Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 240 packages in 0.02 seconds

broom.mixed — by Ben Bolker, 18 days ago

Tidying Methods for Mixed Models

Convert fitted objects from various R mixed-model packages into tidy data frames along the lines of the 'broom' package. The package provides three S3 generics for each model: tidy(), which summarizes a model's statistical findings such as coefficients of a regression; augment(), which adds columns to the original data such as predictions, residuals and cluster assignments; and glance(), which provides a one-row summary of model-level statistics.

trendyy — by Josiah Parry, 5 years ago

A Tidy Wrapper Around 'gtrendsR'

Access Google Trends information. This package provides a tidy wrapper to the 'gtrendsR' package. Use four spaces when indenting paragraphs within the Description.

yardstick — by Emil Hvitfeldt, a month ago

Tidy Characterizations of Model Performance

Tidy tools for quantifying how well model fits to a data set such as confusion matrices, class probability curve summaries, and regression metrics (e.g., RMSE).

ruler — by Evgeni Chasnovski, a year ago

Tidy Data Validation Reports

Tools for creating data validation pipelines and tidy reports. This package offers a framework for exploring and validating data frame like objects using 'dplyr' grammar of data manipulation.

tidyheatmaps — by Jan Broder Engler, 2 months ago

Heatmaps from Tidy Data

The goal of 'tidyheatmaps' is to simplify the generation of publication-ready heatmaps from tidy data. By offering an interface to the powerful 'pheatmap' package, it allows for the effortless creation of intricate heatmaps with minimal code.

tidygapminder — by Anicet Ebou, 4 years ago

Easily Tidy Gapminder Datasets

A toolset that allows you to easily import and tidy data sheets retrieved from Gapminder data web tools. It will therefore contribute to reduce the time used in data cleaning of Gapminder indicator data sheets as they are very messy.

nestedmodels — by Ashby Thorpe, 7 months ago

Tidy Modelling for Nested Data

A modelling framework for nested data using the 'tidymodels' ecosystem. Specify how to nest data using the 'recipes' package, create testing and training splits using 'rsample', and fit models to this data using the 'parsnip' and 'workflows' packages. Allows any model to be fit to nested data.

reportRmd — by Lisa Avery, 5 months ago

Tidy Presentation of Clinical Reporting

Streamlined statistical reporting in 'Rmarkdown' environments. Facilitates the automated reporting of descriptive statistics, multiple univariate models, multivariable models and tables combining these outputs. Plotting functions include customisable survival curves, forest plots from logistic and ordinal regression and bivariate comparison plots.

tabularaster — by Michael D. Sumner, 6 months ago

Tidy Tools for 'Raster' Data

Facilities to work with vector and raster data in efficient repeatable and systematic work flow. Missing functionality in existing packages is included here to allow extraction from raster data with 'simple features' and 'Spatial' types and to make extraction consistent and straightforward. Extract cell numbers from raster data and return the cells as a data frame rather than as lists of matrices or vectors. The functions here allow spatial data to be used without special handling for the format currently in use.

eks — by Tarn Duong, a year ago

Tidy and Geospatial Kernel Smoothing

Extensions of the kernel smoothing functions from the 'ks' package for compatibility with the tidyverse and geospatial ecosystems .