Examples: visualization, C++, networks, data cleaning, html widgets, ropensci.

Found 946 packages in 0.19 seconds

ohun — by Marcelo Araya-Salas, 7 months ago

Optimizing Acoustic Signal Detection

Facilitates the automatic detection of acoustic signals, providing functions to diagnose and optimize the performance of detection routines. Detections from other software can also be explored and optimized. This package has been peer-reviewed by rOpenSci. Araya-Salas et al. (2022) .

univOutl — by Marcello D'Orazio, 3 years ago

Detection of Univariate Outliers

Well known outlier detection techniques in the univariate case. Methods to deal with skewed distribution are included too. The Hidiroglou-Berthelot (1986) method to search for outliers in ratios of historical data is implemented as well. When available, survey weights can be used in outliers detection.

link — by Romain François, a year ago

Hyperlink Automatic Detection

Automatic detection of hyperlinks for packages and calls in the text of 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' documents.

secr — by Murray Efford, a month ago

Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture

Functions to estimate the density and size of a spatially distributed animal population sampled with an array of passive detectors, such as traps, or by searching polygons or transects. Models incorporating distance-dependent detection are fitted by maximizing the likelihood. Tools are included for data manipulation and model selection.

PhViD — by Ismaïl Ahmed, 8 years ago

PharmacoVigilance Signal Detection

A collection of several pharmacovigilance signal detection methods extended to the multiple comparison setting.

bwd — by Seung Jun Shin, 6 years ago

Backward Procedure for Change-Point Detection

Implements a backward procedure for single and multiple change point detection proposed by Shin et al. . The backward approach is particularly useful to detect short and sparse signals which is common in copy number variation (CNV) detection.

mfaces — by Cai Li, 3 years ago

Fast Covariance Estimation for Multivariate Sparse Functional Data

Multivariate functional principal component analysis via fast covariance estimation for multivariate sparse functional data or longitudinal data proposed by Li, Xiao, and Luo (2020) .

QHOT — by ManHsia Yang, 6 years ago

QTL Hotspot Detection

This function produces both the numerical and graphical summaries of the QTL hotspot detection in the genomes that are available on the worldwide web including the flanking markers of QTLs.

changepoint.geo — by Rebecca Killick, a year ago

Geometrically Inspired Multivariate Changepoint Detection

Implements the high-dimensional changepoint detection method GeomCP and the related mappings used for changepoint detection. These methods view the changepoint problem from a geometrical viewpoint and aim to extract relevant geometrical features in order to detect changepoints. The geomcp() function should be your first point of call. References: Grundy et al. (2020) .

NMAoutlier — by Maria Petropoulou, 25 days ago

Detecting Outliers in Network Meta-Analysis

A set of functions providing several outlier (i.e., studies with extreme findings) and influential detection measures and methodologies in network meta-analysis : - simple outlier and influential detection measures - outlier and influential detection measures by considering study deletion (shift the mean) - plots for outlier and influential detection measures - Q-Q plot for network meta-analysis - Forward Search algorithm in network meta-analysis. - forward plots to monitor statistics in each step of the forward search algorithm - forward plots for summary estimates and their confidence intervals in each step of forward search algorithm.