions

lsdbc — 0.1.0

Locally Scaled Density Based Clustering

LSDinterface — 1.2.2

Interface Tools for LSD Simulation Results Files

LSDirf — 0.1.3

Impulse-Response Function Analysis for Agent-Based Models

LSDsensitivity — 1.3.0

Sensitivity Analysis Tools for LSD Simulations

LSE — 1.0.0

Constrained Least Squares and Generalized QR Factorization

LSEbootLS — 0.1.0

Bootstrap Methods for Regression Models with Locally Stationary Errors

lsei — 1.3-0

Solving Least Squares or Quadratic Programming Problems under Equality/Inequality Constraints

lsirm12pl — 1.3.3

Latent Space Item Response Model

lsl — 0.5.6

Latent Structure Learning

lslx — 0.6.11

Semi-Confirmatory Structural Equation Modeling via Penalized Likelihood or Least Squares

lsm —

Estimation of the log Likelihood of the Saturated Model

lsmeans — 2.30-0

Least-Squares Means

LSMonteCarlo — 1.0

American options pricing with Least Squares Monte Carlo method

LSMRealOptions — 0.2.1

Value American and Real Options Through LSM Simulation

lsnstat — 1.0.1

'La Societe Nouvelle' API Access

lspartition — 0.4

Nonparametric Estimation and Inference Procedures using Partitioning-Based Least Squares Regression

LSPFP — 1.0.3

Lysate and Secretome Peptide Feature Plotter

lspline — 1.0-0

Linear Splines with Convenient Parametrisations

lspls — 0.2-2

LS-PLS Models

lsr — 0.5.2

Companion to "Learning Statistics with R"

LSRS — 0.2.0

Land Surface Remote Sensing

lss2 — 1.1

The Accelerated Failure Time Model to Right Censored Data Based on Least-Squares Principle

LST — 1.1.0

Land Surface Temperature Retrieval for Landsat 8

LSTbook — 0.5.0

Data and Software for "Lessons in Statistical Thinking"

LSTS — 2.1

Locally Stationary Time Series

LSVAR — 1.2

Estimation of Low Rank Plus Sparse Structured Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) Model

LSWPlib — 0.1.0

Simulation and Spectral Estimation of Locally Stationary Wavelet Packet Processes

LSX — 1.4.0

Semi-Supervised Algorithm for Document Scaling

ltable — 2.0.4

Easy to Make (Lazy) Tables

LTAR — 0.1.0

Tensor Forecasting Functions

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