Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 10000 packages in 0.46 seconds

RiemBase — by Kisung You, 3 years ago

Functions and C++ Header Files for Computation on Manifolds

We provide a number of algorithms to estimate fundamental statistics including Fréchet mean and geometric median for manifold-valued data. Also, C++ header files are contained that implement elementary operations on manifolds such as Sphere, Grassmann, and others. See Bhattacharya and Bhattacharya (2012) if you are interested in statistics on manifolds, and Absil et al (2007, ISBN:9780691132983) on computational aspects of optimization on matrix manifolds.

SurfaceReconstruction — by Stéphane Laurent, 2 years ago

Surface Reconstruction Using the 'CGAL' C++ Library

Provides some 3d surface reconstruction algorithms: Poisson surface reconstruction and advanced front surface reconstruction. They generate a mesh from a given point cloud. The mesh can be plotted with the 'rgl' package.

edlibR — by Evan Biederstedt, 2 months ago

R Integration for Edlib, the C/C++ Library for Exact Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Edit (Levenshtein) Distance

Bindings to edlib, a lightweight performant C/C++ library for exact pairwise sequence alignment using edit distance (Levenshtein distance). The algorithm computes the optimal alignment path, but also can be used to find only the start and/or end of the alignment path for convenience. Edlib was designed to be ultrafast and require little memory, with the capability to handle very large sequences. Three alignment methods are supported: global (Needleman-Wunsch), infix (Hybrid Wunsch), and prefix (Semi-Hybrid Wunsch). The original C/C++ library is described in "Edlib: a C/C++ library for fast, exact sequence alignment using edit distance", M. Šošić, M. Šikić, .

tensorMiss — by Zetai Cen, 11 days ago

Handle Missing Tensor Data with C++ Integration

To handle higher-order tensor data. See Kolda and Bader (2009) for details on tensor. While existing packages on tensor data extend the base 'array' class to some data classes, this package serves as an alternative resort to handle tensor only as 'array' class. Some functionalities related to missingness are also supported.

coneproj — by Xiyue Liao, 6 months ago

Primal or Dual Cone Projections with Routines for Constrained Regression

Routines doing cone projection and quadratic programming, as well as doing estimation and inference for constrained parametric regression and shape-restricted regression problems. See Mary C. Meyer (2013) for more details.

splines2 — by Wenjie Wang, 8 months ago

Regression Spline Functions and Classes

Constructs basis functions of B-splines, M-splines, I-splines, convex splines (C-splines), periodic splines, natural cubic splines, generalized Bernstein polynomials, their derivatives, and integrals (except C-splines) by closed-form recursive formulas. It also contains a C++ head-only library integrated with Rcpp. See Wang and Yan (2021) for details.

Rtsne — by Jesse Krijthe, 4 months ago

T-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding using a Barnes-Hut Implementation

An R wrapper around the fast T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding implementation by Van der Maaten (see < https://github.com/lvdmaaten/bhtsne/> for more information on the original implementation).

randtoolbox — by Christophe Dutang, a year ago

Toolbox for Pseudo and Quasi Random Number Generation and Random Generator Tests

Provides (1) pseudo random generators - general linear congruential generators, multiple recursive generators and generalized feedback shift register (SF-Mersenne Twister algorithm () and WELL () generators); (2) quasi random generators - the Torus algorithm, the Sobol sequence, the Halton sequence (including the Van der Corput sequence) and (3) some generator tests - the gap test, the serial test, the poker test, see, e.g., Gentle (2003) . Take a look at the Distribution task view of types and tests of random number generators. The package can be provided without the 'rngWELL' dependency on demand. Package in Memoriam of Diethelm and Barbara Wuertz.

rjsoncons — by Martin Morgan, 3 months ago

'C++' Header-Only 'jsoncons' Library for 'JSON' Queries

The 'jsoncons' < https://danielaparker.github.io/jsoncons/> 'C++' header-only library constructs representations from a 'JSON' character vector, and provides extensions for flexible queries and other operations on 'JSON' objects. This package provides 'R' functions to query (filter or transform) and pivot (convert from array-of-objects to object-of-arrays, for easy import into 'R') 'JSON' or 'NDJSON' strings or files using 'JSONpointer', 'JSONpath' or 'JMESpath' expression. The 'jsoncons' library is also be easily linked to other packages for direct access to 'C++' functionality.

libgeos — by Dewey Dunnington, 5 months ago

Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') C API

Provides the Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') as a C API that can be used to write high-performance C and C++ geometry operations using R as an interface. Headers are provided to make linking to and using these functions from C++ code as easy and as safe as possible. This package contains an internal copy of the 'GEOS' library to guarantee the best possible consistency on multiple platforms.