Found 162 packages in 0.20 seconds
The Lorentz Transform in Relativistic Physics
The Lorentz transform in special relativity; also the gyrogroup structure of three-velocities. Performs active and passive transforms and has the ability to use units in which the speed of light is not unity. Includes some experimental functionality for celerity and rapidity. For general relativity, see the 'schwarzschild' package.
Arbitrary Dimensional Clifford Algebras
A suite of routines for Clifford algebras, using the 'Map' class of the Standard Template Library. Canonical reference: Hestenes (1987, ISBN 90-277-1673-0, "Clifford algebra to geometric calculus"). Special cases including Lorentz transforms, quaternion multiplication, and Grassman algebra, are discussed. Conformal geometric algebra theory is implemented. Uses 'disordR' discipline.
A Suite of Routines for Working with Jordan Algebras
A Jordan algebra is an algebraic object originally
designed to study observables in quantum mechanics. Jordan
algebras are commutative but non-associative; they satisfy the
Jordan identity. The package follows the ideas and notation of
K. McCrimmon (2004, ISBN:0-387-95447-3) "A Taste of Jordan
Algebras". To cite the package in publications, please use
Hankin (2023)
Multivariate Polynomials
Various utilities to manipulate multivariate polynomials. The package is almost completely superceded by the 'spray' and 'mvp' packages, which are much more efficient.
Antiassociative Algebra
Methods to deal with the free antiassociative algebra
over the reals with an arbitrary number of indeterminates.
Antiassociativity means that (xy)z = -x(yz). Antiassociative
algebras are nilpotent with nilindex four (Remm, 2022,
The Weyl Algebra
A suite of routines for Weyl algebras. Notation follows
Coutinho (1995, ISBN 0-521-55119-6, "A Primer of Algebraic
D-Modules"). Uses 'disordR' discipline
(Hankin 2022
Non-Ordered Vectors
Functionality for manipulating values of associative
maps. The package is a dependency for mvp-type
packages that use the STL map class: it traps
plausible idiom that is ill-defined (implementation-specific) and
returns an informative error, rather than returning a possibly
incorrect result. To cite the package in publications please use
Hankin (2022)
The Exterior Calculus
Provides functionality for working with tensors, alternating
forms, wedge products, Stokes's theorem, and related concepts
from the exterior calculus. Uses 'disordR' discipline
(Hankin, 2022,
Ecological Drift under the UNTB
Hubbell's Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity.
Setup and connect to 'OpenTripPlanner'
Setup and connect to 'OpenTripPlanner' (OTP) <>. OTP is an open source platform for multi-modal and multi-agency journey planning written in 'Java'. The package allows you to manage a local version or connect to remote OTP server to find walking, cycling, driving, or transit routes. This package has been peer-reviewed by rOpenSci (v.