Found 1989 packages in 0.06 seconds
Algorithms for Routing and Solving the Traffic Assignment Problem
Calculation of distances, shortest paths and isochrones on weighted graphs using several variants of Dijkstra algorithm.
Proposed algorithms are unidirectional Dijkstra (Dijkstra, E. W. (1959)
Small Multiples for Leaflet Web Maps
Create small multiples of several leaflet web maps with (optional) synchronised panning and zooming control. When syncing is enabled all maps respond to mouse actions on one map. This allows side-by-side comparisons of different attributes of the same geometries. Syncing can be adjusted so that any combination of maps can be synchronised.
Multiple Heat Maps for Projected Coordinates
Functions for displaying multiple images or scatterplots with a color scale, i.e., heat maps, possibly with projected coordinates. The package relies on the base graphics system, so graphics are rendered rapidly.
Circular Visualization
Circular layout is an efficient way for the visualization of huge
amounts of information. Here this package provides an implementation
of circular layout generation in R as well as an enhancement of available
software. The flexibility of the package is based on the usage of low-level
graphics functions such that self-defined high-level graphics can be easily
implemented by users for specific purposes. Together with the seamless
connection between the powerful computational and visual environment in R,
it gives users more convenience and freedom to design figures for
better understanding complex patterns behind multiple dimensional data.
The package is described in Gu et al. 2014
Multiple Criteria Optimization Algorithms and Related Functions
A collection of function to solve multiple criteria optimization problems using genetic algorithms (NSGA-II). Also included is a collection of test functions.
Load Multiple 'csv' and 'txt' Tables
Allows users to easily read multiple comma separated tables and create a data frame under the same name. Is able to read multiple comma separated tables from a local directory, a zip file or a zip file on a remote directory.
Multilingual Stopword Lists
Provides multiple sources of stopwords, for use in text analysis and natural language processing.
Create 'Formattable' Data Structures
Provides functions to create formattable vectors and data frames. 'Formattable' vectors are printed with text formatting, and formattable data frames are printed with multiple types of formatting in HTML to improve the readability of data presented in tabular form rendered in web pages.
Unified Multiple Testing Procedures
Designed to ease the application and comparison of multiple hypothesis testing procedures for FWER, gFWER, FDR and FDX. Methods are standardized and usable by the accompanying 'mutossGUI'.
Abstractions for Promise-Based Asynchronous Programming
Provides fundamental abstractions for doing asynchronous programming in R using promises. Asynchronous programming is useful for allowing a single R process to orchestrate multiple tasks in the background while also attending to something else. Semantics are similar to 'JavaScript' promises, but with a syntax that is idiomatic R.