Reference manual

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1.0.1 by Charlotte M. Jones-Todd, 9 months ago

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Authors: Charlotte M. Jones-Todd [aut, cre, cph] , Charlotte Jones-Todd wrote and continued developmend of the main code.) , Alec van Helsdingen [aut] (Alec van Helsdingen wrote the Hawkes templates and extended self-exciting TMB templates) , Xiangjie Xue [ctb] (Xiangjie Xue worked the early spatio-temporal self-exciting TMB templates) , Marsden Fund 3723517 [fnd] , Asian Office of Aerospace Research & Development FA2386-21-1-4028 [fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports TMB, sf, fmesher, Matrix, ggplot2, dplyr, gridExtra

Suggests testthat, rmarkdown, parallel, spatstat.utils, spatstat.geom, hawkesbow, covr, knitr

Linking to TMB, RcppEigen

See at CRAN